Core Keeper Update 0.6.1 Patch Notes – June 14, 2023

Core Keeper update 0.6.1 is available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Core Keeper 0.6.1 patch notes, the latest update resolves various gameplay issues. Apart from this, Core Keeper patch 0.6.1 also includes general stability and performance improvements.

Recently, a major Core Keeper update added new NPCs, new Mechanics, new items, and much more. Unfortunately, players have been experiencing issues with the game since the last patch.

Today’s Core Keeper update 0.6.1 will fix a few of these issues.

Core Keeper Patch 0.6.1 Notes – June 14, 2023


  • Changed how cooked food is stored in the save files. Existing save files will get converted when they are loaded for the first time. After this point, they will not be compatible with previous game versions.
  • Several performance improvements for the water spreading system. In particular, this should in significantly reduced load times for worlds where large sections of the Sunken Sea biome have been explored.
  • Cattle are no longer affected by aura effects such as Malugaz burning set bonus, and summoned creatures like the Ghost Scholar Caveling from Phantom Spark will no longer attack Cattle.
  • Update README for dedicated server with missing information since previous updates.
  • Dedicated server will now parse human readable values as well as the corresponding integer values for setting world mode and season. So, instead of setting -season 1 or -worldmode 1, you can use -season Easter and -worldmode Hard as well.
  • Trying to load save files created using a recent game version into earlier, incompatible game versions will now result in an error message prompting the player to install the new update.
  • The maximum object ID for ingredients used in cooked food has been increased from 10,000 to 65,535. In particular, it now supports the 32,768–65,535 range that is reserved for items added by mods.
  • Enemies that spawn in groups chasing down players will no longer destroy objects in their paths while chasing down the player.
  • Fixed translation issues in descriptions for certain weapons and pets.
  • Procedural generation of new terrain is now spread over multiple frames. This, together with some other performance improvements, should significantly reduce stuttering when exploring new parts of the world.
  • Upgrade Sentry SDK version to 1.2.0. Used for error and crash reporting.
  • Avoid calling a Steam function which could cause severe lag spikes for some players.
  • Game will avoid spamming log messages because of unknown objects.
  • Allow extending the version string used for detecting version mismatch with the launch option -versionsuffix followed by the suffix to use.
  • Enemies that accidentally end up on a tile they can’t stand on are now removed after a short delay.

Bug Fixes:

  • Creatures like cattle, critters and enemies should no longer escape through fences and other blocking objects.
  • Fixed an issue where murals that could be opened would sometimes block the player from digging and placing ground blocks around the mural when it shouldn’t.
  • Fixed an issue with pets being able to damage cattle.
  • Larvas will no longer die when they walk close to a fence.
  • Caveling Skirmishers no longer quickly sidestep from side to side if they temporarily lose line of sight to their target.
  • Fixed the eyes to be glowing red again for some Caveling types where the eyes had turned black.
  • Playing certain melodies with the instruments will no longer cause the player to freeze.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sticky Toy pet talent would increase enemies movement speed instead of slowing them down. The amount slowed by the talent and Jr. Orange Slime was also slightly rebalanced.
  • Fixed an issue where entries could be incorrectly overwritten or duplicated in the previously joined servers drop-down menu.
  • Fixed a bug where pets would disappear after pausing the game while the pet was running to its owner.
  • Fixed keys opening UI elements like the map not being disabled while naming pets.
  • Fixed minor grammatical error in the description of Omoroth’s Necklace.

Download free Core Keeper update 0.6.1 on PC (Steam).

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.