Conan Exiles PS4 Update Version 1.47 Patch Details

A new Conan Exiles PS4 update 1.47 is now available for players. According to the official Conan Exiles 1.47 patch notes, the latest update comes with re-balancing of many weapon animations and combat mechanics. Apart from this, Conan Exiles update 1.47 also includes two new weapon types, modification oils, and master level weapon fitting and kits. Blood and Sand DLC pack is also now available for players.

Recently, a big update was released with a new dungeon (The Warmaker’s Sanctuary), temperature system update, new feat(Painter), and much more. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Conan Exiles update 1.47 is expected to fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Conan Exiles PS4 update 1.47 Patch Notes

New Additions

  • New Weapon Type: Two-Handed Axes (Great Axes). These axes allow for wide, powerful swings that will decimate your opponents en masse.
  • New Modkits and Weapon Oils are now available. New Modkits can be learned from inside the Warmaker’s Sanctuary dungeon, while the Weapon Oils can be purchased from the Archivist in the Unnamed City.
  • New Weapon Type: Short Swords. These swords allow for accurate, forward-motion stabs as opposed to the wider swings from their larger cousins.
  • New Placeable: Battle Standard
    – The Battle Standard allows you to combat other players, even on PvE servers. The system is an OPT-IN system (meaning, you have to agree to the terms before it becomes active) that is not forced on you when entering the area and you can choose to ignore all PvP should you choose to.
    – Dying to PvP combat while in range of the Battle Standard also prevents you from dropping your loot, allowing you to create designated PvP areas. The Battle Standards can also be picked up by anyone as they disregard ownership.
  • New DLC available for purchase: Blood and Sand

Building and Placeables fixes

  • Giant King Statuettes should no longer have 0 hitpoints when placed.
  • Altars placed on foundations should no longer disappear after upgrading them to higher Tier.
  • The Kiln should no longer display as having 0 hitpoints when placed.
  • Added thin lines inside the Yamatai and Pict foundations and ceilings in order to more easily show the direction of planks when placing these pieces.

Performance and stability

  • Fixed a number of game crashes.

Exploit Fixes

  • Fixed a number of undermeshing locations.
  • Conan Exiles PS4 update 1.47 fixed a case where it was possible to loot corpses through walls.
  • Fixed a case where it was possible to loot corpses in PVE servers.
  • It is no longer possible to reach outside the boundaries of some dungeons and build in there.
  • Conan Exiles version 1.47 fixed a crash relating to exploiting.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to gain infinite stamina.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to attack without using stamina.
  • Conan Exiles 1.47 fixed an issue where it was possible to climb without using stamina.
  • Fixed an exploit allowing stunlocking enemies with daggers.

Crafting Fixes

  • Hyperborean Slaver Epic armor no longer requires double the amount of Hardened Steel bars.
  • Crafting cost for one of the Impaled Skulls was homogenized.
  • Turan Furniture-Maker recipes now correctly inform you about which crafting station is used for them.
  • Exceptional/Flawless items can no longer be crafted without having the required Feat unlocked.

Combat Fixes

  • Acid and Smoke arrows can now properly be dragged onto bows.
  • The Fluid Swings perk now correctly reduce stamina cost for heavy attacks.
  • The Shank now correctly applies Sunder on hit.
  • It’s no longer possible to apply poisons to “The Festering One”, since it has poison on it by default.
  • Doom and Shark Bite should now correctly (but rarely) hit for bonus damage.

AI and Thrall Fixes

  • The Sword of Crom no longer makes thralls act unresponsively.

Purge Fixes

  • Conan Exiles patch 1.47 fixed an issue where the Rocknose purge would spawn too many Ice Rocknose Kings.

Balance updates

  • Children of Jhil now rarely drop Hollowbone arrows.
  • Bandages now get rid of bleeds immediately, applies healing but confers a strong cripple effect.
  • Stat buffs from various sources no longer stack. In addition, the bonuses granted from the Warmaker dungeon books have been reduced from +8 to +4.
  • The chest in Hanuman’s Grotto will now grant pets 20% of the time instead of 100% of the time. If a pet is not given out, Hanuman’s Gift (potion) will be granted instead.
  • The Sobek armor bonuses have been rebalanced.
  • Hunter’s Potion now grants +5 Accuracy instead of +8.
  • The effect of the perk “Gluttonous Gains” has been reduced somewhat.
  • DLC Armors should no longer differ from basegame armors in terms of amount of temperature protection.
  • Claw weapons have had their stamina cost increased, damage lowered and it’s no longer possible to poison them. In addition, the bosses “Claw” and “Rake” now drop the Bestial Claws more rarely.
  • Light armors have had their armor values reduced.
  • Heavy armors have had their armor values increased.
  • The Sunder effect no longer causes 20% armor removal per stack; this now reduces armor by 10% per stack instead, making armor more valuable.

General Bug Fixes in Conan Exiles version 1.47

  • Beds should no longer lose their binding after rejoining a singleplayer session.
  • Setite Cult Helmet should now provide the correct bonus.
  • Fixed an issue where Flawless and Exceptional Reptilian gauntlets would grant bonus points to two attributes.
  • Practice Swords now have correct blood-splatters on them.
  • Explosive Jars can no longer be suspended on walls.
  • Hanuman’s Gift potion may now correctly grant bonus to Vitality.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to interact with objects through open door.
  • Survival stat now correctly reduce the duration time for negative effects.
  • Gold-Vein Rocknoses now correctly drop Gold-vein carcasses when harvested instead of normal rocknose carcasses.
  • Fixed an issue where the Keystone would not be destroyed after it was used.
  • Fixed an issue where PvP servers are switched to PvE mode and lose their Region after entering admin mode.
  • Skeletal Serpentmen now correctly drop their heads when harvested with the correct tool.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to avoid fall damage by landing on an NPC.

Terrain and Environment Fixes

  • Conan Exiles 1.47 fixed a number of locations where it was possible to cheese boss-encounters. #grating
  • Fixed a number of stuck spots in the world.
  • It is no longer possible to climb inside the Warmaker’s Sanctuary while playing the single-player mode.
  • Tweaked some visual imperfections in the world.
  • Conan Exiles version 1.47 fixed an issue where the light from Furnaces would be extremely bright and flicker when reflected by wet surfaces.

Animation and Cinematic Fixes

  • Updated surface swim animations to fix issue with floating weapon if a weapon is equipped.
  • Added underwater swing animations for hatchet, pick and sickle.
  • Removed one of the ghost cinematics near the Shattered Basin.
  • 1H Sword animation changes: The One-Handed Sword has received new animations for some of the attacks in order to bring it more closely to the intended weapon profile.
  • Spear animation changes: The spear have received a number of new animations in order to bring it more in line with its intended weapon identity. The light attacks are now stationary and no longer have wide swings.
  • Two-Handed Sword animation changes: The Two-Handed swords have received a number of new animations in order to bring it more in line with its intended weapon identity, making it swing in wider arcs. The overhead smash has been moved from the first heavy combo-step into the alternate-attack button and replaced with a wider swing.

UI and Text Fixes in Conan Exiles 1.47

  • After a few days in the galleys, our#spellchekkerhas fixed a number of spelling and grammar errors in item names and descriptions as well as names for NPCs.
  • Fixed a number of keywords for weapons.
  • Conan Exiles 1.47 fixed some descriptions for buffs, amongst others the buff granted by Riptide.
  • The Journey Step “Experience the heat of the volcano” has been renamed to “Survive scorching heat” as this more accurately reflects the unlock.
  • The Skeleton Warrior is now using the correct icon.
  • Health bar should no longer persist when a player dies from the Executioner’s weapons.
  • Inspecting Wells with a repair hammer now correctly shows the structure information.
  • Fixed an inconsistency between Giant King Statuette icons and their in-game models.
  • Conan Exiles PS4 update 1.47 fixed an issue where Video settings Restore Defaults would not apply Windowed mode or resolution.
  • Rockslide now has the correct amount of skulls on its Health Bar.
  • Rake and Claw bosses now have the correct amount of skulls on their Health Bars.
  • Player List now updates correctly when any Player leaves the session.
  • Using multiple Vehemence Elixirs in short period of time should no longer duplicate buff prompts.
  • Player List in the Admin Panel can now be scrolled with a controller.
  • Changed the icon for “Thorgar’s Recipe Fragment”.

Bug fixes in Conan Exiles 1.47

  • Acid arrows no longer do damage outside PvP Raid-time.
  • Conan Exiles version 1.47 fixed an issue where the Fluid Swings Perk (40 Grit) was always in effect.
  • The Jhebbal Sag potion again grants +8 Accuracy.
  • The icons for the building competition paintings have found their way back into the game.

Conan Exiles update 1.47 for PS4 is now available for download.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.