Black Desert Online Update Version 1.73 Patch Notes

Black Desert Online update 1.73 released for PS4 and Xbox One players. According to the official Black Desert version 1.73 changelog, the new hotfix brings some minor bug fixes to the game. Apart from this, Black Desert patch 1.73 also includes stability improvements.


Previously, a big update was released which a guild boss version of Garmoth, class balance changes, and more.

Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game. Today’s Black Desert version 1.73 fixed a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Black Desert update 1.73 Changelog


● Powerful monsters have appeared in the unveiled region northwest to Calpheon, which has been hidden in mystery for a long time.

– Star’s End is a new area located to the West of Calpheon City, and is shrouded by a mysterious fog. You must be careful as there are tons of dangerous monsters existing within the region.


– Rest assured, you will not get heatstroke and hypothermia in Star’s End.

The dominators oftheNorthern WestCalpheonhasappearedfrom the unveiled region which has been hidden in mystery for a long time.

– The Recommended AP of Star’s End is 260.

– Remnants of Corruption inflict damage causing reduction of your character’s DP. Therefore, you should defeat these monsters in order to in order to continue fighting without much trouble.

The Apostle of Immorality absorbs dark energy from Star’s End upon death and can turn into an Apostle of Malevolence at a certain rate.

Apostle of Malevolence is stronger than other monsters and it will disappear if not defeated within 5 minutes after its appearance.

– Unstable Star Debris is scattered around Star’s End. This mysterious rock absorbs intense magical power, and once destroyed will knock down nearby monsters, and also has the chance to defeat them instantly.

– There is a slightly higher chance you can obtain Mass of Pure Magic in Star’s End than other monster zones.

The phenomenon that the attack range of a specific technology is applied abnormally has been corrected.

Fixed the problem that Elvia’s area icon was not displayed on the Arsha server in the server selection screen.

Fixed an issue where certain characters were not able to log in correctly.

Added stability and performance improvements.

Fixed game crashing issues.

Added gameplay optimizations.

Other minor bug fixes.


Added the option to toggle visual effects for the defense status applied by certain skills.

– This function will visually indicate when a certain defense status is activated while using certain skills.

– The default setting will only display your own defense status icon, but in the Battle Arena you will also be able to see the defense status icons of other adventurers.

YoucantogglethisfunctionbygoingtoSettings>GeneralSettings> Show/Hide >DefenseIcons.
DefensiveIconswillindicateInvincibility, SuperArmor, andForwardGuardstatus.

Invincibility: Immune to all damage including all attacks and debuffs from foes while in this state

Forward Guard: Blocks a portion of damage taken in a 90-degree frontal cone of your character along with debuffs while in this state. Any damage taken outside of the frontal cone will register normally as well as other debuffs.

Super Armor: Takes damage but immune to all debuffs except for grabs while in this state

* Certain shield-bearing classes such as Warrior, Valkyrie, Guardian, and Nova are immune to debuffs from behind, outside of Forward Guard’s frontal cone.


● Hilt Smash – Fixed the skill to activate as intended when taking damage during Guard.

● Hilt Smash – Changed portions of the description to better reflect the actual skill effects.

● Hilt Smash – Adjusted the skill’s actual damage to match the description.

● Spinning Slash I ~ Absolute: Spinning Slash – Added information regarding the skill’s critical hit rates to the description.

● Dusk Slash – Fixed the issue where using the skill while Prime: Scars of Dusk’s All DP Increase effect was applied wouldn’t refresh the effect’s duration.


SpiritHealingXXI –Fixedtheissuewheretheskill’spassiveeffectwasn’tactivatedincertainsituations.


Core: Cartian’s Nightmare – Fixed the skill’s sound effects to now play correctly.

● Prime:BloodyCalamityFixedtheissuewheretheskill’slasthitwouldn’tapplytheDownAttackeffect.


● Giant Leap I-III, Flow: Jump Sequence – Fixed the issue of awkward movement animations appearing when using the skills in the backward direction without having enough stamina.

● Crouch Shot – Fixed the issue where using the skill after Titan Step wouldn’t apply the Forward Guard effect even with Core: Flame Buster learned.


Roaring – Fixed the issue whereHeilangwould sometimes not disappear after using the skill while mounted.


Prime:Danse Macabre – Increased theskill’s PvP damageby approx. 17%.

● Prime: Danse Macabre – Adjusted the skill’s actual number of hits in PvP to match the description.

● Prime: Tendon Cutter – Fixed the issue where the skill’s add-on effects weren’t being applied to its extra hits.

● Absolute: Kunai Throw – Fixed the issue where the skill incorrectly applied the effects of Succession: Kunai Throw.

● Fixed the issue where throwing the Kunai while moving to the left wasn’t applying damage on the last hit while having learned Kunai: Paralysis I and Absolute: Kunai Throw.


Ninjutsu: Decapitation – Fixed the issue where the Invincibility effect wasn’t being applied even after the Ninja had vanished.

● Ninjutsu: Decapitation – Fixed the skill’s description to better reflect its actual effects.

● Drastic Measure – Fixed the issue where the skill’s Super Armor effect andfully charged damageweren’t being applied correctly when used after certain skills while in Asura state.

● AsuraFixedtheskill’sdescriptiontobetterreflectitsactualeffects.

Witch, Wizard

Prime : Multiple Magic Arrows – Fixed the issue where the skill’s add-on effects would sometimes not activate.

● Fixed the issue where the “Rage Absorption” buff effect wasn’t being applied correctly when used during certain skills.


● Added 1 default appearance to character customization.

● AquaJailExplosionI~IV, Core:AquaJailExplosionFixedtheissuewheretherewasaslightdelayintheStiffnesseffectbeingappliedaftertheskillsappearedtoregisterdamage.

● Black Spirit: Cataclysm – Fixed the issue where the skill’s All Evasion Rate debuff wasn’t being applied to the targets.

● Flow: Magical Evasion – Fixed the issue where the skill’s sound effects weren’t playing correctly when used while the skill was on cooldown.


Flow:Voltaic Tett – Fixed the description to now display thecorrectamountofstamina required for the skill.

Dark Knight

Shadow Strike – Fixed the issuewhereusing the skill while quickly spinning the camera would sometimes not apply damage correctly.


Twisted Collision – Fixed the issue where the skill wouldn’t combo quickly if used immediately after Succession: Flash Step or Prime: Knee Hammer.

● TwistedCollision– Fixed the issue where the skill wouldn’t combo quickly if used immediately after Prime: Hidden Claw if it was on cooldown.

● Prime: Hidden Claw – Fixed the issue where pressing the left or right directional keys during the skill would activate Hidden Claw without properly registering damage.


Prime: Roaring Tiger – Fixed the issue where Mystic’s movement animations would appear awkward when comboing into other skills right after using this skill.

● Prime: Hidden Claw – Fixed the issue where pressing the left or right directional keys during the skill would activate Hidden Claw without properly registering damage.


● Added 1 default appearance to character customization.

● Earth Shatter – Fixed the skill’s sound effects to now play correctly.

● Meteor Dive – Fixed the skill’s sound effects to now play correctly.

● FixedtheissuewheretheRageAbsorptionbuffeffectwasn’tbeingappliedcorrectlywhenusedduringcertainskills.


● Added 1 default appearance to character customization.

● Prime: Omua’s Aura – Improved the skill so you can now lock the skill.


● Fixed the issue where there was no sound effect when attacking while unarmed.

● Star’s Ring, Accel: Star’s Ring – Changed the description to better reflect the skills’ actual movement animations.

● Royal Fencing: Fleche I~III – Improved the skills to now combo better into certain skills.

● Accel: Royal Fencing: Fleche – Added the following effect to the skill.
– HP Recovery +15 on hit

● Accel: Royal Fencing: Remise – Added the following effect to the skill.
– SP Recovery +35 on hit

● Frozen Ring I~IV – Fixed the issue where comboing into Break Orbit after using the skill would still pull in targets.

● Fixed the issue where certain Accel skills could still be activated even after being locked.

● Prime: Quoratum’s Ascension – Fixed the issue where the Thornwood Guard would disappear when using the skill.

● Prime: Icy Thorns – Fixed the issue where holding down RT/R2 while comboing into the skill wouldn’t activate its 2nd hit.

● Frozen Chain – Changed the skill as follows.
– Increased the damage amount as follows.

Frozen Chain701% x 1, Max 3 Hits

701% x 2, Max 3 Hits

876% x 1, Max 3 Hits

876% x 2, Max 3 Hits

– Changed to now apply Bound even when attacking from the furthest possible distance.

– Improved to now combo quickly into Icy Fog or Break Orbit after using the skill.

– Improved to activate Icy Thorns when pressing RT/R2 after using the skill.

– Improved to now combo quickly into Royal Fencing: Riposte after using the skill.

● Bitter Star – Changed the skill as follows.

– Improved to now combo quickly into Icy Fog or Break Orbit after using the skill.

– Improved to now combo quickly into Royal Fencing: Riposte after using the skill.

● Binding Star – Changed the skill as follows.

– Fixed the issue where the skill wasn’t applying Freezing to targets within the skill’s cone.

– Improved to now combo quickly into Icy Fog or Break Orbit after using the skill.

– Changed to now apply the Cold, Dark Star debuff.

● Enter the Darkness – Changed the skill as follows.

– Changed the skill to apply Forward Guard instead of Super Armor.

– Improved to now combo quickly into Icy Fog or Break Orbit after using the skill.

– Improved to now combo quickly into Royal Fencing: Riposte after using the skill.

● Prime: Bitter Reign – Fixed the skill description to display the skill’s correct commands.

● Royal Fencing: Fleche I~III – Fixed the issue where holding down the skill’s commands while on cooldown would cause the skill to repeat its 1st hit motion.

● Break Orbit – Fixed the issue where using the skill after switching to main weapon stance from Accel state would activate the non-Accel version of the skill.

● Fixed the issue where Sting’s scythe form would sometimes be displayed in the dye window.

● Break Orbit – Fixed the issue where Thornwood Guards would remain even after switching from your main weapon stance to your awakening stance after using the skill.

● Frozen Ring I~IV – Fixed the issue where comboing into Break Orbit after using the skill would still pull in targets.

● Fixed the issue where certain Accel skills could still be activated even after being locked.

● Added skill “Succession: Rime Ice”

● HP Recovery per hit of some skills increased as follows:

Prime: Bitter Reign IIIHPRecoveryper hit +20HPRecoveryperhit+25
Prime: Bitter Reign IVHPRecoveryperhit+25HPRecoveryperhit+30
Prime: Icy Thorns IIIHPRecoveryperhit+20HPRecoveryperhit+25
Prime: Icy Thorns IVHPRecoveryperhit+25HPRecoveryperhit+30

Prime: Icy Thorns – Changed the skill’s Casting Speed Increase effect to +10% for 10 seconds.

● Prime:VengefulStarChangedtheskill’sPvEdamageamountasfollows:

1sthit 1230% x4
2ndhit 1230% x4
3rdhit 1230% x5


● Mysterious vibrations have been reported to go off simultaneously from within certain chapters of currently-known Adventure Logs. Apparently, this has caused some change within the contents of certain Adventure Logs as well.

● The following adventure logs have had content changed or added.

– Bartali’s Adventure Log Volume 8 Chapter 5: Added details important for completing the chapter to the text.

– Bartali’s Adventure Log Volume 10 Chapter 5: Changed “Show TRI: Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace to Ekta” to “Equip a TRI (III) or higher Asula’s Accessory”.

– Dorin Morgrim’s Secret Journal Volume 1 Chapter 2: Added the condition to complete the chapter’s objective “Hand over Ultimate Weapon or Armor Reform Stone x1”.

– Herald’s Journal Volume 2 Chapter 1: Changed the condition to complete the chapter’s objective from “Catch 3 Sea Eels within the time frame” to “Catch 2 Sea Eels within the time frame.”

● A message will pop up in the Character Selection Window if switching servers is limited due to the Read Book action.


● Added the Critical Hit Damage +2% effect and its description to the following main weapons for all classes:

– Kzarka Main Weapons

– Offin Tett’s Radiant Main Weapons

– Ramones Main Weapons

● Fixed the issue where the Rocaba 2-part set effect and the 4-part set effect were not applying the effects written in the item description. Before the fix, the 2-part set effect said All Evasion +5, but applied All Evasion +20. The 4-part set effect said All Evasion +2, but applied All Evasion +8.

● Fixed the issue where the Akum defense gear 2-part effect was not applying the effect written in the item description. Before the fix, the 2-part set effect said All Evasion +5 but applied All Evasion +20.

● Fixed the issue where the special effect “HP Recovery +5 by 5% of chance per hit” for the following items were not being applied:

– Elsh Florang

– Ultimate Elsh Florang

– Ultimate Elsh Battle Axe


● Enhanced the effects of Value Packs.

Provides the following benefits:

– Inventory +16 slots

– Storage +16 slots

– Combat/Skill/Life/Mount EXP +10%

– Distant Node Investment (Consumes 10 Energy)

– Weight Limit +100 LT

– +30% Marketplace Sales upon Silver Collection (Excluding Pearl Items)

– Unlimited use of Merv’s Palette

– Unlimited Beauty Salon

Provides the following benefits:

– Inventory +16 slots

– Storage +16 slots

– (enhanced) Combat/Skill/Life/Mount EXP +30%

– Distant Node Investment (Consumes 10 Energy)

– (enhanced) Weight Limit +200 LT

– +30% Marketplace Sales upon Silver Collection (Excluding Pearl Items)

– (added) Item Collection Increase Scroll obtainable from Challenge everyday

– Unlimited use of Merv’s Palette

– Unlimited Beauty Salon

– Value Pack (30 Days) can now be registered on the marketplace (Pearl Item > Functional).


● The guards of Glish village have reported sightings of the Giant Mudster near the Glish Ruins.

– Changed the location of the Field Boss Giant Mudster to Glish Ruins.

– Changed its appearances to the southern region of the Swamp Fogan habitat and the Triangle Head Lizard habitat.

● Jemkas Wyrmsbane of Heidel’s Northern Guard Camp has reported that Dastard Bheg is rallying the Mine Imps.

– Changed the location of the Field Boss Dastard Bheg to Northern Heidel Quarry.

Quest, Knowledge

● Eerie tales have begun to fill the heart of Serendia at the streets of Heidel, at Valley Lily Inn.

● Fixed a typo in the summary of the “[Timed Quest] Timeless Stories” quest.

● Fixed the issue where the question could not be identified properly as the character’s lines were occasionally not displayed in the “Second Test: How Much Do You Know About the Nagas?” quest of the “The Naga Enthusiasts” questline.


● Added a sentence related to rewards where Adventurers can obtain Combat EXP from the Red Battlefield.

● The knowledge most recently selected in the Knowledge Window will remain selected until the next login.

Changes and Fixes

● Fixed the issue where Adventurers could use Menu > Escape and go inside the dungeon at a certain spot near the entrance of Hystria.

● [Lahn] – Fixed the issue where the Desert Camouflage outfit would look awkward in certain situations.

● The icon of the Field Boss “Giant Mudster” was relocated to indicate the exact spot on the World Map.

● Fixed the issue where javelin throw’s damage wasn’t being applied correctly while seated on the back seat of the guild elephant.

● Fixed the issue where the knockback effect from leveling up wasn’t applying damage correctly.

● Fixed typos and improved certain sentences.

● Fixed an issue where some backgrounds would be displayed abnormally.

Download free Black Desert update 1.73 on Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One.