BG3 Hag Eye Tips and Tricks – Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki

The Hag Eye is one of the most unique and mysterious items you can obtain in Baldur’s Gate 3. This otherworldly eye allows you to spy, intimidate, and uncover secrets – but at a steep cost.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Hag Eye in BG3 including how to get it, its effects, uses, consequences, and tips for maximizing its potential.

What is the Hag Eye in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The Hag Eye is an eyepiece of hag magic that replaces one of your character’s original eyes. It is obtained through a dark bargain with the hag Auntie Ethel at the Riverside Inn.

In exchange for sacrificing one of your actual eyes, Auntie Ethel gifts you the Hag Eye – granting you new powers of perception and intimidation.

With the Hag Eye equipped, you peer into the world through the arcane sight of a hag. This imbues you with a portion of hag magic but also comes at a price…

How to Get the Hag Eye in BG3?

To obtain the Hag Eye in Baldur’s Gate 3, you must complete a side quest that leads you to the Riverside Inn where Auntie Ethel dwells. Here are the steps:

  1. While exploring the swamps southwest of the Blighted Village, you’ll encounter Auntie Ethel on the road. Interact with her to begin the side quest.

    hag-eye-baldur's Gate
    hag-eye-baldur’s Gate
  2. Auntie Ethel will ask you to find her missing brother, Volo. Agree to help locate him.
  3. Volo can be found captive at the refugee camp. Free him from the tieflings.
  4. Report back to Auntie Ethel at the Riverside Inn. She will offer you a deal – one of your eyes in exchange for the Hag Eye.
  5. Select the eye you wish to sacrifice. Once you give up the eye, you will receive the Hag Eye item. Equip it for its effects.

Effects of the Hag Eye in BG3

The Hag Eye provides the following effects when equipped:

  • Darkvision– See normally in dark and dim conditions.
  • Advantage on Intimidation Checks– Your intimidating gaze now strikes fear into others.
  • See Invisibility– Notice invisible creatures and objects within line of sight.
  • Hag Magic Sense– Detect magic and see the true nature of disguised creatures.
  • Appearance Change– Your character now has one normal eye and one glowing red Hag Eye.

Unique Abilities of the Hag Eye

In addition to passive effects, the Hag Eye grants these unique active abilities:

  • Scry– Project your vision to spy on a target you have met within 300 feet.
  • Charm– Attempt to magically charm a humanoid by meeting their gaze.
  • Nightmare– Force a sleeping humanoid into a horrible nightmare.

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Pros and Cons of the Hag Eye


  • Powerful scrying ability
  • Bonus to intimidation
  • Darkvision and see invisibility
  • Detect magic and see through disguises
  • Interesting roleplaying opportunities


  • Lose an original eye permanently
  • Changes your appearance
  • Possible future consequences (hag magic is unpredictable)
  • Need 13 Charisma to use some abilities
  • Gives you a monsterous, frightening appearance

Tips for Using the Hag Eye – August 14, 2023

  • Use scrying to reveal secrets about companions and enemies. Just don’t get caught!
  • Intimidate your way through dialogues and situations that normally require charm or deception.
  • Equip before entering dungeons to spot hidden doors, traps, and treasures.
  • Change your look with a mask or helmet if the appearance bothers you or draws too much attention.
  • Quicksave before trying to charm or nightmare humanoids, as those effects can backfire.
  • Consider roleplaying implications – does your character enjoy hag magic or regret the bargain?
  • Choose your sacrifices carefully. Giving up your dominant eye may impose disadvantage on attacks.

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Can You Remove the Hag Eye in BG3?

Unfortunately, once you trade your natural eye for the Hag Eye, the change is permanent in BG3. There are no known methods of reversing the magical bargain you make with Auntie Ethel.

However, you can change your appearance and obscure the Hag Eye through some options:

  • Equip masks, helmets, hoods and other face slot items to cover it up.
  • Polymorph or shapeshift into another form to hide the Hag Eye temporarily.
  • Use illusion magic like Disguise Self to mask your appearance.

So while you cannot remove the Hag Eye completely, you can conceal it through equipment, spells, and magical effects. You must decide if the benefits outweigh permanently altering your appearance and potentially dabbling with dangerous hag magic.

Does the Hag Eye Affect Companions?

Your companions will certainly notice and comment on your disturbing new Hag Eye should you choose to take Auntie Ethel’s bargain. However, it does not directly impact their stats or abilities.

Some companions like Shadowheart and Astarion may approve of your ruthlessness in sacrificing an eye for power. Others like Gale and Wyll will see it as dangerous meddling in foul magic.

Ultimately it’s up to you to roleplay how your altered appearance affects your relationships and your character’s identity. The Hag Eye’s mythic associations certainly make it an item of intense curiosity in any event.

Is the Hag Eye Worth it in BG3?

Whether exchanging your eye for the Hag Eye is worth it or not depends heavily on your character build and roleplaying style.

If you rely on intimidation for dialogues, scrying fits your playstyle, or you enjoy dabbling in the occult – the Hag Eye can be incredibly useful. It also permanently boosts perception which is great for spellcasters.

However, warriors and archers may not want to sacrifice their dominant eye for abilities they won’t use as much. And anyone uncomfortable with permanent disfigurement or hag bargains should think twice before accepting Auntie Ethel’s offer.

As an optional, niche magic item – the value of the Hag Eye varies widely between characters and players. But it’s certainly one of the most unique rewards BG3 has to offer for those willing to pay the price.

Where to Find Auntie Ethel

Auntie Ethel only appears at two locations in BG3 where she can offer you the Hag Eye:

  1. On the road leading south into the marshlands from the Blighted Village.
  2. At the Riverside Inn later in the game after completing her quest.

If you plan to obtain the Hag Eye, be sure to take the side path south when exploring the swamps. This leads you to the fateful encounter that kicks off the Hag Eye quest.

Hag Eye Quest Walkthrough

Here are the key steps to complete the Hag Eye quest:

  1. Meet Auntie Ethel on the road and agree to find her brother.
  2. Rescue Volo from the tieflings at the refugee camp.
  3. Return to Auntie Ethel at the Riverside Inn.
  4. Choose to trade your eye for the Hag Eye.
  5. Equip the Hag Eye and use its powers.

Following this quest line allows you to unlock the full potential of the Hag Eye. But remember – once you sacrifice your eye, there is no going back.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.