BG3 Wild Shape Dilophosaurus Guide

BG3 Dilophosaurus is one of the most exciting and powerful Wild Shape options that Druids can unlock. This prehistoric predator has a deadly bite and can spit venom at its foes. Mastering the Dilophosaurus Wild Shape can give Druids a huge edge in combat. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to unlock the Dilophosaurus and use it to devastating effect.


Key Takeaways:

  • Reach Level 10 as a Druid to unlock Dilophosaurus
  • Circle of the Moon subclass recommended
  • Focus on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
  • Use venom spit to blind enemies
  • Spread spores for damage over time
  • Watch out for fire and cold damage

How to Unlock Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus in BG3

To gain access to the Dilophosaurus Wild Shape in Baldur’s Gate 3, you need to meet two requirements:

  1. Have a character who is a Druid.Only Druids have access to the Wild Shape ability.
  2. Reach level 10.The Dilophosaurus Wild Shape is unlocked at level 10. Lower level Druids will not have access to it.

Once your Druid hits level 10, you’ll be able to choose the Dilophosaurus form when using your Wild Shape. We recommend taking the Circle of the Moon Druid subclass, as this will give you more uses of your Wild Shape and allow you to stay in beast form longer.

Best Build for Dilophosaurus Wild Shape in Baldur’s Gate 3

When building your Druid for utilizing the Dilophosaurus Wild Shape, you’ll want to focus on:

  • Strength– This increases the damage the Dilophosaurus can deal with its bite.
  • Dexterity– This makes the Dilophosaurus harder to hit and boosts its armor class.
  • Constitution– Higher health and concentration checks for maintaining spells and abilities.

You should also invest heavily in Wisdom, as this powers your spell attacks and saving throws. Here’s a sample stat distribution:

  • Strength: 16
  • Dexterity: 14
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Wisdom: 18
  • Charisma: 10

This gives you a good balance of physical and mental abilities to make the most out of your Dilophosaurus form. Adjust stats based on your preferred playstyle.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 Dilophosaurus Abilities and Tactics

The Dilophosaurus has the following key abilities you can utilize in Baldur’s Gate 3:

Venom Spit. The Dilophosaurus can spit venom at a target within 30 feet. On a failed Constitution save, the target takes 2d10 poison damage and is blinded until your next turn. Use this to disable enemies.

Necrotic Bite. The Dilophosaurus delivers 1d6+Strength mod necrotic damage on a successful bite attack. Necrotic attacks drain life force.

Pack Tactics. The Dilophosaurus has advantage on attack rolls against creatures within 5 feet of an ally. Flank enemies for increased hit chances.

Spider Climb. The Dilophosaurus can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings. Use this to access unexpected attack angles.

Here are some key tactics to use with your Dilophosaurus Wild Shape:

  • Open fights by spitting venom at your biggest threat. Blinded enemies have disadvantage on attacks.
  • Use your bite against wounded targets to drain their remaining life force.
  • Stay close to allies and use Pack Tactics to gain advantage on attacks.
  • Utilize Spider Climb to attack from unexpected directions.
  • Your venom spit has a Constitution save, so use it against lower Constitution enemies.
  • You can act as a scout in Dilophosaurus form due to your climbing speed.

Dilophosaurus Weaknesses & Counters

While powerful, the Dilophosaurus does have some weaknesses to be aware of:

  • Low AC makes it easier for enemies to hit.
  • Low hit points means it can be quickly overwhelmed.
  • Susceptible to fire damage.
  • Lack of ranged attacks beyond venom spit.
  • Weak Constitution score.

Enemies will attempt to exploit these weaknesses, so you need to be cautious. Here are some ways foes will counter your Dilophosaurus:

  • Fire attacks– These deal extra damage, so avoid fire-wielding enemies.
  • Cold attacks– Also deal extra damage to the Dilophosaurus.
  • Ranged attacks– Enemies will want to keep you at a distance. Use cover wisely.
  • AOE spells– These can quickly overwhelm the Dilophosaurus’s low HP. Avoid clumping together.
  • Grapples– Once grappled, the Dilophosaurus loses its mobility. Stay away from grapplers.

To overcome these counters, utilize hit-and-run tactics. Strike quickly from unexpected angles, then withdraw before the enemy can surround you. Fight smart and your Dilophosaurus can devour your foes!

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Using Corrosive Spit

One of the Dilophosaurus’s signature abilities is its Corrosive Spit. This acidic spray erodes armor and deals sustained acid damage. Here is how you can utilize Corrosive Spit effectively:

  • Target armored foes– The acid will reduce the target’s AC, making them easier to hit.
  • Focus on one enemy– Corrosive Spit is a single target spell, so focus fire to quickly eliminate threats.
  • Use before biting– Reducing your target’s AC will make your bite attacks more likely to hit.
  • Combo with prone status– A prone, debuffed enemy makes for an easy kill.
  • Alternate with Venom Spit– Keep enemies off balance by alternating acid and poison attacks.
  • Utilize splash damage– Corrosive Spit damages in a small radius, allowing you to hit grouped enemies.

With clever Corrosive Spit tactics, you can melt enemy defenses and demolish your opposition. Alternate between debilitating status effects and raw damage for maximum effect.

Countering Dilophosaurus Enemies

When facing enemy Dilophosaurus, keep these counters in mind:

1. Maintain Distance

Stay outside the Dilophosaurus’s venom and acid spit range. It lacks ranged attacks beyond 30 feet.

2. Use Fire and Cold Spells

The Dilophosaurus takes extra damage from fire and cold effects. Use these to quickly finish them off.

3. Target Their Weak Constitution

Dilophosauruses have a mediocre Constitution score. Use poison and necrotic spells to hamper them.

4. Grapple to Remove Mobility

A grappled Dilophosaurus can’t utilize its mobility and climbing. Stop its hit and run attacks.

5. Attack from Range

With no ranged attacks, the Dilophosaurus struggles vs ranged spell and weapon attacks.

6. Use AOE Spells

AOEs quickly overwhelm the Dilophosaurus’s low HP and force it to retreat.

7. Exploit Their Low AC

Even basic attacks will hit an unarmored Dilophosaurus fairly often.

With these counters, you can overcome these dangerous dinosaurs. Now let’s cover some key questions about mastering the Dilophosaurus Wild Shape.

Table Comparison of Druid Circles

Druid CircleKey BenefitsPlaystyle
Circle of the MoonMore uses of Wild Shape, access to CR2 beastsShapeshifting combat
Circle of the LandBonus spells, natural recoverySpellcasting
Circle of DreamsTeleportation, heal alliesSupport & healing
Circle of the ShepherdBoost beast companions, spiritual totemsPet classes
Circle of SporesFungal infections, spread sporesMelee damage over time
Circle of WildfireSummon a fiery spirit, fire manipulationElemental damage
Circle of StarsStarry forms, guiding boltsRanged spell attacks

FAQ – August 12, 2023

What level do you need to be to unlock Wild Shape: Dilophosaurus in BG3?

You need to reach level 10 as a Druid to unlock the Dilophosaurus Wild Shape in BG3.

What are the best stats for a Dilophosaurus build in BG3?

Focus on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. You’ll also want high Wisdom to boost your Druid abilities and spell attacks.

What are the best spells to use with a Dilophosaurus in BG3?

Venom Spit, Corrosive Spit, Spike Growth, and Infestation work well. You want spells that deal poison, acid, or necrotic damage.

How do I use Corrosive Spit effectively in BG3?

Target armored enemies, focus fire on one target, combo with prone status, and alternate with Venom Spit.
