Black Desert console update 2.34 is now available to download on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Black Desert 2.34 patch notes, the latest update added the Drakania and Season Pre-creation window, the new Dawn Earrings with Abandoned Monastery, and weight reductions on common items. Apart from this, Black Desert Online version 2.34 also includes various performance improvements.
A big update was recently released, which added Atoraxxion – Sycrakea dungeon, new Season+ servers, expanded Caphras levels, and more.
Unfortunately, players are still facing various bugs and issues in the game. Today’s Black Desert patch 2.34 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.
Black Desert Console Update 2.34 – May 11, 2022
Drakania Pre-Creation

– With the addition of Drakania, the maximum number of character flots has been increased to 27.
※ Character Slots will be expanded to a maximum of 28 slots in the future.
Season Character Pre-creation
● Prepare for the ‘Season: Drakania’, by pre-creating your season character now!
– To create a season character, once your character is customized to your liking, when you go to choose a name for your character, select the ‘Season’ option.
Abandoned Monastery + Dawn Earings
● Calpheon Shadow Knights in the Abandoned Monastery have become stronger due to Kzarka’s blessing.
– Changed the Recommended AP for certain monsters beneath the Abandoned Monastery to 280.
– Stronger monsters will have the title [Blessed by Kzarka].
– Upon defeating certain monsters, up to 2 players can receive the loot and a low chance to obtain the Dawn Earring.
– These new monsters in the Abandoned Monastery share Knowledge with the existing ones.
– Killing monsters in the Abandoned Monastary (Restricted Territory), there is a chance that a ‘Dawn’s Grudge’ will appear.
– When there are 5 Dawn’s Grudges, which appear when defeating monsters in the Abandoned Monastery (Restricted Territory), a Specter of Belmorn will appear.
– When the Specter of Belmorn is defeated, the 4 players with the highest contribution will be rewarded.
– Dawn’s Grudge does not dissipated over time.
– No extra ‘Dawn’s Grudge’ will spawn while Belomorn is defeatable.
● Added new item Dawn Earring. Dawn Earrings can be obtained by combining the new item Dawn’s Resentment.
– Dawn’s Resentment and Dawn Earring both have a low chance of dropping from the Calpheon Shadow Knights in the Abandoned Monastery.
– In your Inventory, place Dawn’s Resentment in the center, then Marks of Shadow to its top and bottom, and Shrine Guardian Tokens to its left and right to obtain the Dawn Earring.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where it seemed like the accumulated skill change points didn’t reset upon successful Dream Horse Awakening with a Tier 8 Courser.
● Heilang: Howling – Fixed the issue where the sound effects wouldn’t play when using the skill during cooldown.
● Fixed issues with various background locations
● Fixed the issue where the music for Conquest Wars wouldn’t play in certain situations during Conquest Wars.
● Fixed the issue where someone could climb on to an area on top of installed [Conquest] Command Post/Field HQ and not take damage in certain situations.
● Changed Barricades built near the Indomitable Flag to only be installable within the Node/Conquest War region during Node/Conquest Wars.
● Fixed the issue where the [Dark Knight] Darkborne Rose outfit would appear abnormal with your awakening weapon out.
● Fixed the issue where the arm would appear abnormal when changing stances after equipping [Mystic] Khamsin Clothes and Gauntlet.
● [Hashashin] Fixed the issue where the Cozy Fleece Hat would overlap with certain helmet appearances.
● Improved the visual effects applied upon using Perfume of Courage, Perfume of Swiftness, Spirit Perfume Elixir, Khalk’s Elixir, and Elixir of Deep Sea.
● Fixed the issue where the movements of airships you can see in the sky would appear abnormal.
● Fixed an issue where the Jojo and Putrakium pets were picking up items from a further distance than intended.
Download free Black Desert version 2.34 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.