Black Desert PS4 Update 2.31 Patch Notes – April 13, 2022

Black Desert console update 2.31 released on PS4 and Xbox One. According to the official Black Desert 2.31 patch notes, the latest update added new content changes, bug fixes, and more. Apart from this, Black Desert Online version 2.31 also includes various performance improvements.

Recently, a big update was released which added Atoraxxion – Sycrakea dungeon, new Season+ servers, expanded Caphras levels, and more.

Unfortunately, players are still facing various bugs and issues in the game. Today’s Black Desert patch 2.31 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Black Desert Console Update 2.31 – April 13, 2022

Content Changes

● Added text to the Blessed Spirit Essence and Ancient Blessed Spirit Essence item descriptions stating that you can use Simple Alchemy to recover the materials used to create said items.
● Removed unnecessary text from the item description of the Immortal: Armor Draught
● Added a notification to appear when trying to sell a horse that is level 14 or lower, highlighting the additional silver and items that can be obtained by reaching level 15 with the horse and selling the horse to the Imperial Horse Delivery system.
● Changed parts of the “[Farming] How to Gather Even More Potatoes” and “[Farming] My Own Little Farm” quests to read more naturally.

Stabilization Changes

● Optimized memory usage when moving between regions.

Quest and Knowledge Changes

● Added a questline from which you can learn about Farming and can obtain one Fence that does not require Contribution points.
– Added “Know Anything About Farming?” that can be accepted from the NPC “Valentine’s Apprentice” Liana with a Lv. 20 or higher character.
– You can obtain “Finto’s Strong Fence” as the reward upon completing all the consecutive quests in the questline.
※ Finto’s Strong Fence has the same effect as a regular “Strong Fence,” which means you can install up to 10. (Installable number of grids: 10)

● Added a new quest that allows you to exchange “Martina Finto’s Strong Fence” for “Klau’s Old Moon Fence.”
– Added “New Fence, Worn Fence” that you can accept from “Old Moon Guild Manager” Klau in Velia with a Farming Master 1 or higher character (once per Family).
– Hand over three “Mysterious Seeds,” needed for research on seeds, two Gold Bar 100G, and one “Martina Finto’s Strong Fence,” to get one Klau’s Old Moon Fence as a reward.
※ “Klau’s Old Moon Fence” has the same effect as an “Old Moon Fence,” which means you can install up to 10. (Installable number of grids: 10)

● The [Weekly] Trophy: Garmoth quest has been adjusted to include Guild Boss Garmoth.

Character Changes

● Prime: Black Wave – Adjusted the attack range.
● Prime: Black Wave – Fixed the issue where damage wouldn’t be applied in certain situations when leaning your back against a wall.
● Core: Swirling Darkness – Changed so that you cannot reset during Swirling Darkness’ cooldown.
● Shadow Eruption – Changed the attack range to match the visual effect.

● Flow: Windstorm – Fixed the issue where the skill add-on for Beastly Wind Slash wouldn’t be applied on hits.
● Frenzied Destroyer – Fixed the issue where the Melee AP increase effect wouldn’t be applied when having learned Prime: Frenzied Destroyer (I to IV).
● Succession: Weakling Hunt – Fixed the issue where Weakling Hunt’s skill add-on wouldn’t be applied on hits.
● Seismic Blast – Changed the Skill Guide command to match the actual command.

● Scratch – Changed so that it can not only be used forward but also laterally during airborne motions.
● Scratch – Changed so that it can not only be used forward but also laterally during Tree Climb’s motions.

● Black Spirit: Detonative Flow – Fixed the issue where you couldn’t combo into backward Lightning Blast nor backward Barrage of Lightning.
● Black Spirit: Thunder Storm – Fixed the issue where you couldn’t combo into backward Barrage of Lightning.

● Flow: Grand Bloom – Fixed the issue where the damage of Full Bloom wouldn’t be applied properly when resetting the skill after learning.
● Adjusted the damage of Full Bloom to apply correctly.

● Hop – Improved to combo more smoothly into Try This! after using laterally and backward.

● Savage Hack I – Fixed the issue where the cooldown wouldn’t be displayed.

● Serpent’s Coil – Changed to continue the skill when holding RT/R2 and stop continuing the skill and perform the last attack when releasing RT/R2.

Item Changes
As announced during CalpheON Episode 2, Item Copy prices were reduced by 50%. We thank all our Adventurers that utilize the copy system to enjoy the various classes available in Black Desert.

● Reduced the amount of “Marni’s Unstable Fuel” required to copy an item by 50%.
– Therefore, the formula for copying items was changed to the following:

* Copy Cost Formula = (3 Weapon types) Central Market Price 3% 1.5% + (3 Weapon types) Number of Caphras Stones * 43,000 21,500 Silver

* The price to copy items is calculated by the amount of Marni’s Unstable Fuel required. The minimum amount required to make a copy is Marni’s Unstable Fuel x20.
* The copied items can only be used by characters that are tagged together. Please refer to the “Adventurer’s Guide” for more details about the “Item Copy” system.

● The Mount Skill Selection Coupon is a special item that allows you to be 100% guaranteed to change one of your mount’s current skills to another skill of your choosing.
– This item can only be used once per Horse.
– This item will not affect the current “Skill Change Point” value.
– You can see if this item was used on a horse in the Horse Market or Mount Info UI.
– The status of whether or not this item was used on a mount will also be applied in the Horse Market. This status will not change if the mount is sold or bought.
– This item cannot be used on a guild mount.
– The Reset Mount Growth will also reset if a Mount Skill Selection Coupon was used to change a skill on the mount.

● Improved item/buff effect description: Supreme Old Moon Box, [Event] Heartwarming Spring Draught, [Event] Vibrant Peach Flower Draught
● Improved the following items to be used to craft [Event] Immortal: items via Simple Alchemy with [Event] Corrupt Oil of Immortality.
– Armor Draught
– Perfume of Charm

● Changed the vegetable ingredient used for the following dish and improved it to be consumed in equal proportions to the other vegetables.
– Steamed Prawn dishes: Paprika → Cabbage
● Added the text, “The Celestial Horse Calling Horn (Permanent) will be bound to the character if made using a Celestial Horse’s Spirit and a bound Trainer’s Flute (Permanent).” to the item description of Celestial Horse’s Spirit.
● Separated [Valkyrie, Nova] Venslar Gloves from the [Valkyrie, Nova] Venslar Armor.
– Added [Valkyrie, Nova] Venslar Gloves to the outfit boxes that contain the [Valkyrie, Nova] Venslar Armor.
* Adventurers who had the [Valkyrie, Nova] Venslar Armor in their possession will find the [Valkyrie, Nova] Venslar Gloves in their storage in Heidel.
※ In the event that the new items do not retain the dye from the previous items, please contact [Support] with a screenshot of the item tool tip to check the dye information.

● Increased the lower limit prices of the following items. These items were sold by NPC Vendors at a price below the lower limit price being sold on the Central Market (including commission).
* Due to this change, orders and placed orders on the Central Market were cancelled for the following items, which were sent to your Warehouse.
– Bear Hide Carpet
– Stuffed Fox Head
– Stuffed Weasel
– Jack-O’-Lantern Ornament
– Halberd of the Swamp Ornament
– Scrapper’s Gloves Ornament
– Stuffed Elk Head

UI Changes
● Fixed an issue where in certain situations, you could not scroll through the warehouse inventory as intended.
● Fixed an issue where the default cursor position was on your main weapon when opening your inventory.
● A function to share the camera of a character who is currently fighting has been added to the Arena of Arsha.
– If a character hasn’t been placed on either Team A or B, that character can press LB/L1 or RB/R1 to enter Character View Mode.
– To stop Character View Mode, press RT+ Y / R2+Triangle

● Clarified the alert messages displayed when you sell or fail to purchase a Pearl Shop item on the Central Market.

Web Update

● Class text has been added to the Beauty Album

Other Changes

● Fixed an issue where in certain situations, the UI would look abnormal when moving an item while the tooltip was open.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn’t remove Atoraxxion exclusive items when clearing Vahmalkea while having the expired Vahmalkea matchlock in your possession.
● Fixed an issue where the cooldown of Dream Horse Diné’s skill, Earth of Protection, would be applied abnormally in certain situations
● Fixed the issue where you couldn’t go through the Wooden Fence Gate if it is getting reconstructed after it was destroyed during Conquest War.
● Fixed the issue where trying to remove 1 Wooden Fence Gate when there are 2 of them next to each other would remove both of the gates.
● Changed to not display abnormal text when opening the Dye window without having taken out your mount.
● Changed so that the text that is displayed when the person has either rejected your party, platoon, Yar!, and Arena of Arsha invites or in case of failed invites to read more clearly.
● Fixed an issue where group commands for your pets would not work in certain situations.
● Fixed the issue where you couldn’t obtain rewards from defeating World Bosses in certain situations.
● Changed “Horse EXP Increase” to “Mount EXP Increase” to the description text displayed on the following item descriptions and buff icons.
– Elixir of Training, Celerity Draught, and Stonetail Wind’s Meal”
● Fixed a typo regarding the Combat or Life Box
● Removed the duplicate text on the item description for Mount Brand Spell Stone.

Download free Black Desert version 2.31 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.