Bus Simulator 21 Update 2.29 Patch Notes for PS4, PC & Xbox

Bus Simulator 21 update 2.29 is rolling out on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Bus Simulator 21 2.29 patch notes, the latest update resolves issues and bug fixes. Apart from this, today’s Bus Simulator 21 version 2.29 also fixed an issue where the LED Display on buses cannot be customized.

Previously, a major Bus Simulator 21 update 2.15 added new features and functions to the game. Unfortunately, since this update, players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s Bus Simulator 21 patch 2.29 will address these issues.

Read more details below.

Bus Simulator 21 Patch 2.29 Notes – June 21, 2023

  • Fixed an issue where the LED Display on buses cannot be customized
  • Fixed an issue with vehicle audio delay
  • Fixed an issue with Payday sound effect won’t stop
  • Fixed an issue with the Mission “A New Way”
  • Fixed a crash when connecting to a multiplayer session
  • Fixed crashes when loading really old save games
  • Reduced penalty for pedestrian collision (negative impression remains)
  • Map Extension DLC – Fixed an issue where “Otter Rock Dam to Highlander Park in 10 minutes” mission cannot be completed
  • Fixed an issue DLC missions cannot be started if a player finishes the main missions while the DLC was already activated but not started

Download free Bus Simulator 21 update 2.29 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.