Crossout PS4 Update 2.66 Patch Notes (Raven’s path) – January 20, 2022

Crossout PS4 update 2.66 (Raven’s Path Update) is now available to download. According to the official Crossout 2.66 patch notes, the latest update added a new event and various balancing changes. Apart from this, Crossout version 2.66 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a big update added a special New Year PvE operation, several brawls for the New Year holidays at once, traditional New Year’s garages, and a number of important balance changes.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Crossout patch 2.66 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

What is new in Crossout Update Today? – January 20, 2022

Raven’s path

Earn talers and craft the exclusive parts of Ravens and Knechte!

Attention! The event will last until February 9 inclusive!

Special mission “Raven’s path”!
  • The mission counts towards the progress of daily challenges.
  • For taking part in the mission, the player receives a special temporary resource: talers.

These hexagonal coins, talers, are left from the knechte. Ravens defeated the Knechte in a fierce battle, but preserved their legacy. And so talers still remain a running currency.

  • Active “Premium subscription” increases the number of talers received as a result of the battle.
  • Talers can also be obtained on a special “Raven Pavilion” workbench by exchanging coupons or engraved casings for this temporary resource.
  • Talers can not be sold or purchased through the in-game market.
  • After the end of the “Raven’s Path” event, all unused talers will be withdrawn from the option to exchange them for any other resources.
  • Talers, as well as a certain amount of resources and parts, can be exchanged for items from a special temporary workbench, “Raven Pavilion”.
Temporary workbench “Raven Pavilion”

This workbench features a lot of parts and cosmetic items that are exclusive for Ravens and Knechte and that cannot be produced after the event is over.


  • Special revolver “Emily”.
  • Special shotgun “Leech”.
  • Small caliber cannon “Median”.
  • Epic crossbow “Spike-1”.
  • Epic revolver “Corvo”.
  • Epic shotgun “Arothron”.
  • Legendary crossbow “Toadfish”.


  • Rare detonation module “Rift 2M”.
  • Rare coupling module “Contact 2M”.
  • Plasma emitter amplifier “Power unit”.
  • Epic defence module “Argus”.

Movement parts

  • “Gun-mount wheels” and “Gun-mount wheels ST”.


In addition, you will also be able to manufacture the upgraded versions of all parts mentioned above (except for the “Rift 2M” and “Contact 2M”), as well as upgraded versions of the following relic weapons:

  • “Porcupine”.
  • “Punisher”.
  • “Flash I”.
  • “Breaker”.
  • “ZS-52 Mastodon”.
  • “CC-18 Typhoon”.

Cosmetic items

  • Decor: “Armored skull”, “Bludgeon” and “Martin’s helmet”.
  • Horn “Huntsman’s horn”.
  • Hologram “Wingbeat”.
  • Paint: “Teutonic cross”, “Teutonic ribbon”, “Teutonic eagle”, “Burnished steel”, “Heraldic lily”, “Material: Plate Steel” and “Damascus Steel”.
  • Various stickers of the Knechte and Ravens.


During the event, it is possible to receive the “Treasurer” medal:

  • For the 1st level of the medal you receive a unique banner logo.
  • For the 2nd level of the medal you receive a unique portrait “Stevo”.


Shotgun “Spitfire”

  • Optimal range reduced from 40 to 30 m.

Developer Comment:being a close-range weapon, “Spitfire” is currently too efficient at long distances. The change will preserve the effectiveness of the shotgun at close range, but will also allow other weapons to efficiently fight against it at a distance.

Small caliber cannon “Median”

  • Damage increased by 7%.

Developer Comment:according to the statistics, the cannon needed a slight increase in damage to be able to destroy more important parts on enemy armoured vehicles with precise shots.

Cannon “Prosecutor 76mm”

  • Blast damage increased by 6%.

Rocket launcher “Nest”

  • Blast damage increased by 25%.

Developer Comment:both “Nest” and “Prosecutor” lacked the increase in their blast damage, which affected their effectiveness in combat. The “Prosecutor” required a minor increase, while “Nest” required more radical changes.

Grenade launcher “Thresher”

  • Now the spread from each shot is lower by 15%.

Developer Comment:when using the grenade launcher’s perk, the players often noted that the weapon didn’t have a sufficient accuracy in order to use the perk consistently. This change will help them use the bonus more efficiently and deal more damage.

Grenade launcher “AGS-55 Impulse”

  • Projectile speed increased by 33%.

Developer Comment:this change will make it easier to engage in medium-range combat and to shoot at moving targets.

Rocket launcher “Yokai”

  • The bonus to blast damage from the weapon’s perk increased from 40% to 50%.

Developer Comment:“Yokai” is an uncommon weapon, whose efficiency depends largely on the use of its perk. We are increasing the bonus to its blast damage so that proper use of the rocket launcher becomes more beneficial for players.

Shotgun “Gremlin”

  • The duration of the bonus received from the perk increased from 5 to 8 sec.

Developer Comment:previously, it was quite difficult to use the weapon’s perk right after ramming the target. The increase of its duration will allow you to do more damage or have time to correct the position of the vehicle for subsequent firing.

Shotgun “Fafnir”

  • Damage increased by 5%.
  • Now the perk bonus reduces the spread up to 40% (instead of 30% earlier).

Developer Comment:“Fafnir”, compared to other epic shotguns, showed insufficient efficiency. A slight increase in damage and increased accuracy received from its perk will allow you to quickly shoot off weapons and other important parts from the enemy vehicle.

Autocannon “Cyclone”

  • Durability increased from 535 to 661 pts.
  • Mass increased from 510 to 729 kg.

Developer Comment:“Cyclone” has received an increase in durability and is now ready for more aggressive gameplay. Separately, we would like to note that a single shot fired from two “Scorpions” will no longer destroy the autocannon.

Autocannon “AC80 Stillwind”

  • Blast damage increased by 9%.

Developer Comment:we took into account your reports about the insufficient damage of “Stillwind”, evaluated the statistics after the 0.13.30 update, and now we are slightly increasing this parameter.

Crossbow “Toadfish”

  • Now the delay between shots is shorter by 30%.

Developer Comment:another change aimed at improving the usability and making the use of the weapon’s perk more efficiently.

Rocket launcher “Waltz”

  • Time to charge the shot reduced from 1 to 0.66 sec.
  • Durability increased from 209 to 259 pts.

Developer Comment:The boost of charging the shot will increase the rocket launcher’s usability and its DPS (damage per second), while the additional durability will increase its survivability in battles.

Shotgun “Hammerfall”

  • Reduced the physical model of the shotgun.

Developer Comment:previously, the shotgun had an increased physical model that did not match the visual model. Now it will be more difficult to hit it, which will have a positive effect on its survivability. And the ability to cover it with more armour will also be a pleasant bonus.

Shotgun “Parser”

  • Reload time increased from 2 to 2.8 sec.
  • Time to fully charge the shot increased from 1 to 1.5 sec.
  • Time to hold the full charge before the shot reduced from 2 to 1.5 sec.

Developer Comment:the shotgun still shows an overestimated efficiency. The changes should reduce its too high DPS (damage per second) parameter, which is especially noticeable when firing in charged mode.


  • Now to confirm the salvaging of an item into resources, you must hold down the key for a certain amount of time.
  • Improved gamepad button icons:
    • increased the size of the text;
    • improved the text readability.


  • Improved the visual effects of the CK “Theseus”.
  • Added the effect of the “Yokai” rocket launcher’s projectile hitting the dirt.
  • Improved the welding points of the part “T-pipe”.

What is fixed Crossout Update 2.66 Patch Notes?

  • Fixed a bug that caused bases to be captured too quickly on the “Fortress” map in the “Control” mode.
  • Improved a number of in-game texts.

Download free Crossout update 2.66 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.