BG3 Harper Stash in Grymforge – Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki

The Harper Stash is a secret cache hidden deep within the Grymforge in Baldur’s Gate 3. This stash belongs to the Harpers, a mysterious organization that works behind the scenes to maintain balance in the Forgotten Realms. While tricky to locate and guarded by dangerous mimics, the Harper Stash contains valuable treasure for early game characters including weapons, armor, gold, gems, and other magic items. Here’s how to find the BG3 Harper Stash in Grymforge.

Key Takeaways

  • The Harper Stash is located behind a waterfall in the northeast of Grymforge
  • You’ll need the Harper’s Map found in the goblin camp to mark the Stash on your map
  • The cave contains 3 mimics disguised as treasure chests
  • Defeat the mimics then open the toy chest with Light to access the Stash
  • The Stash contains gold, gems, magic weapons, armor and scrolls

Where is the BG3 Harper Stash Located?

The Harper Stash is hidden deep within Grymforge, in a cave behind a waterfall in the northeastern region. The entrance to the cave is guarded by three deadly mimics that disguise themselves as treasure chests.

To find the specific location, you’ll first need to track down the Harper’s Map. This map is found inside a chest in the goblin camp of Grymforge, in a small room behind the leader’s tent. With the Harper’s Map in your possession, the location of the Stash will be marked on your mini-map.

Defeating the Mimics

Once you find the cave entrance, be extremely cautious. Do not go clicking on any chests or objects inside, as they are likely disguised mimics waiting to pounce. Here are some tips on defeating the mimics guarding the Stash:

1. Attack from range – Mimics are most vulnerable to ranged attacks. Use a bow or crossbow to damage them from a distance.

2. Utilize magic – Spells like Fireball and Lightning Bolt work well against mimics.

3. Detect magic – Cast Detect Magic to reveal mimics disguised as treasure.

4. Avoid interactions – Don’t touch anything inside the cave. Interacting with a mimic causes it to attack.

With clever positioning and by utilizing your party’s strengths, you can defeat the 3 mimics and safely proceed deeper into the cave.

Opening the Toy Chest

At the rear of the cave is a suspicious toy chest – and for good reason. This chest is the final mimic guarding the Stash. But this mimic will only reveal itself if you cast the Light cantrip upon it.

Once you cast Light on the toy chest, its true mimic form emerges and you can defeat it in combat. With all three guards destroyed, the contents of the Stash are now freely accessible.

What’s Inside the Harper Stash in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Within the Harper Stash you’ll find a sizable trove of treasure, including:

  • Gold– 91 gold pieces
  • Gems– 10 emeralds, 5 sapphires, 3 rubies
  • Weapons– +1 longsword, +1 shortsword, +1 dagger
  • Armor– +1 chainmail, +1 leather armor
  • Scrolls– Identify, Protection from Evil/Good, Remove Curse
  • Harper Amulet– A quest item for The Harper’s Secret

This stash can give early game characters a helpful boost in equipment and wealth. The weapons, armor, gold, and gems are particularly useful for improving your party’s combat abilities. And the Scroll of Identify helps appraise all the new magical loot.

The standout item is the Harper Amulet, which is a quest item needed to progress the lengthy Harper’s Secret quest. This unique amulet is key to unraveling secrets of the mysterious Harpers.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Guardian of Faith

Other Harper Secrets

While the Stash itself is hidden away in Grymforge, there are other locations throughout Baldur’s Gate 3 that harbor additional Harper secrets:

  • Harper’s Sanctum– Found in Baldur’s Gate, this headquarters contains letters, maps, books with Harper history.
  • Harper’s Library– This vast library in Waterdeep holds scrolls and tomes detailing Harper secrets.
  • Harper Outposts– Well-hidden outposts contain information about Harpers. Seek them out through exploration.
  • Harper Agents– Speaking with Harper agents may reveal secrets, but often requires persuasion or bribes.

By investigating these locations and speaking to members, you can continue uncovering the layered secrets of the Harpers across the game world.

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FAQ – August 9, 2023

How do I open the toy chest in the Harper Stash?

The toy chest containing the Stash is actually a mimic in disguise. Cast the Light cantrip on the chest, which will cause the mimic to emerge, allowing you to defeat it and access the treasures within.

What is the reward for finding the Harper Stash?

The stash contains 91 gold pieces, gems, magic weapons and armor, useful scrolls, and the important Harper Amulet quest item. These provide an early game boost to your party’s gear and wealth.

How to get to the Harper Stash in Grymforge?

First find the Harper’s Map in a chest behind the goblin leader’s tent. This map will mark the Stash on your mini-map. Go northeast to a cave behind a waterfall guarded by mimics.

What is the secret to the Harper Stash?

The key secret is that the toy chest containing the Stash is actually a disguised mimic. You need to cast Light on the chest to make it reveal itself so you can defeat it.

What is the significance of the Harper Stash?

It provides valuable early game treasure and the quest item needed to progress the major Harper’s Secret quest line regarding this influential organization.

What else can I find in the Harper Stash?

The main contents are gold, gems, magic weapons/armor, useful scrolls like Identify, and the special Harper Amulet quest item. There may also be secret notes or maps related to Harper activities.

Where can I find more Harper secrets?

Check the Harper headquarters in Baldur’s Gate, the vast library in Waterdeep, hidden outposts around the world, and speak to Harper agents you encounter in your travels.

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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.