Bus Simulator 21 Patch 2.21 Patch Notes for PS4, PC & Xbox

Bus Simulator 21 update 2.21 is available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Bus Simulator 21 2.21 patch notes, the latest update added numerous pedestrian AI improvements and solves crash issues in multiplayer. Apart from this, today’s Bus Simulator 21 version 2.21 also includes a number of bug fixes.

Previously, a major update added new features (customizable route colors) and functions to the game.

Unfortunately, since this update, players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s Bus Simulator 21 patch 2.21 will address these issues. Read more details below.

Bus Simulator 21 2.21 Patch Notes – August 19, 2022

Pedestrian Fixes:

  • Prevent pedestrian from walking/falling through bridges
  • Reduced the chance of pedestrians jaywalking in Angle Shores (especially on Golden Island, in Timber Ridge and Coyote Bush)
  • Reduced the chance of pedestrians jaywalking in Seaside Valley (especially on highways and around bus stops)
  • Introduced new pathways to Golden Island and Arnold Park for NPC´s
  • Passengers do not get stuck when the bus is full anymore. They leave if they are not able to find a proper seat. (Please note that you can observe fewer people standing in the bus, but they will now use the intended standing positions.)
  • Improved pedestrian behaviour at crosswalks
  • You (as a player) can honk [H] at pedestrians in the front of the bus to make them go faster and block people from crossing for a short while
  • Waiting passengers at a bus stop and passengers that get off a NPC driven bus do not push each other onto the street and won’t block the bus stop anymore
  • Waiting passengers at a bus stop wave at the bus they are waiting for
  • Waiting passengers always get on your bus (if there is still space in the bus)
  • No open umbrellas can be found within the buses anymore and all pedestrians are holding umbrellas when it is raining
  • Passengers are now always showing their ticket (didn’t show it when on phone before)
  • NPC drivers hands do not jiggle while steering anymore


  • Fixed crash which could happen when players were joining a multiplayer session
  • Interior selection can scroll if it gets full (PC only)
  • Minimap: The positioning of the cloud borders is adjusted so the minimap is always visible
  • No lightning/flashing when buses spawn anymore
  • Fix for the PT-BR translations in the in-game news
  • Floating car in Sunkiss is fixed (Angel Shores)
  • Flickering on an advertisement in the Harbor Area of Seaside Valley has been fixed
  • Several loca issues have been fixed in the tutorial, menus, popups, and settings.

Bus Fixes:

  • [All buses] Fixed several mirror issues in buses so they work properly again
  • [Volvo 7900] Hint for the ignition key moves to wrong position fixed
  • [Volvo 7900 Articulated] Flickering information on the right LED panel has been fixed
  • [IVECO BUS Urbanway Articulated, MAN Lion’s City M (A47), MAN Lion’s City CNG Articulated, Mercedes-Benz Citaro K] The floor texture was rotated by 90° on certain busses. This issue has been fixed
  • [MAN A37] Bus can be painted again
  • [VDL Citea SFL-120] Cockpit light bulb was glowing after turning on passenger lights instead of cockpit lights- This issue has been fixed.
  • [VDL Citea SFL-120] Missing switch and dashboard indicator for “toggle Engine” was fixed
  • [Setra S412 UL] Bad view through the glass windows while raining has been fixed
  • [Setra S412 UL] Issue with advertisement 6 covering the windshield has been fixed
  • [Man Lions City 18] Missing light source for the passenger light has been fixed
  • [Man Lions City 12C] Passenger lights were missing a light source. This issue has been fixed.
  • [IVECO Urbanway Articulated] The cashier lights can now be switched off again
  • [Mercedes-Benz Capacity] Scale of rain on windows and front door was inconsistent and is improved now
  • [Setra S412 UL] Bright light spot on top of the bus if the passenger lights are activated is fixed
  • [All buses] Engine Toggle button is now showing a visible change when pressed/unpressed

Download free Bus Simulator 21 version 2.21 on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.