Crossout PS4 Update 2.73 Patch Notes (New Event & Fixes)

Crossout PS4 update 2.73 (0.13.50) is now available to download. According to the official Crossout 2.73 patch notes, the latest update added the Dronapocalypse event, bug fixes, and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Crossout version 2.73 also includes performance improvements.

Previously, a big update added a new mode “Arena”, a new season and battle pass, a new relic weapon, as well as a number of other important changes and fixes.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Crossout patch 2.73 will fix a few of these issues.

Crossout Version 2.73 Patch Notes – March 24, 2022

Dronapocalypse Event

The main features of the brawl:

  • The battle takes place in the format “8 vs 8”.
  • The team that defeats the enemy Leviathan wins the battle. If at the end of the allotted time, no team destroyed the enemy Leviathan, then the one whose leviathan has more durability remaining wins. If at the end of the battle both Leviathans have the same amount of durability, then the battle ends in a draw.
  • Survivors use pre-assembled drones in this brawl.
  • This year we have upgraded the leviathans and added drones with new weapons.
  • At the start of each battle, you are automatically given a drone with random weapons.
  • From battle to battle, the leviathans of your or enemy teams may change.
  • The mode has respawns. Before each respawn, you need to choose one of the 5 drones to continue the battle. The shown blueprints are randomly selected. If you fail to select a drone in the allotted time, you will automatically be given one of the five picks.
  • Choose a drone wisely and take into account the current situation on the battlefield. The right choice will help you not only to destroy the enemy leviathan faster, but also to buy more time by controlling your opponents and defending your leviathan.
  • This year, battles will take place not only at the “El Diablo Gorge” location, but also on the “Arena” maps:
    • Defence line;
    • Power center.

Special challenges and rewards

  • During the event, a special challenge will be available to you every day. You will receive a container with rewards for completing this challenge.
  • The reward from the container is issued randomly.
  • Among the rewards there are several items from past April 1 events, as well as brand new ones:
    • Sticker “Smiley face”;
    • Sticker “April fish”;
    • “Comedians horn”;
    • Hologram “Laughter”;
    • Paint “Farce”.

In-game Easter event

This year we are once again planning to launch an event dedicated to Easter.

  • Will it be possible to get all the rewards for the “Easter rabbit” medal? Of course!
  • Will there be anything else for those who already managed to get all the rewards last year? You will know the answer closer to the start of the event.


  • The physical models of rocks on the following maps were optimized and improved:
    • “Sandy gulf”;
    • “Founders Canyon”;
    • “Dead Highway”;
    • “Wrath of Khan”;
    • “Broken Arrow”;
    • “Rocky track”;
    • “Cursed mines”;
    • “Blood Rocks”;
    • “Ship graveyard”;
    • “Rock City”;
    • “Desert valley”;
    • “Lost coast”.
  • The amount of places where a player’s car could potentially get stuck in the environment objects has been reduced. Environmental objects have been improved on the following maps:
    • “Ravagers foothold”;
    • “Terminal-45”;
    • “Desert valley”.


Cabin “Ghost”

  • The front protruding part was levelled and equipped with welding points.
  • Added additional welding points on the fenders, hood and sides of the cabin.
  • Updated the appearance of the cabin.


Added new frames:

  • The frame 2*8. 6 pcs. can be obtained for increasing the reputation level with the Engineers faction. If you have already reached the required levels, the frames will automatically appear in your storage.
  • Lightweight frame 2*8. 4 pcs. can be obtained for raising the reputation level with the Lunatics faction. If you have already reached the required levels, the frames will automatically appear in your storage.

Passive melee weapons

A number of physical models for certain melee weapons were improved. Now the sharpness of the angles of the physical models is not as sharp as it was before.

Most of these changes will affect the so-called “wedges” — the vehicles, the design features of which allow you to easily pick the enemy up, depriving him of the ability to move around. Now it should be more difficult to pull off such actions on the battlefield.

List of the parts that have been improved:

  • “Twin BladeWing”
  • “Hatchet”;
  • “Incisor”;
  • “Right flail” and “Left flail”;
  • “Pole-position”;
  • “Small plow”;
  • “The Omen”.

Physical models of weapons

Many of you already know that the physical models of certain weapons in the game may not correspond to their visual models and, as a result:

  • weapons with too big physical models inevitably receive more damage in battle, and the ability to cover them with armor can be severely limited.
  • on the contrary, the weapons with physical models that are too small are too easily covered with other parts; they are more difficult to hit with a targeted shot or hit with a blast wave. Many players rightly pointed out that this gives an unfair advantage when assembling cars and in battles, and we agree with them.

We have refined the physical models of a number of weapons, and now they correspond to their visual models. The full list of changed weapons:

  • AC43 Rapier
  • AC50 Storm
  • AC72 Whirlwind
  • Whirl
  • Cyclone
  • Vector
  • Sinus-0
  • Spectre-2
  • Aspect
  • Punisher
  • Synthesis
  • Prometheus
  • Helios
  • MG13 Equalizer
  • MG14 Arbiter
  • Reaper
  • Aurora
  • Blockchain
  • Breaker
  • M-37 Piercer
  • M-38 Fidget
  • M-39 Imp

We’ve taken your concerns about the effectiveness and survivability of “MG14 Arbiter” into account. Its durability will be increased from 186 to 218 pts.

Changes for structural parts and cabins

Structural parts

We have changed the parameters of common structural parts: we have reduced the PS and increased the durability of heavier parts. These changes will affect all armoured vehicles, but, according to our calculations, the heavy cabins will receive the biggest benefit from this. Now heavy assemblies that use these cabins as their base will be able to become significantly more durable, fully realizing their weight limit and tonnage. It’s important to note that you don’t have to remove parts in order to reduce the PS of the entire build.


As for the cabins, it’s no secret that now most battles happen rather quickly, and players prefer to fight in close combat with appropriate weapons. We believe that one of the reasons for this behavior is the overstated maximum speed of many cabins.

The main purpose of these changes is to diversify the cabins in terms of maximum speed. This mostly concerns the medium cabins. Now their speed is not close to the one of lightweight cabins as it used to be. The speed of lightweight cabins and some heavy cabins has also been slightly adjusted (in km/h):

  • Sprinter: from 90 to 80;
  • Thug: from 75 to 70;
  • Huntsman: from 75 to 70;
  • Growl: from 100 to 95;
  • Hot Rod: from 85 to 80;
  • Bear: from 75 to 70;
  • Fury: from 80 to 75;
  • Jockey: from 75 to 70;
  • Bat: from 100 to 95;
  • Aggressor: from 105 to 100;
  • Quantum: from 90 to 80;
  • Photon: from 80 to 70;
  • Cerberus: from 100 to 95;
  • Werewolf: from 100 to 95;
  • Harpy: from 100 to 95;
  • Omnibox: from 70 to 68;
  • Deadman: from 100 to 95;
  • Jannabi: from 100 to 95;
  • Tusk: from 100 to 95;
  • Ghost: from 80 to 76;
  • Steppe spider: from 60 to 65;
  • Torrero: from 100 to 90;
  • Favorite: from 90 to 80;
  • Echo: from 70 to 65;
  • The Call: from 85 to 77;
  • Blight: from 100 to 95;
  • Howl: from 90 to 80;
  • Cockpit: from 105 to 100;
  • Dusk: from 100 to 95;
  • Beholder: from 85 to 80;
  • Hadron: from 80 to 73;
  • Nova: from 75 to 70;
  • Griffon: from 100 to 95.

Other changes to cabins:

  • The time before the automatic car jack is activated decreased from 20 to 15 sec. for all cabins.
  • Torrero: now the cabin increases the accuracy of mounted weapons by 30% (instead of 20% earlier).
  • Ghost: now every second in invisibility mode will increase damage by 4% (instead of 2.5% earlier), the bonus can stack up to 20%. After exiting invisibility mode, the bonus will be reset in 6 seconds (instead of 5 seconds earlier).

Hover “Icarus VII”

Maximum speed reduced from 80 to 75 km/h.

Built-in scopes

  • All cabins in the game receive a built-in scope of small magnification. It brings the camera a little closer to the target and lowers the viewpoint, which can be useful when shooting at medium range.
  • You can activate the scope with the default key or reconfigure it in your device’s layout settings (gamepad or keyboard). It is no longer necessary to assign a separate group of weapons for a scope.
  • The existing scope-modules will now enhance the built-in cabin scope. This means that the module itself will now increase the magnification of the standard scope zoom (in the case of “TS-1 Horizon”) and will highlight the vulnerable parts of the enemy’s armoured vehicle (in the case of “Neutrino”).

Along with the built-in scopes, we reviewed some of the features of the module scopes:

  • Now they don’t drain any energy. Only 1 scope-module can be mounted on an armoured car. Each scope-module transfers the viewpoint into itself.
  • The parameters of the “TS-1 Horizon” have been changed:
    • Durability increased from 36 pts. to 118 pts.
    • Mass increased from 36 kg to 90 kg.
    • The scope now has a second zoom mode (with minor magnification).
  • The parameters of the “Neutrino” scope have been changed:
    • Durability increased from 72 pts. to 135 pts.
    • Mass increased from 40 kg to 90 kg.
  • Now the scopes do not increase the enemy detection range (they don’t perform the function of a radar). Now “Neutrino” will show the explosive parts of the enemy’s armored vehicle only if the enemy is detected by the cabin’s radar, module radar or by an ally.

Added new settings to the “Interface” section:

  • “Scope activation”: allows you to choose how the scope will be activated:
    • “By pressing” — the scope is switched on and off by separate button presses.
    • “By holding” — the scope is switched on when the corresponding key is pressed and held, and is switched off when the key is not pressed.
  • “Activating the scope by the mouse wheel”: the ability to switch on and change the scope’s magnification by using the mouse wheel. Works only if the scope is activated “By pressing”.
  • “Change the magnification by pressing the button twice”: if this option is active, you can immediately turn on the scopes second magnification mode by pressing the corresponding key.


Now you can apply up to 24 stickers to the armoured car.


  • Added an in-game notification center.
    • Now all in-game notifications are located in a special section in the upper right corner of your garage screen (to the left of the daily challenges section button).
    • Various notifications will be compiled here: the results of battles played and rewards received, tasks completed, a reputation or current season’s level increase, completion of parts production, etc.
    • The received rewards will be displayed in the window in the order in which they were received.
    • The window displays only notifications for the current game session.
    • Clicking on some events will take you to the target window. For example: clicking on the notification of the battle results takes you to the battle history.
    • You can also access the context menu if you use the “More” key on the icons of the received parts.
  • Due to numerous requests from players, the keyboard shortcuts for switching between the menu tabs were disabled.
  • Improved the layout of certain windows.


  • Improved the reverberation effect on the “Sector EX” map.
  • Fixed incorrect sound effects that could be heard by players near the car with the “Machinist” cabin.
  • Fixed bugs related to the sound of the “Quantum” cabin’s engine.
  • Improved the hitting sounds of the “Retcher” grenade launcher’s projectiles.
  • Added sound effects for “KA-1 Discharger” and “KA-2 Flywheel”.


  • Improved painting masks for the following parts:
    • “Step rail”;
    • “Tray”;
    • “Left armrest” and “Right armrest”;
    • “Left shoulder rest” and “Right shoulder rest”;
    • “Puncher”.
  • A number of improvements have been made to the parts “KA-1 Discharger” and “KA-2 Flywheel”:
    • Added low durability effect.
    • Improved the module’s animation.
  • Optimized the textures of clouds.
  • Improved the appearance of armoured cars during their preview.

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed an issue with the incorrect location of combustion effect for the cabins:
    • “Hot Rod”;
    • “Tusk”;
    • “Werewolf”;
    • “Favorite”;
    • “Pilgrim” with the “T-Rex” CK.
  • Addressed an issue with incorrect display of the “Beholder” cabin at certain camera positions.
  • Addressed an issue where the “Trombone” rockets did not heat the enemy car if the driver who launched the rocket was destroyed during their flight.
  • Fixed bugs with the “Vortex” CK for the “Caucasus” weapon:
    • a bug with a quick effect of the weapon’s disappearance after its destruction;
    • a bug with incorrect location of the shot effect on the model.
  • The paints and stickers are now correctly applied to the “Left offroader corner” “Right offroader corner”.
  • Addressed an issue where pressing the “Cancel” key in the settings window did not reset the settings to their previous values.
  • Addressed an issue where the leader could appear twice in the “Last convoy” raid.
  • Addressed an issue with the twitching behavior of the scope when using guiding rockets in the test drive mode.
  • Addressed an issue with overlapping tile textures on the “Sinto city” map.
  • Improved a number of in-game texts.

Download free Crossout update 2.70 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.