Conan Exiles PS4 Update Version 1.44 Patch Details

A new Conan Exiles PS4 update 1.44 is now rolling out for players. According to the official Conan Exiles 1.44 patch notes, the latest update adds new dungeon (The Warmaker’s Sanctuary), Continuation of the population revamp, temperature system update, new feat(Painter), and much more. Apart from this, Conan Exiles update 1.44 also contains stability and performance improvements.

Previously, an update was released with music and exploit fixes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s Conan Exiles update 1.44 is expected to fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Conan Exiles PS4 update 1.44 Patch Notes

New Dungeon: The Warmaker’s Sanctuary!

An ancient sanctuary has now opened, and in it lies more challenges for intrepid adventurers. At the heart of the Warmaker’s Sanctuary you will face some of the most dangerous foes to date. New loot -including new weapons, armor set and placeables- await for those worthy of the challenge!

Continuation of the population revamp!

Building upon our previous content patches, the faction capitals and caves in the game have received an overhaul. This revamp includes new bosses, functionalities, recipes to be found, new loot and more!

Temperature system update

Reworked and improved the temperature system of the game to make it more consistent and easy to read, with changes to how its effects are stacked and telegraphed to you.

New feat: Painter!

This new feat, available through the Decorations feat tab, gives access to 10 wall-placeable paintings representing the builds that were selected in the building contest back in April this year!

Bug Fixes in Conan Exiles version 1.44


  • Fixed some crashes related to the building system.


  • Fixed a number of undermesh locations.
  • Conan Exiles 1.44 fixed an issue that would allow overlapping some building pieces.


  • New Dungeon: Warmaker’s Sanctuary is now available!
  • Population revamp: The faction capitals and caves in the game have received an overhaul. This revamp includes new bosses, functionalities, recipes to be found, new loot and more.
    – The following locations have been adjusted: The Mounds of the Dead, Bin-Yakin’s Seal, Buccaneer’s Bay, Executioner’s Entrance, Hanuman’s Grotto, Jhil’s Roost, King’s Niche, Lockstone Cave, Scuttler’s Shortcut, Sinner’s Refuge, Skittering Cavern, The Black Galleon, The Den and Xalthar’s Refuge.
  • New Feat: Painter – this feat is available through the Decorations feat tab and gives access to 10 wall-placeable paintings. These paintings are screenshots of the builds that were part of the building contest.
  • A group of BFFs have gotten lost while exploring the Exiled Lands. Can you help them before it’s too late?


  • The placement rules for Fence Foundations have changed to prevent illegal structures.
  • Conan Exiles version 1.44 fixed an issue where walls could not be attached to diagonal edges of Sloped roof / Inverted sloped roof corners.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to place Yamatai awnings on foundations.
  • Several adjustments have been made to ladders. This may lead to currently placed ladders being destroyed, but they should no longer disappear after server restarts, and should now work correctly.


  • Learning the Obsidian tools and weapon feats now require Star-Metal Tools to be learned first.
  • Serpent-Man Throwing Axes are now also unlocked through the Serpent-man Feat teacher in the Well of Skelos.
  • Neca Warpaints are now crafted from coal, not ash.
  • Fixed an issue where some dyes would not give the Glass Flask back after crafting them with colorant dyes.
  • The recipe for crafting the Tablet of Power has been moved into the players own crafting inventory.
  • Conan Exiles 1.44 fixed an issue where a specific Tier-3 blacksmith was missing the recipe for the Exceptional Cimmerian Battle-Axe.
  • Epic armors no longer require the basic armor as an ingredient when crafting it. Instead, the base cost of these armors have been increased. You will no longer need to run back and forth to a basic armorer’s bench in order to make them.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies of Shield crafting (The Acheronian Shield and the Star Metal Shield were crafted at Armorer’s Bench, while other shields were crafted in Improved Armorers Bench). These are now available only in the Improved Armorer’s Bench.
  • Setite Choker can now be dyed for male characters.
  • Fluid press will now correctly process the Scorpion carcass.
  • Conan Exiles 1.44 fixed a number of issues with crafting costs for the Taxidermied animals.
  • Fixed a number of Armors and Weapons that were incorrectly tiered at a lower tier than what they should have been (Some Legendaries were tiered at 4 or below) meaning they can now only be repaired by the Legendary kits. This does not affect the items damage, armor or any other stats – it’s only checked for when repairing.
  • Dismantling traps will no longer give the Explosive Jar back.
  • The Fine Metal Crafts feat now also teaches you how to make rudimentary iron jewelry.
  • It’s now possible to harvest the Frost Giant bodyguard’s corpse.
  • Conan Exiles update 1.44 fixed some inconsistencies with harvesting rates for certain tools.


  • Conan Exiles update 1.44 fixed an issue where killing certain monsters in the Dagon dungeon would grant too much XP.
  • Glacier-Crack now correctly applies Frigid Bite on hit.
  • The buff from the Lifeblood spear has been reduced in periodicity – it will now tick every 5 seconds instead of every second. It also will no longer show up in the buff-list, nor will it end on taking damage.
  • It is no longer possible to poison specific weapons, as it removes their special abilities. This was done to prevent players accidentally removing these abilities.
  • Using a tool in combat will do now more damage than being unarmed.


  • Thrall-able NPCs in the Volcano now have more hitpoints.
  • Fixed an issue where Bearer thralls would deal much higher damage compared to other thralls of the same tier.
  • The Darfari, Dogs of the Desert and Relic Hunters now have a wider selection of thrall-types.
  • Most named (T4) NPCs have undergone a training regimen and are now tougher to defeat.
  • Bandit leaders and their companions can no longer be knocked out. Already thrallified bandits will not be purged from the database.
  • Fixed an issue where Thralls would not actually teleport back home if you’re far away.
  • Conan Exiles update 1.44 fixed an issue where – upon rejoining the session – thralls could remain in their original location, even if supporting structures were destroyed.
  • Wight pets should no longer drop the xx_wight_axe on dying.
  • Scorpion Egg-Sacs now hatch over time as intended.
  • It is no longer possible to put True Name items into the inventory of pets to prolong the decay rate.
  • It is now possible to gain Alpha Elephants and Mammoths as pets from Elephant calves.
  • Lions can now be tamed.
  • Goat movement should no longer be unnaturally fast. Goat-a go fast no more!
  • Dina the Master Huntress should no longer spawn multiple copies of herself at the same time.
  • There’s rumors of a place in Buccaneer’s Bay that will let trained thralls join your cause for a small fee…


  • The Temperature system of the game has received an overhaul.
    – Temperature damages were changed from percentage of maximum health to a fixed amount
    – Food and Drinks granting heating and/or chilling buffs now have tags to indicate that
    – Keeping a neutral body temperature (between cold and hot) now grants Soothing health regeneration buff
    – Temperature buffs no longer stack, but replace each other. Except for Water Cooling, it doesn’t replace, but stacks
    – Temperature debuffs cannot override or be overriden by temperature buffs
    – Drinking water provides Water Cooling effect instead of Cooling Down.
  • Conan Exiles update 1.44 increased the XP given from defeating creatures in the Exiled Lands in order to smooth out the curve of levelling towards the end game.
  • Attribute changes:
    – Survival now gives a reduction of 1.6% per stat point to number of ticks from negative effects (bleeding, poison, cripple, sunder). Survival also affects debuffs from Heated Argument and Coldsnap and Frigid Bite
    – Agility now grants 4 points of armor per stat point instead of 2. Also – the first perk from Agility grants more stamina reduction for sprinting than before.
    – Accuracy 40 perk has been reworked. It no longer grants a modifier to a weapons armor penetration. Instead, it grants a flat +30% armor penetration to attacks, greatly increasing it’s power.
  • Weapon balance changes:
    – Hitboxes for certain Sword, Hammer and Katana attacks has been increased to make it easier to hit with those attacks.
    – In addition, the Stamina use system for the game has been altered. Heavy attacks will now require more stamina than light attacks, except for Daggers (Dagger stamina use has been lowered in general).
    – Spears also now do less damage than before.
    – Truncheons, Blunted Arrows and Blunted Javelins now also do Stamina damage to players. In addition, the Blunted arrows and Blunted Javelins have had their concussion damage increased.
  • Ymir recipes have been tuned and should no longer require too many shards.
  • Conan Exiles 1.44 increased armor for heavy armors
  • The stack sizes for some resources have been increased from 100 to 200/500/1000.
  • Reduced the amount of honey that Bees generate in the beehive. They still generate a significant enough amount of honey to be valuable but not as much as before.
  • Reduced the chance of higher level armors spawning as loot from the Mounds of the Dead.
  • Merchants in Sepermeru and the Volcano now have reduced prices for their wares.


  • Fixed an issue where God’s Protection (aka “The God Bubble”) wears off when restarting the server under certain circumstances.
  • Conan Exiles update 1.44 removed a non-functional fourth dye-slot from the Legacy of the Nordheimers helm.
  • The Scorpion Ward shield now has the proper amount of durability.
  • Broodguards Assin and Issis now drop the correct loot instead of the Mandibles of Atlach-Nacha.
  • Cultists of Dagon’s heads no longer emit light for no particular reason.#eraofenlightmentisover
  • Following community’s feedback, players can now drink water from the Pool of Refreshment.
  • Ghast Axe and Ghast Swords now start with the correct durability.
  • Set Antidote now cures alcohol poisoning as well.#Skål!
  • Feast of Jhebbal Sag is now available through the Admin Panel as an item.
  • Conan Exiles PS4 version 1.44 fixed a number of issues with wearing/unwearing the Blackfeather helmet and other armors. In addition, Blackfeather Helmet now sets corruption constantly instead of just once.
  • Carapace shield now has the correct stats.
  • Equipping and unequipping Horn of the North no longer unlocks “Gods of the North” achievement.
  • Conan Exiles update 1.44 fixed an issue where the Night-Stalkers Mask and Night-Eye potion effects together would combine into blinding light.
  • Fixed an issue where doors would be slow to open.
  • Some chests in the Unnamed City will now randomly drop either a Legendary Weapon Repair kit OR a Legendary Armor Repair Kit.
  • Lowered the weight of most potions.
  • The offhand blade of the Whirlwind Blades is no longer turned in the wrong direction.
  • Running Servercleanup.bat no longer deletes world’s crafting stations.
  • …and a myriad of other QoL and text fixes!


  • Conan Exiles 1.44 fixed a number of exploitable places where dungeon bosses could be harmed without any risk. #cheesy!
  • Fixed a number of corrupted textures, stretched textures and low-res textures across the game
  • Conan Exiles update 1.44 reduced the light-bleed from furnaces on wet surfaces.
  • Fixed a number of stuck spots across the world.
  • A copy of the Sinkhole Gallery Lorestone is no longer floating above The Sinkhole arena.
  • Player characters should no longer get stuck in prison cells in the Flooded City.
  • The upper part of the Sepermeru Silvermine is now climbable and there are treasure to be found if you do.
  • Some areas in the Volcano that had noxious flowers did not apply the poisonous area effect – they do now.


  • We’ve put our#spellchekkerback on a basic gruel diet. As a result, a number of item keywords, grammar errors and spelling errors have been fixed.
  • Dead Leg, Severed Leg and Severed Arm now correctly displays the Sunder keyword.
  • Conan Exiles PS4 1.44 fixed an issue where the description of the Very Hot temperature effects were misleading.
  • Rephrased the journey step about cleansing corruption to make it clear that anything that clears corruption will complete this step.
  • Conan Exiles version 1.44 fixed an inconsistency between the Serpent-Man items and feats.
  • Riptide now has a keyword informing players about the water-breathing effect.
  • Action names in Keybindings setting tab no longer disappear upon changing the game’s language.
  • Broken Oar now has it’s own short and long description.
  • The Feats and Items from the Sunken City dungeon have been renamed slightly to unify the names of the feat and the items themselves. They are now called “Ancient Lemurian…xxxx”. The exception is the “Daggers of Dagon” which are still named this.
  • New and improved full screen effects to better inform players about dangerous temperatures.


  • Conan Exiles 1.44 fixed a number of placement sounds for horns and Fireplaces.
  • Turanian brazier now has sound effects when placed.
  • Jedias Greatsaber’s sounds are one with the force again.

Conan Exiles update 1.44 for PS4 and Xbox One is now available for download.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.