BG3 Pickpocket Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Pickpocketing can be an extremely useful skill in Baldur’s Gate 3. It allows you to obtain items, weapons, armor, gold, scrolls, potions, and more without paying or engaging in combat. However, pickpocketing also comes with risks. If you are caught, you could face hostility, jail time, or even death. This BG3 pickpocket guide provides step-by-step instructions, tips, tricks, strategies, and advice for pickpocketing NPCs.

Key Takeaways:

Choose a character with high Sleight of Hand

Your chance of successfully pickpocketing depends heavily on your Sleight of Hand skill. When creating a character, focus on Dexterity and choose proficiencies that boost Sleight of Hand. Take every opportunity to increase this skill as you level up.

Sneak up undetected behind your target

To pickpocket, you need to be unseen. Crouch, use spells and abilities that boost stealth, and make sure you are not in the target’s line of sight.

Save first and reload if caught

Getting caught can ruin quests, relationships, and more. Save before every pickpocket attempt. If caught, reload and try again.

Know the consequences

Remember, there are risks. Getting caught may lead to combat, arrest, lost reputation, or inability to interact with certain NPCs.

Focus on high value items

Prioritize stealing weapons, armor, quest items, gold, gems, and magic items over common junk.

Who to Pickpocket

You can attempt to pickpocket any humanoid NPC in Baldur’s Gate 3. Some notable options include:


Filled with gold, gems, potions, scrolls, and more. Just don’t get caught or they won’t trade with you anymore.

Quest Givers

May have useful quest items. Beware, getting caught may cause them to refuse quests.

Party Members

You cannot pickpocket companions who have joined your party.


Not advised. Guards will attack or imprison you if caught. Very risky.

Sleeping NPCs

Lower chance of detection. Useful targets if you can catch them sleeping.

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Where to Find Good Pickpocketing Targets

The best pickpocketing locations have wealthy humanoid NPCs carrying valuables:

The Wandering Emporium

This luxurious goblin market is filled with rich patrons and merchants carrying coins, gems, potions, and more.

The Druid’s Grove

Many druids here create and carry useful potions and scrolls. Be cautious of Archdruid Zevlor.

Duergar Outposts

These Underdark dwarf outposts are filled with well-equipped guards. Steal their weapons and armor if you can get away with it.


Priests often carry divine relics, holy symbols, gold, and potions. Pickpocket with care.

Step-by-Step Pickpocketing Instructions

Follow these steps to successfully pickpocket in Baldur’s Gate 3:

1. Choose your target wisely

Pick an NPC who is likely to have valuable items and is not too high level. Save your game first!

2. Sneak into position

Get behind the target unseen. Crouch, use spells/abilities, eliminate line of sight.

3. Pick their pocket

Right click the target and select “Pickpocket”. Make a Dexterity (Sleight Hand) check.

4. Check your loot

If successful, you’ll get one item from their inventory. Check if it was worthwhile.

5. Reload if caught

If you fail, the target will confront you. Reload your save and try again!

Ways to Boost Pickpocketing Success

Use these tips and tricks to improve your chances:

Choose the right character

Prioritize Dexterity, Sleight of Hand proficiency, and abilities that boost stealth and thievery.

Level up Sleight of Hand

Increasing this skill directly boosts your pickpocketing ability.

Use spells and abilities

Guidance, Enhance Ability, Invisibility, Pass Without Trace, and more help greatly.

Get the Lucky feat

Allows you to re-roll a failed check once per day. Extremely useful.

Use potions and magic items

Potions and items that boost Dexterity or Stealth help your chances.

Pickpocket distracted NPCs

NPCs that are talking, drinking, or sleeping are less likely to notice.

Work together with your party

Have an ally distract the target or use abilities to help you hide.

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Best Items to Steal

These items are worth prioritizing when pickpocketing:

  • Gold and gems – Always valuable.
  • Weapons and armor – Boost combat abilities.
  • Scrolls – Can be used to cast spells.
  • Potions and consumables – Heal or buff your party.
  • Key items – Used to progress quests or open locked doors/chests.
  • Spellbooks – Teach your casters new spells.
  • Magic items – Grant powerful abilities when equipped.

Consequences of Failing

Here’s what happens if you’re caught stealing:

  • The target will become hostile and attack.
  • You may be arrested and jailed, requiring lockpicking or bribes to escape.
  • Permanent loss of reputation with target/faction.
  • Merchants will refuse to deal with you.
  • Quest givers may deny quests.
  • Possible inability to interact with certain NPCs.
  • Death in combat if you cannot resolve the situation peacefully.

Exercise caution, only steal when necessary, and reload if caught.

Dealing with Getting Caught

If caught pickpocketing, here are some options:

  • Persuade: Use a high deception skill to talk your way out.
  • Barter: Offer to pay a fine or return the stolen item to appease them.
  • Sneak away: Use stealth abilities to hide before they can confront you.
  • Run away: Get out of sight fast and wait for the NPC to calm down.
  • Kill them: Hostile NPCs leave you no choice but combat.
  • Reload: Simply reload a save from before you were caught.

Avoid violence when possible. Focus on sneaking away or reloading your save.

Exploiting the BG3 Pickpocket Bug

There is a pickpocketing bug that can be exploited:

  1. Pickpocket an item from an NPC.
  2. Immediately sell the item back to the same NPC.
  3. They will not realize it is missing, allowing endless theft.

However, this bug may be patched. Use with caution, as it can break quests or NPC interactions. Save first!

Pickpocketing FAQ – August 19, 2023

What is the best way to pickpocket in BG3?

Choose a thief with high Sleight of Hand. Sneak up unseen behind targets. Use spells/abilities to boost success. Save first and reload if caught.

How do I increase my pickpocketing skill in BG3?

Level up Sleight of Hand. Take feats/skills that boost Dexterity or Stealth. Use items that improve these attributes.

What are the best items to pickpocket in BG3?

Prioritize gold, gems, quest items, weapons, armor, potions, scrolls, and magic items.

Where can I find good pickpocketing targets in BG3?

The Wandering Emporium, Druid Grove, Duergar outposts, temples, and wealthy districts.

What are the consequences of getting caught?

Hostility, arrest, lost reputation, inability to interact with NPCs, quest failure, and even death.

Is there a pickpocketing glitch in BG3?

Yes, you can sell items back to marks before they notice them missing. But this may get patched.

Final Tips

  • Quicksave before every attempt.
  • Weigh risks versus rewards carefully.
  • Have an escape plan if caught.
  • Focus on targets that are distracted.
  • Use every advantage at your disposal.
  • Don’t get greedy. Steal only what you need.

Master these pickpocketing strategies and you will reap the rewards. But remember, there is always a chance of being caught and facing consequences. Know when to walk away rather than be detected. With proper caution, preparation, and skill, you can become a master thief in Baldur’s Gate 3!

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.