Conqueror’s Blade Update Patch Notes (Official) – January 12, 2022

Conqueror’s Blade update (January 12, 2022) released on PC (Steam). According to the official Conqueror’s Blade patch notes, the latest update added a bunch of fixes and adjustments.

Previously, a major update added the Thanksgiving event and the Reckless Demons event to the game.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s Conquerors Blade patch will address a few of these errors.

What is new in Conquerors Blade Update Today? – January 12, 2022

  • The [Collect Owl Feathers to get rewards] event is ending.
  • The [Snow-capped Land Login Rewards] event is ending, and Christmas decorations will be taken down until next year. The bag of the [Baelsink] attire will also be back to normal.
  • We have improved some issues with how information is displayed to make it easier to enact your strategies. Now, war declaration info will be in a set order, making it easier to find fiefs you have declared war against.
  • Artillery that cannot be traded will have a lock icon in the upper right corner to reflect this.
  • The frontlines are stretched thin, and so the Market is raising the maximum suggested price for [Rebel Trophies]. See the appendix for detailed information on the changes.

[Kurak Castle]:
We have moved the battering ram and siege towers forward some distance, making it quicker to push them to the gate and walls.

  • Fixed an issue where some refinable materials had the wrong regions in their tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where Conqueror’s Gate was erroneously displayed as a fief type for material refinement.
  • Fixd an issue with the display image of the Field Camp menu.
  • Fixed an issue where fief battles for war rallies could exceed 15 non-player participants in some circumstances for war rallies.
  • Fixed an issue where the World Map – Yatti Royal Plaque erroneously had the option to ‘Start Battle’.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bagpipers couldn’t equip common-quality doctrines.
  • Fixed an issue where the Musket hero’s caltrops didn’t work in some areas.
  • Improved the visuals of some menus and texts.
  • Fixed an issue where Ranked Battles didn’t give progress for Siege/Field Battle quests.
  • Added the option to turn off limited doctrine acquisition prompts under settings. You can toggle this on and off by hitting Esc and navigating to Settings. When turned off, newly acquired limited doctrines won’t have an exclamation-mark prompt.
  • We have changed the quest order for Hero’s Path (F4). This does not affect completed quests, overall progress, or rewards. You might encounter quests you have already completed before after the change. This is because of the change and is working as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where using auxiliary units or Silver Era or later units didn’t count toward a quest progress in Hero’s Path of [Hero’s Path].
  • Fixed an issue where kills or assists didn’t count toward a quest progress in Path of Bravery of [Hero’s Path].
  • Fixed an issue where creating and unlocking units didn’t count toward a quest progress in Path of Faith of [Hero’s Path].
  • Fixed an issue where matched battle wins didn’t count toward a quest progress in Path of Bravery of [Hero’s Path].
  • Fixed an issue where one couldn’t stencil equipment with Sovereign Notes.
  • Added the ability to report players to some menus.
  • Fixed an issue where no prompt was given upon acquiring new appearances.
  • We’ve added Quinn Ruins to the Siege Battle matchmaking map pool.
  • We’ve increased the unit capacity of the barracks to 150.

Appendix 1: Maximum Suggested Price Changes for Rebel Trophies

Maximum Suggested Price Post-Change
Common Rebel Melee Weapons 6
Uncommon Rebel Melee Weapons 13
Rare Rebel Melee Weapons 20
Elite Rebel Melee Weapons 27
Common Rebel Ranged Weapons 6
Uncommon Rebel Ranged Weapons 13
Rare Rebel Ranged Weapons 20
Elite Rebel Ranged Weapons 28
Common Rebel Cavalry Weapons 20
Uncommon Rebel Cavalry Weapons 41
Rare Rebel Cavalry Weapons 62
Elite Rebel Cavalry Weapons 81
New Rebel Officer’s Personal Items 64
Junior Rebel Officer’s Personal Items 192
Senior Rebel Officer’s Personal Items 205
Elite Rebel Officer’s Personal Items 279

Download free Conqueror’s Blade update for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.