Baldur’s Gate 3 Night Orchid Location Guide

The rare and mystical night orchid is an important item in Baldur’s Gate 3. This guide will provide everything you need to know about the night BG3 orchid location and its significance in the game.

Where to Find the Night Orchid in Baldur’s Gate 3

The night orchid is an important item in BG3 related to the companion Shadowheart. She is on a quest to find the rare flower and tasks the player with locating one for her. There are two spawn locations for the night orchid in the game world:

Location #1: The Shadow-Cursed Lands

The first location players can find the night orchid is in the zone called the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Specifically, there is a small patch located just north of the goblin camp in this area.

To reach the night orchid, head north on the road from the goblin camp. You will come to a fork in the road. Take the path on the left. Follow this route and you will soon see a small clearing containing the orchids.

This is one of the more dangerous areas to grab the flower, as the zone is home to various monsters and hazards. Exercise caution when traveling here.

Location #2: The Cliffside Roads

The second spawn point for the night orchid is along the cliffside roads in BG3. Specifically, focus your search on the northern and central parts of the map.

The orchids can be spotted growing in small patches among the rocky cliffs. Keep your eyes peeled for bits of white flowers. Grab any you see in these areas.

This region tends to be slightly safer than the Shadow-Cursed Lands. However, be on the lookout for random encounters while flower-picking.

Night Orchid Quest (Shadowheart)

The night orchid is a key item in the companion quest for Shadowheart.

Shadowheart opens up about her mysterious past if you gain her trust and approval. She reveals she was raised in a monastery where the night orchid was considered a sacred flower.

Shadowheart believes the orchids have healing powers and hopes to use one to remove a curse afflicting her. She asks the player to locate one of these rare flowers for her.

Bringing Shadowheart a night orchid completes her personal quest. It also significantly increases her approval rating of the player character. This can open up additional dialog, quest options, and even romance opportunities with Shadowheart.

In summary:

  • Talk to Shadowheart about her backstory to trigger the quest.
  • Find a night orchid from one of the two locations.
  • Return to Shadowheart and give her the flower.
  • Watch her approval rating of you soar!

Why is the Night Orchid Important in BG3?

Beyond its role in Shadowheart’s questline, the night orchid has greater significance in the lore and world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Religious Significance

As mentioned, the night orchid is considered a sacred flower in certain religions in the game world. Shadowheart reveals she was raised by monks who worshipped the orchids.

The night orchid is native to the Shadowfell dimension in Dungeons & Dragons lore. It is a rare and delicate bloom associated with drow culture. The drow revere the flowers and use them in rituals.

This religious backdrop explains why NPCs like Shadowheart place such importance on locating the orchids in the game.

Healing Properties

There is also a belief in Baldur’s Gate 3 that night orchids possess healing or protective magic.

Shadowheart hopes that the flower’s mythical restorative properties may be able to lift her curse. This adds incentive for the player to hunt down an orchid on her behalf.

While their exact effects are unclear, the orchids are presented as having great value both spiritually and medicinally in the world of the game.

Tips for Finding Night Orchids in BG3

Here are some tips to help you locate night orchids efficiently in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Check both spawn locations – the Shadow-Cursed Lands and cliffside roads.
  • Search thoroughly as the orchids can be easy to miss.
  • Look for clearings and rocky outcroppings away from the main paths.
  • Return at different times of day, as the blooms may respawn.
  • Increase your Perception skill to better spot hidden collectibles.
  • Bring a Rogue who can use the Search action to scour for items.
  • Acquire higher ground on cliffs to expand your sight radius.
  • Buy maps from vendors highlighting collectible locations.

Can You Farm Night Orchids in BG3?

Unfortunately, there is no way to farm or cultivate additional night orchids in BG3 at this time. The flowers will naturally respawn at set intervals. But players cannot actively grow more.

Instead, concentrate on memorizing the two fixed spawn points. Revisit these locations whenever you need more orchids.

Also, avoid picking a flower unless you plan to immediately give it to Shadowheart. The blooms do not remain in your inventory indefinitely.

How Many Night Orchids Are There in BG3?

From what we know so far, there seem to be only two reliable night orchid spawn locations in the early access version of Baldur’s Gate 3.

One orchid can be found in the Shadow-Cursed Lands and another along the cliffside roads. Each instance respawns after a set amount of time passes in-game.

If more orchid spawns are added in future updates, this guide will be updated to reflect any new locations. But for now, these two spots are the only sources.

Is the Night Orchid Related to Romancing Shadowheart?

Successfully locating a night orchid for Shadowheart is indirectly related to the possibility of romancing her.

Giving Shadowheart an orchid completes her personal questline and significantly raises her approval rating of the player. This helps unlock additional romantic dialog options with her.

However, the flower itself does not directly trigger any romance scenes. It simply makes it more likely by improving your relationship with Shadowheart.

There are additional steps involved in fully romancing Shadowheart. But the night orchid quest is an important early milestone on that path.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Philomeen Hinding Spot

Night Orchid Quest Troubleshooting in Baldur’s Gate 3

Problem: Shadowheart does not have the orchid quest available.

Fix 1: You likely need to progress her personal story more. Have multiple conversations with Shadowheart at camp to learn about her past.

Problem: Orchids are not spawning in one of the locations.

Fix 2: Try resting or fast traveling away and returning to reset the spawn. If they still don’t appear, verify you have the right spot.

Problem: Giving Shadowheart the orchid did not increase approval.

Fix 3: Make sure you actually handed the item to Shadowheart directly. The quest may also be bugged – try reloading an earlier save.

Let us know in the comments if you have any other issues finding the elusive night orchids in Baldur’s Gate 3!

FAQ – August 8, 2023

Where are night orchids located in BG3?

There are two locations. One is north of the goblin camp in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. The other is along the cliffside roads in the northern and central areas.

What does the night orchid do in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The night orchid is used to complete a quest for Shadowheart. She believes it has healing powers and that it may be able to lift her curse.

Why does Shadowheart want the night orchid?

Shadowheart was raised in a monastery where the night orchid was sacred. She hopes its reputed healing properties may help remove her affliction.

Is the night orchid connected to romancing Shadowheart?

Indirectly, yes. Completing Shadowheart’s quest raises her approval and unlocks romantic opportunities. But the flower itself does not trigger romance scenes.

Do night orchids respawn in BG3?

Yes, the orchids respawn after a certain amount of in-game time passes at their set spawn locations. There is no way to cultivate more.

How many night orchids are there in early access?

So far, there appear to be just two – one in the Shadow-Cursed Lands and one on the cliffside roads. More may be added later.

Is there a night orchid quest?

Yes. You must find an orchid and bring it to Shadowheart to complete her personal story quest.

I hope this guide has helped you locate the valuable and rare night orchids in Baldur’s Gate 3! Let us know if you have any other questions in the comments. Happy flower hunting!

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.