BG3 Selune’s Seal Chest Guide – Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki

BG3 Selune’s Seal Chest is a unique and valuable treasure. Located in the Owlbear Cave west of the Druid’s Grove, this glowing blue chest is locked by a powerful moon goddess seal that prevents easy access. Obtaining the riches inside the chest requires solving a religion-based puzzle. This guide provides everything you need to know about Selune’s seal chest in Baldur’s Gate 3.


Key Takeaways:

  • BG3 Selunes Seal Chest is located behind a statue of Selune in Owlbear Cave
  • Attempting to open the chest without dispelling the seal causes radiant damage
  • Find the Selunite Prayer Sheet in an alcove behind the statue to dispel the seal
  • Use a character with a high Religion skill or convince Shadowheart to read the prayer sheet
  • The chest contains valuable treasure like the Idol of Selune and Silver Necklace

What is the Selune’s Seal Chest in BG3?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Selune’s Seal Chest is a unique container found in Owlbear Cave in Act 1. It contains treasure belonging to the deity Selune, including a statuette and jewelry. This small blue chest is sealed with a moon symbol and radiates a soft glow.

Attempting to open or disarm the chest causes it to emit a blast of divine energy, dealing radiant damage scaling with level. At level 1 this damage is likely to instantly kill a character. To safely access the contents, an adventurer must first dispel Selune’s Seal by reading a specific prayer.

What is the Selune's Seal Chest in BG3?
What is the Selune’s Seal Chest in BG3?

How to Open Selune’s Seal Chest in BG3

Follow these steps to correctly open the sealed chest without taking damage:

  1. Enter Owlbear Cave west of the Druid’s Grove. Follow the left path and use the Cragged Rock to descend.
  2. Continue along the path until you reach a large statue of Selune. The sealed chest is behind this statue.
  3. Jump across the gap to access an alcove behind the statue. Here lies a Selunite Prayer Sheet.
  4. Read the prayer sheet in front of the chest to dispel Selune’s Seal. This requires a Religion skill check.
  5. If the check succeeds, Selune’s Seal disappears from the chest. It can now be safely opened to access the rewards inside.
Selunes Seal Chest BG3
Selunes Seal Chest BG3

Selune’s Seal Chest Location in BG3

Selunes Seal Chest in BG3 is specifically located in the inner depths of Owlbear Cave, west of the Druid’s Grove. To reach it:

  • Enter the cave and take the left-side path
  • Use the Cragged Rock obstacle to descend to the lower level
  • Follow the linear path until you reach a large statue of Selune
  • The chest is behind this statue, across a small jumpable gap
  • Access the alcove behind the statue to find the prayer sheet
Selune's Seal Chest Location in BG3
Selune’s Seal Chest Location in BG3

This out-of-the-way positioning ensures only characters who fully explore the cave and pass a skill check can open the chest. It’s easy to miss for those unaware of its existence.

What is in Selune’s Seal Chest in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Selune’s Seal Chest contains the following magical treasure:

  • Idol of Selune– Valuable silver religious statuette of the moon goddess. Worth a lot of gold.
  • Silver Necklace– Magical necklace that increases Armor Class. Has a moonstone pendant.
  • Bloodstone– Rare red gemstone with innate moon magic. Useful for crafting.
  • Moondrop Pendant– Silver necklace granting +1 to Wisdom saving throws.
  • Selunite Rite Scroll– Religious parchment describing Selunite initiation rituals.

The valuable artifacts related to Selune make this an ideal treasure cache for Clerics and other religious characters. The Idol of Selune and Silver Necklace are particularly powerful rewards.

How to Get Selune’s Seal Chest in Baldur’s Gate 3

Follow these steps to safely obtain Selune’s Seal Chest:

  1. Enter Owlbear Cave and head left to the lower level.
  2. Jump the gap behind the statue of Selune to reach the alcove.
  3. Take the Selunite Prayer Sheet found here. You may need to pass an Investigation check to spot it.
  4. Read the prayer sheet in front of the chest with a character that has a high Religion skill. This dispels the seal.
  5. Open the newly accessible chest to loot the Idol of Selune, Silver Necklace, Bloodstone, and other rewards inside.
  6. Distribute these powerful magic items to suitable characters in your party.

Can You Open Selune’s Seal Chest Without Shadowheart?

It is possible to open the sealed chest without Shadowheart by using another character with a high enough Religion skill.

Any companion except for Lae’zel can attempt to read the Selunite Prayer Sheet and pass the resulting Religion check. If successful, this dispels Selune’s Seal allowing the chest to be opened safely.

However, Shadowheart is ideally suited for this puzzle due to her class proficiencies. If you lack her talents, focus on boosting Religion on your main character or recruit suitable help. Gale’s knowledge as a wizard may allow him to assist.

Consequences of Opening Selune’s Seal Chest Without Solving Puzzle

Attempting to open or disarm the enchanted chest without first dispelling Selune’s Seal causes it to erupt with divine energy.

This deals radiant damage scaling based on level. At level 1, expect to take 10d6 radiant damage. With average damage, this will instantly kill any character caught in the blast.

Higher level characters will survive the damage, but still take a considerable hit to their health. They will then need to locate the prayer sheet and solve the puzzle correctly before trying again.

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Significance of Selunes Seal Chest in Baldur’s Gate 3

Beyond providing solid treasure, Selune’s Seal Chest holds importance in Baldur’s Gate 3’s lore and themes.

It reinforces Selune’s influence over the region, even with her followers scattered. The silver items relate to her domains of the moon, stars, and navigation. They hold power for her faithful.

Accessing the chest also requires respecting Selune’s rites. This care for religion and the gods is a core concept in D&D roleplaying experiences like BG3. Outsmarting rather than looting shrines is encouraged.

Finally, the puzzle teaches newcomers to thoroughly explore levels and leverage their party’s skills. Companion relationships are also key, as Shadowheart may refuse aid if mistreated. It sets the tone for thoughtful play.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Guardian of Faith Guide

Other Puzzles in Owlbear Cave – August 10, 2023

In addition to Selune’s Seal Chest, Owlbear Cave contains the following puzzles and challenges:

  • Defeating the Owlbear boss encounter
  • Using throwable objects to smash poison bulbs
  • Activating the lifting rocks properly to progress
  • Safely moving flammable explosives to blast obstacles
  • Successful skill checks like Persuasion to avoid conflicts
  • Jumping gaps and finding hidden paths

Owlbear Cave serves as an early tutorial for core Baldur’s Gate 3 concepts. Players must tackle combat, exploration, environmental hazards, and NPC interactions to succeed.

Other Treasure Found in Owlbear Cave

Other Treasure Found in Owlbear Cave
Other Treasure Found in Owlbear Cave

Besides the contents of Selune’s Seal Chest, notable treasure found in Owlbear Cave includes:

  • Owlbear Egg – Valuable animal product with magic properties.
  • Emerald Necklace -Minor magical jewelry increasing Charisma.
  • Assorted gems and art objects – Lootable from corpses and containers.
  • Gold and silver coins – Various denominations as random loot.
  • Consumables like potions and scrolls – Useful for survival.
  • Food and other supplies – For crafting and rest mechanics.
  • Weapons and armor – Gear upgrades for early Act 1.

While it lacks extensive riches, what Owlbear Cave offers helps equip low-level parties just starting their adventure. Every bit counts when you need gold for camp supplies and equipment.