BG3 Hidden Goblin Stash (Goblin Treasure Chest)

The hidden goblin stash in Baldur’s Gate 3 contains valuable treasure and loot for players who are able to locate it. Finding the goblin stash requires exploration, perception, and skill checks to unlock the rewards. This guide will provide detailed instructions on how to find the goblin treasure chest and open it to claim the loot.

Key Takeaway

  • The goblin stash is located in a hidden cave in the Goblin Camp
  • Use perception checks to find the cave entrance behind bushes
  • Open chest with Thieves’ Tools or find key in nearby barrel
  • Chest contains gold, weapons, armor and magic items
  • Contents vary but can include valuable loot
  • Carefully sneak or fight past goblins guarding the camp

Where is the BG3 Hidden Goblin Stash Located?

The hidden goblin stash is located in the Goblin Camp in the east of the Moonrise Tower area. Specifically, it is hidden in a small cave in the northeast corner of the camp.

The cave entrance is concealed behind some bushes and vegetation, so it can be tricky to spot at first. Using a character with a high Perception skill will help identify the cave entrance.

Once inside the cave, there will be a single room with a locked treasure chest in the center. Opening this chest and claiming its contents is the goal.

Step-by-Step Directions to the Stash

Follow these steps to find the hidden goblin stash:

  1. Travel east from Moonrise Tower into the Goblin Camp area
  2. When in the camp, head to the northeast corner
  3. Search the corner for a cave entrance hidden behind bushes
  4. Enter the cave opening when discovered
  5. Look for the treasure chest in the room

How to Open the Baldur’s Gate Goblin Treasure Chest

The treasure chest containing the goblin stash is locked, so getting it open requires a couple different options:

Use Thieves’ Tools

A character proficient with Thieves’ Tools can attempt to pick the lock with a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. The DC for this check is only 10, making it relatively easy to succeed.

To open the chest this way, have your character with Thieves’ Tools try to pick the lock. On a success, the chest will unlock and open so you can claim the rewards inside.

Find the Key in Nearby Barrel

If your party does not have Thieves’ Tools, the key to the chest can be found in a barrel close by in the cave room.

Searching this barrel will produce the key that can then be used to open up the chest without any skill check required.

Once you have the key, just use it on the chest to unlock and open it up.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Silver Ingot Guide 

What’s Inside the BG3 Goblin Treasure Chest?

The contents of the goblin stash treasure chest will vary from playthrough to playthrough, but certain rewards are commonly found:

  • Gold: The chest will contain 100-300 gold pieces. This handy infusion of wealth can be used to purchase supplies and equipment.
  • Weapons: Short swords, daggers, and light crossbows are among the weapons that can be found. These provide arms for characters or valuable items to sell.
  • Armor: Leather armor and chain mail are possible armors that may be obtained from the chest. Better protection for battles ahead.
  • Magic Items: Potions of healing and scrolls of identify are among the magical items that may be uncovered. These provide aid through their enchantments.
  • Special: Rare and valuable items like +1 weapons or +1 armor could potentially be found as well!

While the exact contents will vary between different playthroughs, the goblin stash typically contains valuable loot. Finding this hidden cache is worth the effort and rewards careful exploration of the world.

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Tips and Notes for Finding Hidden Goblin Stash in Baldur’s Gate 3

  • Use Perception checks to locate cave entrance
  • Sneak or fight past goblins guarding the camp
  • Bring Thieves’ Tools or search for chest key
  • Chest contents are randomized each playthrough
  • Valuable items like +1 gear can rarely be found
  • Beware traps that may be attached to the chest!

Can You Find the Stash Without a Guide?

It is absolutely possible to locate the hidden goblin stash without using any form of guide or walkthrough. However, it can be more challenging and time consuming.

Here are some tips for finding the stash on your own:

  • Thoroughly explore the Goblin Camp, especially the corners
  • Check areas concealed by vegetation or other cover
  • Have a character keep a high Perception score
  • Bring Thieves’ Tools or be prepared to find the key
  • Open any chests found in stealthy or concealed locations

With perseverance and careful investigation of the camp, the goblin stash can be discovered and looted without any external help. The rewards inside make it worth the effort!

Locating the Goblin Stash Step-by-Step

For those looking for an in-depth walkthrough of how to find and open the goblin stash, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Goblin Camp east of Moonrise Tower
  2. Make your way to the northeast corner of the camp
  3. Have a character use Perception to search for a hidden cave entrance in the vegetation
  4. Follow the cave entrance when discovered into the room
  5. Look for a locked treasure chest in the center of the room
  6. Check the room for a barrel that may contain the chest key
  7. Use Thieves’ Tools to pick the lock or the key to unlock the chest
  8. Open the chest to uncover the goblin stash rewards inside!
  9. Collect your loot and equip any usable gear or items
  10. Sneak or fight your way back out of the camp after securing the goblin stash

Carefully following these steps will lead you directly to the hidden goblin treasure chest and its valuable contents. Now go and claim that loot!

Uncovering the Goblin Stash Without Spoilers

For those wanting the satisfaction of finding the goblin stash completely on their own, here are some light clues to get you started:

  • Explore the Goblin Camp from top to bottom, leaving no stone unturned
  • The goblins are hiding their treasure in a concealed location
  • Use your most perceptive character to uncover hidden entrances
  • Locked chests often contain valuable items for the taking
  • The camp guards may try to stop you from finding their secret stash

Armed with these clues and a spirit of exploration, you can locate the goblin chest and its treasures through your own efforts. Good luck in your search!

FAQ – August 7, 2023

Where is the hidden goblin stash located in BG3?

The goblin stash is located in a small cave in the northeast corner of the Goblin Camp east of Moonrise Tower. The cave entrance is concealed behind bushes.

How do I find the hidden goblin stash?

Use a character with a high Perception score to search the northeast corner of the Goblin Camp for a hidden cave entrance. Enter the cave and look for the locked treasure chest inside.

How do I open the goblin treasure chest?

You can either pick the lock with Thieves’ Tools or find the key in a nearby barrel inside the cave. Use whichever method works for your party.

What is typically inside the goblin treasure chest?

The chest typically contains gold, weapons like swords and daggers, armor like leather or chainmail, and magic items like healing potions or identify scrolls. The exact loot varies per playthrough.

What are some tips for finding the goblin stash?

Bring Thieves’ Tools or be prepared to find the key, use Perception checks to find the cave entrance, and be ready to sneak or fight past the goblins guarding the camp. Exploring thoroughly often reveals the location.

Can I find the goblin stash without a guide or walkthrough?

Yes, through careful investigation of the Goblin Camp, especially in concealed and corner locations, the stash can be found without any external help. It may take more time and effort.

In Summary

The hidden goblin stash in BG3 is a secret cache of treasure waiting to be uncovered by explorers willing to search thoroughly. By investigating the Goblin Camp, particularly the northeast corner, the concealed cave entrance can be found using Perception.

Inside waits a locked chest that requires either picking with Thieves’ Tools or opening with a found key. The contents include gold, weapons, armor, and magic items that will aid your party on their adventures. With effort and luck, rare rewards may also be uncovered.

Finding the goblin treasure on your own without help is very possible with systematic searching. Those who locate it are richly rewarded. Now get out there and claim that goblin loot!

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.