Crossout Update 2.52 Patch Notes (Enemy of My Enemy) – Sep 23, 2021

Crossout update 2.52 (Enemy of My Enemy update) is now rolling out for PS4, Xbox One(1.0.109), and PC (0.13.0). According to the official Crossout 2.52 patch notes, the latest update new event, map changes, a new mode, and improvements. Apart from this, the latest Crossout version 2.52 also includes stability improvements.

Previously, a big Slaughter update added a new PvP team brawl with the mechanics of points accumulation from the “Crossout day” event.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Crossout patch 2.52 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Crossout 2.52 patch notes – September 23, 2021

Attention! The event will last until November 21 inclusive!

  • There are 49 levels with unique rewards in the event. Leveling up in the event will unlock new rewards.
  • If the player has a Battle Pass, 20 in-game coins are rewarded for levels from 50 and above.
  • All players without exception (both with and without a paid Battle Pass) can access:
    • New structural parts.
    • One-time recipes for crafting the parts of the season and parts from season 1 “Return of the Founders” (you can find and use the one-time recipe you received in the “Resources” tab in your storage).
    • Recipes for crafting the standard and upgraded versions of the new weapons and equipment. ATTENTION! These recipes will only be available temporarily during the current season. Once it is completed, the permanent part recipes will be unavailable.
    • A banner logo that displays your current level in the event.
    • Blueprint storages.
  • Players who have purchased a Battle Pass may receive the following additional rewards:
    • Parts that have been crafted before. Please note that such parts are already issued with certain upgrades and cannot be sold/bought on the market.
    • In-game coins.
    • Cosmetic items: paints, stickers, decor, backgrounds and logos for personalizing the banner, holograms.
    • New attraction for the range.
    • Storage expansions.
    • Upgrade stabilizers.
  • Rewards marked with a lock icon are only available in the Battle Pass.
  • All locked parts (except for structural parts) can be purchased on the in-game market from other players.
  • Structural parts can be unlocked some time after the event.

Important changes

With this season, the rules for the production of new parts, that are included in this season, are changing. Now:

  • During the season, all new parts (including their fused versions) can be crafted in unlimited quantities (permanent recipes will be available).
  • As new levels of the season are gained, all players will discover and receive additional one-time recipes for the production of new parts and parts from season 1 “Return of the Founders”. During the season, you can get several one-time recipes for each new part at once.
  • Once the season is over, permanent recipes will become unavailable, but you will still have one-time recipes. One-time recipes can be used whenever you want.
  • One-time recipes are added to the storage (“Resources” tab) and do not take up storage space.
  • Even if you didn’t have enough time (or didn’t have the opportunity) to craft a certain part during the season, you will be able to craft it thanks to one-time recipes.

Comment: After the end of the season, new parts cannot be crafted in unlimited quantities, and this will increase their value and rarity. You will be able to track the moment when the demand and price for this part in the market will be high, craft it using a one-time recipe and sell it as profitably as possible for yourself. Or you can craft this part to use it on your armoured car at any time — it’s always up to you.

Event Level Up

  • You can increase your level in the event by completing special challenges:
    • Daily challenges
    • Challenges completed during the week (weekly). Updated on Thursdays.
  • At the end of the day, all uncompleted daily challenges are reset and replaced with new ones.
  • Every Thursday, after the list of challenges is updated, all uncompleted weekly challenges are carried over to the next week.
  • Weekly challenges of the season are divided into “main” and “additional” groups. At one time, 4 “main” and 2 “additional” tasks are issued.
  • Please note that it is possible to get the maximum level in the event by completing only daily and “main” challenges. Completing “additional” challenges will help you increase your level even faster.
  • Try not to miss challenges to open all available rewards as soon as possible.
  • When the event level is increased, the reward is issued automatically.
  • You can still complete regular daily and weekly challenges, save badges and other resources.

New parts

Nailgun “Argument”

  • Rarity: epic.
  • PS: 1100.
  • Durability: 183 pts.
  • Energy drain: 4 pts.
  • Mass: 240 kg.
  • Perk: Hitting an enemy reduces the reload time until the next shot by 30%. Also, each hit reduces the time to fully charge the “Argument” by 5% up to 4 times.

Laser drill “Destructor”

  • Rarity: legendary.
  • PS: 1600.
  • Durability: 327 pts.
  • Energy drain: 4 pts.
  • Mass: 540 kg.
  • Perk: If the beam hits an enemy entirely, at the end of the shot it additionally heats up the parts and deals more damage by 800%.

Shotgun “Parser”

  • Rarity: legendary.
  • PS: 1600.
  • Durability: 320 pts.
  • Energy drain: 4 pts.
  • Mass: 260 kg.
  • Perk: The damage of the next shot is increased by 3% for each shell that hits the enemy.

Generator “Bootstrap”

  • Rarity: epic.
  • PS: 870.
  • Adds energy: 3 pts.
  • Durability: 223 pts.
  • Mass: 840 kg.

Structural parts

New mode “Operation Ashen Ring”

Attention! The mode will be available until October 24 inclusive!

“Operation Ashen Ring” is a special PvE-battle. Just as in “Operation Gozu”, you can test your team skills as well as earn resources and commemorative rewards.

  • Minimum required Power Score: 4000.
  • The battle takes place on the “Ashen ring” map.
  • You need to get to the mobile command post and protect it from waves of enemies.
  • For more reliable defense, you can build special machine gun and cannon turrets using the parts that you get for destroying enemies.
  • Turrets can also be repaired and upgraded with the parts left over from opponents.
  • In total, you have to hold against 3 enemy waves. At the end of each wave, you will need to destroy the ringleader.
  • As you hold your defence, you will have access to special additional tasks to collect and deliver cargo to the MCP. Completing each such task not only reinforces the enemies, but also earns you more points.

Challenges and rewards

You have 3 challenges that can only be completed in the new mode. You will receive a reward for completing each challenge:

  • Destroy 50 red eyes of the Ravagers. Reward: 2 stickers “Matrix”.
  • In 10 battles, deliver at least one cargo to the base. Reward: unique decor sign “No to Ravagers”.
  • Install or upgrade the turret 40 times in the “Operation Ashen Ring” mode. Reward: dummy target “Founders Trophy” for your range.
  • In addition to special rewards, you also receive plastic for each battle. The amount of plastic received depends on the way you play: the amount of cargo delivered to the MCP and, accordingly, the difficulty of the enemies, the number of enemies destroyed, the amount of installed and upgraded turrets, etc.


  • Updated the appearance of the in-game store.
  • Improved the interaction with armoured vehicle blueprints:

  • Now, if the current vehicle was changed in the build mode and then the mode was closed, you can return to the vehicle’s original state. To do this, open the list of blueprints and use the “Previous assembly” or “Next assembly” buttons located to the left and right of the vehicle.
  • It works the same way for switching between vehicles that have been assembled using auto-assembly or from saved blueprints: you can switch between those build variants that have been assembled.
  • Information about the builds is stored until you exit the game.
  • Improved the scrolling through the list of saved blueprints:
    • Now the list of saved blueprints is divided into pages.
    • Each page displays 6 blueprints.
    • You can switch between pages using special buttons or by scrolling.
  • Now the range parameter for the “Trigger” laser drill is displayed correctly.


  • Added a new music track for the garage for the “Enemy of my enemy” season.
  • Added a number of sound effects on the “East Quarter” and “Sinto City” maps.
  • Improved the balance of sounds, and corrected excessively loud sound effects of large weapons and explosions.
  • Added the sound effect of applying a sticker on a vehicle part.


  • Redesigned the mechanics of aim assistance.
    • Now it’s impossible to set various parameters manually. In return, you are offered 2 variants of this option, which will not have as much impact on the battles, with and without it, as it did before:
      • Standard: default aiming assistance settings suitable for most players.
      • Precise: Aim assist settings for advanced players who prefer to have more control over the game.
    • Improved targeting and preemptive tracking when using aiming assistance. Now the enemy’s armored vehicle, which was momentarily caught in the crosshairs during a battle with another enemy, does not interfere with the targeting.
  • Now the “Tempura” weapon is counted in the progress of obtaining the “Melee Weapon Mastery 3” patch.
  • The visual appearance of the “Porcupine” minelayer has been updated.
  • Improved the visual appearance of the Tesla emitter “Flash I”.
  • Improved the model of the “Meat Grinder” auger.
  • Improved the appearance of the recharge boosters “KA-1 Discharger” and “KA-2 Flywheel”.
  • The appearance of the decor “Headlights set” and “Headlights” has been updated.
  • A series of tutorial missions was improved.
  • Now, when viewing the paint for the range, it’s displayed not on the player’s car, but on the construction cube.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a number of bugs related to environmental objects:
    • in the garage of the Assault Force;
    • in the Engineers garage;
    • on the “Crater” map;
    • on the “Wrath of Khan” map;
    • on the “Sandy gulf” map;
    • on the “Control-17 station” map;
    • on the “Industrial track” map
  • Fixed a bug where centering a vehicle in the garage or frequent centering of the camera would cause the object textures to “blink”.
  • Improved a number of texts, descriptions and icons.

Download free Crossout update 2.52 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.