Core Keeper Update 0.4.3 Patch Notes – July 13, 2022

A new Core Keeper update 0.4.3 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Core Keeper 0.4.3 patch notes, the latest update resolves issues related to NPCs, Items, menu, UI, networking and more. Apart from this, Core Keeper patch 0.4.3 also includes fixes for lighting, collision, and more.

Recently, a major Sunken Sea update added new NPCs, new Mechanics, new items, and much more.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing issues with the game. Today’s Core Keeper update 0.4.3 will fix a few of these issues.

Core Keeper Patch 0.4.3 Notes – July 13, 2022



  • Enemies no longer start to regenerate health when stunned.
  • Enemies are no longer stuck in the stunned state after being stunned.
  • Fixed an issue where The Hive Mother could be stunned.
  • Fixed an issue with the boss health bars showing the wrong value on hard difficulty.
  • Azeos and Omoroth no longer spawn from Ground Acid Slime or other similar environmental-damaging sources being placed in their spawn locations.


  • Fixed an issue where the Blow Pipe would give more range skill points than intended.
  • Table Saws no longer can be placed on top of Electrical Wires (which was causing them to not function properly).
  • Fixed an issue where map sync would stop working, causing certain areas in the world to be black.
  • Fixed an issue where the pause menu could not be opened after trying to exit the game while the game was still loading.

Lighting / Render

  • Fixed a visual bug in the reflections of the Ground Slime (which caused it to jitter while moving).
  • Fixed the lighting on the player teleport effect to appear correctly.
  • Fixed the render order of the Robot Arm base to be displayed on top of bridges.

Networking / Dedicated Servers

  • Fixed an issue where certain characters were unable to join a world.

Collision and Systems

  • Fixed an issue where closed doors and gates would sometimes not block the player from moving through them.
  • Fixed crash in automation system due to invalid access.


  • Ghorm now destroys any Ore Boulders in its path. Ore Boulders destroyed by Ghorm will not drop any ore.
  • Reduced the amount of particles spawned by Sprinklers when particle quality in video settings is set to low.

Download free Core Keeper update 0.4.3 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.