Black Desert (BDO) Update 2.67 Patch Notes for PS4

Black Desert console update 2.67 is available to download on PS4. According to the official Black Desert 2.67 patch notes, the latest update brings Node War Individual Rewards and a host of quality of life changes. Apart from this, Black Desert Online version 2.67 also includes stability improvements.

A big update was recently released, which added Atoraxxion – Sycrakea dungeon, new Season+ servers, expanded Caphras levels, and more. Unfortunately, players are still facing various bugs and issues in the game. Today’s Black Desert patch 2.67 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Black Desert Console Update 2.67 – February 15, 2023

  • [Woosa] Fixed the issue of some part of the character hair showing abnormally when equipping Nacre Butterfly Hairpin with Moonlit Helmet.
  • Fixed the issue where characters would get stuck and not be able to leave from a certain location in Sycraia Underwater Ruins.
  • Fixed the issue where the quest list on the right side of your screen wouldn’t refresh immediately upon accepting a quest.
  • Fixed the issue of not being able to collect Silver via Receive All when there is no Silver in your inventory.
  • Improved the Receive Pay UI.
  • Fixed the issue where character movement and interactions with window were not possible in certain residences around Calpheon Workshop.
  • Fixed the issue where you couldn’t pass through certain parts of Calpheon Workshop District 2-1.
  • Fixed the issue of bone pile being displayed abnormally in a certain location within Valencia.
  • Fixed the issue of the numbers overlapping with the text of attached mail when the item name bleeds out in the Mail menu.
  • Fixed the issue where icons of mounts taken out by your character in the Character Selection/End Game window wouldn’t display properly.
  • Fixed an issue where in certain situations, items could not be purchased on the first attempt at Patrigio’s secret shop.
  • Fixed an issue where certain gamepad guide UI’s with a checkbox were outside of the UI element.
  • Fixed an issue where characters were not able to move to specific locations in the Narcion area.
  • Changed so that you cannot summon Garmoth on the Red Battlefield: Garmoth’s nest map.
  • Fixed the issue where the dividing line of certain node war areas would disapppear upon selecting a territory within World Map (M) – Node War Information.
  • Removed text regarding Silver that could be transferred from the Central Market to Storage.
  • Fixed an issue where Adventurers from different platforms were displayed in the party window when playing on a platform specific server.
  • Fixed an issue where in certain situations, the tax wagon does not spawn on Balenos servers.

Download free Black Desert version 2.67 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.