A new COD Cold War update 1.23 is now available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to Cold War 1.23 patch notes, the latest Season Five Reloaded introduces a variety of free content in Multiplayer and Zombies, with The Numbers Event delivering content across both games later in the season. Additionally, COD Cold War version 1.23 also includes general stability fixes.
Previously, a big Season 5 update added free content includes a first-in-the-franchise Double Agent mode in Multiplayer alongside new and classic Black Ops maps. Recently, a hotfix was also released.
Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues with the game. Cold War patch 1.23 will address a few of these issues.
Cold War 1.23 Patch Notes (Season Five Reloaded)
Hudson Returns – New Operator

Although NATO’s redaction system has left their intelligence and future all but unintelligible, our best spies have figured out one piece of the puzzle:
They are sending in Special Agent Jason Hudson to aid in their current and upcoming operations, including a search and rescue of a fellow NATO Operator gone missing.

Born and raised in Washington, D.C. with dreams that he would serve his country like his older brother did in World War II, Hudson saw action in Korea before earning magna cum laude honors in one of D.C.’s top research universities and entering the CIA.
From there, he pushed Operation 40 member Alex Mason to his limits to neutralize Major General Dragovich… but nearly 20 years later, Dragovich’s tapes have ended up in Perseus’ hands.
After having Adler and Woods handle the dirty work against Perseus up until this point, Special Agent Jason Hudson is ready to finish the fight once and for all, even if it means taking a detour into the Dark Aether.
Get Hudson as part of an upcoming Store Bundle along with three Legendary Weapon Blueprints and more, to be released following the launch of Season Five Reloaded.
Zoo Arrives in Multiplayer

There’s no cage that can hold you from the fight ahead.
First seen in the originalBlack Ops’ Escalation DLC pack in 2011, Zoo is a medium-sized map specifically designed for 6v6 game modes inBlack Ops Cold War, trimming the playable space down to its main animal exhibit and park area for Multiplayer.
Be sure to take a “ride” on the monorail to get an incredible vantage point on the action below, or head to the souvenir shop to dole out plenty of free pain to your enemies. Jump into the action with the dedicated Zoo 24/7 Featured Playlist at the launch of Season Five Reloaded.
Demolition Returns to Multiplayer
After a hiatus since Season Threeof Modern Warfarein 2020, Demolition is back forBlack Ops Cold War!
First introduced inCall of Duty: Modern Warfare™ 2(2009), this game mode is akin to a respawn-enabled, amped-up Search and Destroy. In Demolition, one team of attackers attempts to destroy a pair of bombsites while defenders must prevent the detonations.
All-out chaos ensues when time is extended after the first bomb site is destroyed, and both teams have a chance to play offense and defense before the match ends. If there is a tie, expect even more madness: a single neutral bomb site becomes active, with the first team to detonate it winning the match.

Agents of Requiem have even more to explore once Season Five Reloaded arrives, including a new Outbreak Region in previously uncharted waters for Zombies.
Located in the North Atlantic Ocean, Armada was the site of NATO and Warsaw Pact skirmishes over a sunken prototype nuclear submarine. With the Dark Aether spreading into the Atlantic, it seems nuclear armaments weren’t the only volatile element in the area. A dimensional rift has caused an intense energy spike, making the area rich in Aetherium Crystals, Essence… and the ravenous undead.
Expect to take on Objectives and World Events on the high seas in this new Region custom-tailored for Outbreak, including a new World Event for those looking to bolster their loadouts.

Across the Outbreak Zones, Requiem is reporting the presence of a new chest type alongside the usual small, medium, large, and golden varieties: the mysteriousBlack Chest.
Much like previous World Events found throughout the Regions, the exact details of this event are for Requiem agents to discover. Once they do, they may find the reward far outweighs the risk…

Operators heading back into round-based experiences to complete those Season Five Challenges will also find a new feature to ramp up the action from the very start: theRampage Inducer.
Appearing as an orange Essence canister in the starting area, the Rampage Inducer will temporarily ramp up the difficulty to Cranked-level proportions if all members of a squad agree to take on the challenge. Once activated, this canister will speed up zombie spawn rates and cause all zombies to sprint endlessly until Round 20, turning up the action until the second major round milestone is reached… or a total squad wipe long before then.
New Onslaught Content and Weapon Blueprint Reward (PlayStation)

PlayStation Operators – don’t be left in the dark in Season Five Reloaded.
Onslaught receives a new map and narrative Intel with Onslaught Drive-In, as well as a new limited-time mode: Diminishing Light, a hectic twist on the traditional formula where the circle shrinks over time. If the Orb collapses on itself, it will implode and destroy you and your duo partner – shoot it to slow down the shrink rate or collect clock power-ups to pause the collapse.
Completing Surges will revert the Orb to its original size, and these are key to earning a brand-new Weapon Blueprint. Those who conquer 30 Surges in this limited-time mode will earn the “Soviet Red” Legendary Assault Rifle Blueprint (shown above), which is based on the reliable AK-47 rifle and features plenty of high-level attachments.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues causing the third and fourth Objectives in Kitsune’s “Security Expert” Operator Mission to not track properly.
- Various gameplay optimizations added.
- Addressed rare freezing issues.
- Addressed some shuttering and lag problems.
- Crashing issues addressed with today’s patch.
- Various performance and stability improvements.
- Other minor fixes.
Download links for COD Cold War version 1.23 will be available soon on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.