Caves of Qud Update Patch Notes (Official) – Dec 11, 2021

Caves of Qud update (Dec 11, 2021) is now available to download on PC players. According to the official Caves of Qud patch notes, the latest update added quality of life changes and fixes. Today’s Caves of Qud patch also includes various stability fixes.

Previously, a big update added new features and bug fixes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game.

Today’s Caves of Qud patch will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Caves of Qud Patch Notes (Dec 11, 2021)?

  • Robots and mutated plants can now be stunned.
  • Baetyl, hermit, and mysterious stranger cherubim now belong to the correct factions.
  • Pax Klanq is now immune to fungal infections.
  • Dynamic quests no longer use player map notes as landmarks.
  • White esh now honk instead of caaw.
  • Meyehind and Liihart now rejoin the hindren faction if Eskhind becomes Hindriarch.
  • Wardens Esthers, Lulihart, and Tszappur now more consistently get along.
  • Argyve no longer offers to sell his scratched data disk, and Q Girl no longer offers to sell her data disk with encoded instructions.
  • Made some tweaks to low-tier melee relic base types.
  • Fixed pluralization of ‘boot’ in sultan histories.
  • Fixed a bug that caused excessive CPU use in cybernetics terminals.
  • Fixed a bug that caused rhinoxen to get a number of free melee attacks on their targets when charging.
  • Fixed a bug where if a rhinox’s charge killed a creature, a copy of that creature’s corpse was spawned in each tile of the charge path.
  • Fixed a bug that caused extremely odd names to get generated for sultan cults and sultan relics.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused ovens to do nothing.
  • Fixed several rare exceptions in the display of cooking recipies.
  • Fixed a typo in arc winder’s description.

Download free Caves of Qud patch 0.2.20 is now available for download on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.