Crossout PS4 Update 2.78 Patch Notes (Knight mayhem)

Crossout PS4 update 2.78 (0.13.60) is now available to download. According to the official Crossout 2.78 patch notes, the latest update added new Kight Mayhem event to the game. Apart from this, Crossout version 2.78 also includes a long list of bug fixes.

Previously, a big update added a new mode “Arena”, a new season and battle pass, a new relic weapon, as well as a number of other important changes and fixes.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Crossout patch 2.78 will fix a few of these issues.

Crossout 2.78 Patch Notes – April 21, 2022

Key features of the event:

  • Battles are held on the following maps:
    • “Tank range”;
    • “River lighthouse”;
    • “Fortress”.
  • Survivors will use pre-built armoured vehicles in the “8 vs 8” format.
  • At the beginning of each battle, you can choose the desired armoured car:
    • A choice of 5 blueprints with different weapons and, accordingly, roles.
    • The same blueprint can be selected at the same time by no more than 3 players.
    • If you do not have time to choose a car in the allotted time, the blueprint is randomly selected.
  • The mode has respawns. Before the respawn, you need to choose one of the 5 cars on which you want to continue the battle. If you do not have time to change the car in the allotted time, you will automatically be given the same armoured car as before
  • The goal of the battle is to fill the point scale before the opposing team. You can also win by scoring more points before the time runs out. Points are awarded for the destruction of opponents.
    • A team is awarded a win if it scores 50 points and outscores the opponent’s team by at least 5 points.
    • A team is awarded a win if it outscores the opponent’s team by 5 points after the game timer expires.
    • If one of the teams scores 50 points, but the gap between the teams is no more than 5 points, the teams are given an additional 3 minutes to score the maximum possible amount of points before the allotted time expires or before any of the teams scores 75 points.
    • After the additional time expires, the victory is awarded to the team, that scored the most amount of points.
    • If both teams have equal points after the allotted time expires, a draw is declared.
  • The number of points for each destruction increases, depending on the number of bases that your team controls:
    • No bases: 1 point for destruction.
    • 1 base: 2 points for destruction.
    • 2 bases: 3 points for destruction.
    • 3 bases: 4 points for destruction.

Points scoring:

  • The rating points earned by a player affect his place in the rating leaderboard and belonging to one of the leagues.
  • Points are awarded at the end of the battle.
  • In addition, all participants in the battle, depending on their contribution, receive reputation points and scrap metal at the end of each battle.
  • In order to ensure fair play and advancement on the leaderboard, a limit on the maximum number of rating points that can be obtained in one battle has been introduced.
  • To enter a rating battle, a player uses a certain number of rating points. The entry fee depends on the player’s current league.
    • Rust: 0 points.
    • Iron: 8 points.
    • Steel: 12 points.
    • Bronze: 14 points.
    • Silver: 16 points.
    • Gold: 17 points.
    • Legend: 17 points.
  • Each ranked league, except for “Legend” is considered safe. This means that you will no longer be able to drop into the league below, even if you face a series of defeats. If you reach the minimum points in the current league, points for entering the battle will not be deducted and you will not go down to the previous league.
  • If you lose, you do not lose rating points, except for those that you spent on entering the battle.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where in some cases all game sounds could disappear.
  • Fixed issues where some cameras in the “Adventure” mode were indestructible.
  • Improved the environment objects in the Colosseum on the “Blood rocks” map.
  • Improved collision models for train cars on the “Powerplant” map.
  • Fixed a bug where vehicles could get stuck in pillars on the “Naukograd” map.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could stay in their spawn points:
  • in the “Steel cradle” raid on the map “Factory”;
  • in the “War for Fire” raid on the map “Ship Graveyard”.
  • Improved the model of the cliff on the “Factory” map. Now it’s impossible to climb it.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some cases, the projectiles of “Ripper” could disappear.
  • Fixed the placement of the “Phantom gaze” hologram cap on some wheels.
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect work for “Kapkan” that adds +9% to its active time.
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect visual effects of the “Jormungandr” shotgun’s perk.
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect spawn points on the “Terminal-45” map in the “Bedlam” mode.
  • Fixed the location of the turret on the “Founders canyon” map in the “Data theft” raid.
  • The “Sword of Damocles” hologram is no longer activated when the “Activate all” button is pressed.
  • Fixed a bug where the recoil of “CC-18 Typhoon” cannons could cause vehicles to fall through some maps.
  • Fixed numerical display of progress for some patches.
  • Improved a number of in-game texts.

Download free Crossout update 2.78 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.