Chamber of Command BG3 Guide: Location, Tips & More

The Chamber of Command is one of the most challenging areas in Baldur’s Gate 3. Located deep within the Gauntlet of Shar dungeon beneath the Thorm Mausoleum. The Chamber of Command contains the final boss of the dungeon – the dreaded Mind Flayer Elder Brain.

Defeating this powerful creature is no easy feat, but doing so allows you to complete the Gauntlet of Shar questline and acquire some fantastic rewards. This guide will provide everything you need to know to reach the Chamber of Command and emerge victorious against the Elder Brain within.

Reaching the Chamber of Command in Baldur’s Gate 3

To gain access to the Chamber of Command, you must first complete the initial three trials of the Gauntlet of Shar:

  • The Self-Same Trial– Defeat copies of yourself in single combat.
  • The Soft-Step Trial– Sneak past patrolling guards without being detected.
  • The Faith-Leap Trial– Leap across a chasm to reach the exit.

Once these three trials have been completed, the path to the Chamber of Command will open.

The Chamber itself is located in the heart of the Gauntlet of Shar dungeon. After finishing the trials, continue heading deeper underground, fighting past Gith patrols and other denizens of the dungeon.

Eventually you will come across a massive set of doors engraved with Mind Flayer runes – this entrance leads into the Chamber of Command.

The Chamber of Command BG3 Location

The Chamber of Command is a large, open chamber with little cover. Purple Mind Flayer banners line the walls, and the domed ceiling towers high above. Two Enslaved Gith stand motionless at the entrance, enthralled by the Elder Brain.

At the center of the room floats the Elder Brain itself – a grotesque, swollen brain suspended in a vat of cerebral fluid. Surrounding it are four Mind Flayer Arcanists which protect the Elder Brain during combat.

Stay mobile and use the columns around the room for cover during the fight. There are also some environmental objects such as explosive barrels that can help even the odds.

Be wary of the domination field in the center of the room – this field will charm your party members, causing them to turn against their allies. Dispel this field as quickly as possible to prevent your own party members from being dominated.

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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.