BG3 Luck of the Far Realms is one of the most powerful passive abilities in the game. This Illithid power allows players to turn a successful attack against an enemy into a critical hit, dealing significantly more damage. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about Luck of the Far Realms, including how to unlock it, tips for using it effectively, and why it is considered one of the best mind flayer abilities in the game.
How Luck of the Far Realms Works in BG3
Luck of the Far Realms is a passive Feature that activates when you make a successful attack roll against an enemy. Upon hitting the enemy, Luck of the Far Realms converts that normal hit into a critical hit automatically without requiring a critical roll on the dice.
Key Takeaway:
- Luck of the Far Realms triggers when you hit an enemy, turning that hit into a critical hit.
- It can be used once per long rest.
- It is one of the most powerful Illithid abilities.
Critical hits in Baldur’s Gate 3 deal significantly more damage than normal hits. The exact damage multiplier depends on the weapon – for example, martial melee weapons like longswords deal an extra damage die on a crit in addition to doubling the base weapon damage dice.
So if you normally roll 1d8 damage for a longsword, a critical hit with Luck of the Far Realms would deal 2d8+1d8 extra damage. This extra damage can mean the difference between defeating a tough enemy or not.
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Unlocking Luck of the Far Realms
Luck of the Far Realms is part of the Illithid Power tree. To unlock Luck of the Far Realms, you first need to unlock Tier 2 of the Illithid Power tree by consuming Mind Flayer tadpoles.
Here are the steps to unlock Luck of the Far Realms:
- Consume Mind Flayer tadpoles to gain Illithid Powers and fill up the progress bar for Tier 1. You will need to consume at least 4-5 tadpoles to reach Tier 1.
- Once the progress bar is full, you will unlock Tier 1 of the Illithid Power tree. Continue consuming tadpoles to work towards Tier 2.
- After consuming around 10-12 tadpoles total, you will unlock Tier 2 of the Illithid Power tree. This will grant you access to Luck of the Far Realms.
- The next time you level up, you can select Luck of the Far Realms as one of your new Illithid abilities.
Tadpole Locations
Mind Flayer tadpoles are parasites that infect characters and grant Illithid powers. Here are some of the locations where you can find tadpoles in Baldur’s Gate 3 Early Access:
Act 1
- 1 on a dead True Soul in the Forest (X139, Y444) – do not resist the tadpole to acquire it.
- 1 by defeating the Gnoll Warlord Flind (X33, Y594) during the Find the Missing Shipment quest.
- 1 in the Druid Grove (X445, Y-17).
- 1 by defeating True Soul Gut (X297, Y-12).
- 1 by defeating Minthara.
- 1 by defeating Dror Ragzlin.
- 1 by defeating True Soul Nere.
Act 2
- 1 by defeating Fist Marcus.
- 3 at the Hatchery Creche Y’llek.
- 1 on Linsella in the Moonrise Towers Kitchen.
- 1 on a body in the Oubliette (X628, Y-92).
- 3 at the front entrance of Moonrise Towers from Disciples and Zealots.
- 1 special tadpole from the Dream Visitor northwest of the city.
As you progress through the acts, more tadpole locations will unlock. Make sure to explore thoroughly and defeat mini bosses to collect as many as possible.
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Using Luck of the Far Realms Effectively
Since Luck of the Far Realms can only be used once per long rest, it’s important to leverage it strategically for maximum impact. Here are some tips on using Luck of the Far Realms effectively:
- Save it for boss fights: The extra critical hit can make a major difference against deadly boss enemies like hag covens, umber hulks, phase spiders, and more. You don’t want to waste Luck of the Far Realms on random low-level mobs.
- Use it on a devastating attack: If you want to take out an enemy caster quickly, use Luck of the Far Realms on a high-damage attack like a backstab or Sneak Attack. This will help burst down threats.
- Combo it with other abilities: Use Luck of the Far Realms after setting up an advantage on an attack roll or on an attack with bonus damage like Divine Smite. This compounds the effect.
- Consider enemy resistances: Some enemies have resistance or immunity to certain damage types like bludgeoning, piercing, etc. Try to use Luck of the Far Realms with an attack that deals damage the enemy is not resistant to.
- Pay attention to enemy HP: If an enemy only has a sliver of health left, a normal hit is likely to finish them off anyway. Save Luck of the Far Realms for enemies still at medium to high health to maximize damage.
- Use when outnumbered: If you are fighting multiple enemies, the extra damage from Luck of the Far Realms can help thin out their numbers quickly and reduce the damage your party takes.
Proper ability management is crucial in Baldur’s Gate 3. Planning ahead and coordinating with your party will enable you to strategically leverage powerful limited use abilities like Luck of the Far Realms when you need them most.
Why Luck of the Far Realms is So Powerful
There are a few key reasons why Luck of the Far Realms is considered one of the best Illithid powers in Baldurs Gate 3:
- It’s a force multiplier: Critical hits allow you to deal tremendously more damage against enemies. This can enable you to punch above your weight class and take down deadly foes.
- It works on any attack: Luck of the Far Realms simply requires you to hit the enemy normally. It doesn’t matter if it’s a melee, ranged, spell attack, or special ability – as long as you hit, it crits.
- Enhances any build: Whether you are a warrior, ranger, mage, or rogue, extra critical hits are universally beneficial for increasing your damage output.
- Limited use balances it: Since Luck of the Far Realms can only be used once per long rest, it provides immense value but prevents it from being overpowered or spammable.
- Rewards tactical play: Properly timing your Luck of the Far Realms crit requires planning and strategy to use effectively against the most dangerous enemies.
As you progress to higher levels, enemies will become tankier and harder to take down. Luck of the Far Realms maintains its relevance and can serve as your ace in the hole when you need extra damage the most.
Frequently Asked Questions – August 10, 2023
What is Luck of the Far Realms in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Luck of the Far Realms is a powerful passive ability in Baldur’s Gate 3 that allows players to turn a successful attack roll against an enemy into a critical hit, dealing significantly increased damage. It is an Illithid power granted by consuming Mind Flayer tadpoles.
How do you get Illithid powers in BG3?
You can gain Illithid powers by finding and consuming Mind Flayer tadpoles. Each tadpole unlocks progression in the Illithid Power tree, which contains abilities like Luck of the Far Realms, Mind Blast, Brain Extraction, and more.
How do you unlock Tier 2 of the Illithid Power Tree in Baldur’s Gate 3?
To unlock Tier 2 of the Illithid Power tree and gain access to Luck of the Far Realms, you need to consume around 10-12 tadpoles total. Once your Illithid power progression bar is full, Tier 2 will unlock at your next level up.
What is the Mind Flayer tadpole in BG3?
The Mind Flayer tadpole is a parasite that infects characters and gradually grants them powerful psionic abilities. Consuming tadpoles unlocks progression in the Illithid Power tree. Too much corruption from the tadpole causes you to turn into a mind flayer.
How do you use the Mind Flayer tadpole in Baldur’s Gate 3?
When you find a Mind Flayer tadpole, you can choose to consume it or resist it. Consuming it will unlock new Illithid powers and advance you towards the next tier in the skill tree. Resisting avoids corruption but prevents you from gaining new abilities.
What are the other best Illithid powers in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Some of the other top Illithid powers include Mind Blast (AOE stun), Extract Brain (instant kill), Githyanki Psionics (bonus damage), and Devour Intellect (damage and intelligence drain). Combining these abilities with Luck of the Far Realms can make your character extremely powerful.
How often can you use Luck of the Far Realms in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Luck of the Far Realms can only be used once per long rest in Baldur’s Gate 3. This limited use encourages tactical planning to leverage it against deadly enemies when it matters most.
How do you defeat Flind in BG3?
Flind is a Gnoll Warlord located in the gnoll hideout during the Find the Missing Shipment quest. He has high AC and attacks, so use consumables and your best abilities. Target his low mental saves with control spells. Focus fire with your party and take advantage of environmental explosions.
How do you increase your chance to hit in Baldur’s Gate 3?
You can increase your chance to hit in BG3 through abilities like Bless and Dark One’s Own Luck, consumables like potions of speed, upgrading weapons and armor, targeting enemy weaknesses, and getting combat advantage through positioning and statuses like prone/restrained. Higher ground and backstabs also help.