Company of Heroes 3 Update 1.1.2 Patch Notes (CoH3 1.1.2)

Company of Heroes 3 update 1.1.2 is rolling out on PC(Steam) and Xbox One. According to the official CoH3 1.1.2 patch notes, the latest update address several gameplay exploits and unintended unit or ability behaviors. Apart from this, today’s Company of Heroes 3 patch 1.1.2 also made some small adjustments to Challenges.

Since the last patch, players are facing several problems with the game. Today’s Company of Heroes 3 patch 1.1.2 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

CoH3 Update 1.1.2 Patch Notes – April 5, 2023

Gameplay Fixes

Booby Trap

  • Afrikakorps Booby Trap Increased cost from 30 to 55 munitions
  • Greatly reduced Boobytrap damage; damage now also tapers off from the blast point centered on the capture point

British Forces

  • Fixed an issue where the Black Prince could only be spawned once per game for the owning player

Flak 38 Anti-Air Emplacement

  • Will no longer be frozen when recrewed

M29 Weasel

  • Fixed an issue where the M29 Weasel could spawn team weapons without spending munitions and would not go on cooldown


  • Cancelling a Scout squad in the production queue after upgrading to Pathfinders no longer grants additional manpower over the Scout’s initial cost
  • Scouts built before the Pathfinder upgrade was unlocked no longer spawn fully reinforced

US Forces

  • Fixed an issue where Assault Operation Decapture and Capture bonuses were based on the number of entities in the squad. Default value set to 300% for Capture and Decapture that is applied to the entire squad.


  • Fixed an issue where Breakthrough Capture and Decapture bonuses were based on the number of entities in the squad. Default value set to 200% for Capture and Decapture that is applied to the entire squad.


  • The ‘Wooden Shoes’ challenge has been fixed and tracks/completes correctly
  • The ‘Fieldworks’ challenge has been fixed and tracks/completes correctly
  • Disabled ‘No Support’ and ‘Battlefield Profits’, while we fix these challenges
Missions/ Campaign Map

Anzio Annie

  • Fixed a progression blocker where a unit would get stuck in geometry preventing the completion of the mission
  • Our team fixed two high occurrence crashes

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.