BG3 Elminster Aumar – Guide (Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki)

BG3 Elminster Aumar is one of the most mysterious and powerful figures in all of Faerûn. As an ancient wizard, chosen of the goddess Mystra, and a high-ranking member of the Harpers, Elminster has shaped the fate of the Forgotten Realms for centuries. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about meeting, trusting, and unlocking the secrets of the mighty Elminster Aumar in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Key Takeaway

  • Elminster can be found in the Underdark when traveling with Gale
  • He wants Gale’s help to find the dangerous artifact called the Absolute
  • Trusting him gives access to powerful magic, but he may betray the player
  • Romancing Elminster is not possible
  • Refusing to help Elminster has few negative consequences

How to Meet Elminster Aumar in Baldur’s Gate 3

To meet Elminster Aumar, you must have the wizard Gale in your party and travel to the Underdark on the way to Moonrise Towers. Elminster appears as a bearded man wearing blue robes. He will ask if you travel with Gale, and requesting a private conversation with the wizard. After their meeting, Gale confides that Elminster offered help in destroying the magical curse afflicting him. You can then choose whether or not to trust the ancient archmage.

Step 1. Recruit Gale into your party early in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Step 2. Journey into the Underdark and head towards Moonrise Towers.

Step 3. Look for a bearded man in blue robes calling himself Elminster.

Step 4. Confirm you travel with Gale when Elminster asks.

Step 5. Allow Elminster to speak privately with Gale.

Step 6. Decide whether to trust Elminster when Gale returns.

What Does Elminster Aumar Want from Gale in BG3?

Elminster believes Gale may be the subject of an ancient prophecy – the Chosen One destined to save Faerûn from a great evil. If true, Gale’s magical curse prevents him from fulfilling this fate. Elminster seeks an artifact called the Absolute, which can supposedly break any curse. He needs Gale’s aid to recover this powerful and dangerous item.

However, Elminster’s true motives remain unclear. He may wish to genuinely help Gale, but could also be manipulating the wizard for his own ends. As an archmage of Mystra, Elminster has shaped history to serve his goddess, and may attempt to control Gale as well. Trusting him is a risk.

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Consequences of Trusting Elminster Aumar in Baldur’s Gate 3

Accepting Elminster’s request to find the Absolute artifact unlocks new story content, but also great danger. He provides the location of the Absolute in the mysterious Shadow Cursed Lands, and this unique area would otherwise remain unexplored. With Elminster’s guidance, you also gain access to powerful magic to help confront the coming evil.

However, Elminster is not to be trusted lightly. He acts for reasons only he understands, and may lead you astray. The choices he inspires could result in disaster for your party. If Elminster feels you no longer serve his wishes, his friendship can transform into terrible enmity. Tread carefully when relying on this legendary archmage.

Meeting Elminster Aumar in Baldur’s Gate 3

When Elminster takes Gale for a private talk, you won’t hear their full conversation. But once Gale returns, he reveals that Elminster:

  • Is an archmage and Harper who offers aid against Gale’s curse
  • Believes Gale might be the Chosen One of prophecy
  • Seeks the Absolute artifact to break Gale’s curse
  • Provided warnings of a great coming evil

You then decide whether to trust Elminster by accepting or refusing his request to find the Absolute. This choice significantly impacts your relations with Gale and the future path of the story.

Romancing Elminster Aumar

Players cannot pursue a romance with Elminster Aumar in Baldur’s Gate 3. As a temporary NPC, not a companion, there is no opportunity to seduce the ancient archwizard. Elminster is also so aged and focused on thwarting magical threats that he expresses no interest in romantic entanglements.

Consequences of Not Trusting Elminster

Refusing Elminster’s request prevents you from visiting the Shadow Cursed Lands to find the Absolute. However, few negative consequences stem from declining his offer. Elminster does not act vengefully if refused, although Gale will remain cursed. Be aware that without the Absolute artifact, you lose an opportunity to unlock unique story content and access powerful magic.

Analysing Elminster Aumar’s Role in Baldur’s Gate 3

Elminster Aumar is one of Faerûn’s most legendary living figures, but his precise role in Baldur’s Gate 3 remains ambiguous. Here is an analysis of Elminster’s potential impact on the story:

  • His Request– Elminster’s interest in the Absolute artifact hints at an approaching danger only he comprehends. His request sets the stage for the conflict to come.
  • His Wisdom– With centuries of experience confronting threats, Elminster’s guidance could prove invaluable against the game’s mysterious enemy.
  • His Knowledge– Elminster can provide information unavailable anywhere else, granting insight into Baldur’s Gate 3’s underlying mysteries.
  • His Aid– If fully trusted, Elminster may share access to powerful magic beyond most mortals, helping players survive future challenges.
  • His Hidden Motives– However, as with any archfey, Elminster pursues his own inscrutable goals. Beware he does not manipulate events for his own benefit.

In summary, Elminster portends great change, his wisdom could be vital, but his unclear agenda means trusting him may be dangerous. The player must carefully judge how much to rely on the supposedly benevolent aid of this most wily archmage.

Balancing Help and Betrayal: Elminster’s Relationship with Gale

Elminster Aumar demonstrates great personal interest in the wizard Gale. Their relationship seems one of mentor and student – but little is clear with one so devious as Elminster. What does this relationship imply about Elminster’s interests in the events of Baldur’s Gate 3?

The Mentor – Elminster may simply wish to guide and protect a talented young mage in need. His concern appears genuine.

The Manipulator – But he may be exploiting Gale’s need, ensuring a powerful pawn in his schemes. Do not dismiss betrayal.

The Saviour – Freeing Gale from his curse could fulfil the prophecy of the Chosen One, saving Faerûn from evil.

The Fool – Yet meddling with fate is perilous. Elminster’s desire to shape destiny could doom the world.

In summary, Elminster’s relationship with Gale seems both kind and dangerous. We cannot fully decipher whether he aids Gale or ruthlessly uses him. Caution is advised in trusting this cunning archmage.

Elminster Aumar’s Powers and Abilities

As an ancient Chosen of Mystra, Elminster boasts almost unrivalled mastery over the arcane. Here are just some of the abilities displayed by this legendary archmage:

  • Spellcasting– A spell repertoire surpassing all but the greatest mages, mastering spells of all schools and circles.
  • Enchantment– Skilled in beguiling minds, dominating the wills of even strong opponents.
  • Divination– Scries hidden truths remotely, across vast distances. Elminster misses little.
  • Teleportation– Can transport himself instantly and silently over miles, disappearing as needed.
  • Combat Prowess– When pressed, capable of unleashing potent blasts of fire, lightning and other elemental fury.

In summary, Elminster must be considered one of Faerûn’s mightiest living mortal beings. There are few able to match his magical mastery, and his full capabilities likely surpass what most can imagine. Tread carefully if you should earn this archmage’s enmity.

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How Elminster Aumar May Impact Baldur’s Gate 3’s Story

While Elminster’s motives are shrouded in mystery, they could profoundly impact events unfolding throughout Baldur’s Gate 3’s story. Some possibilities include:

  • Providing guidance– His centuries of experience could help players overcome the game’s many challenges. Elminster may advise when conventional solutions fail.
  • Uncovering secrets– Elminster’s knowledge could reveal hidden truths about the game’s lurking evils and expose their weaknesses.
  • Aiding directly– If fully trusted, Elminster may actively join the struggle at a critical moment, unleashing his formidable power.
  • Twisting fate– However, Elminster has been known to manipulate events to serve his goals. He may steer the story down dangerous paths.
  • Sharing knowledge– Those who earn his trust may gain access to exclusive spells and lore taught by this unparalleled archmage.

In conclusion, expect Elminster to significantly shape Baldur’s Gate 3’s narrative, for good or ill. His influence ensures the journey through the game will be far from straightforward, never predictable, but always memorable.

FAQ – August 12, 2023

Many questions surround the mysterious arrival of Elminster Aumar during the events of Baldur’s Gate 3. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about meeting and interacting with this influential archmage.

Where can I find Elminster Aumar in BG3?

Elminster appears in the Underdark when traveling towards Moonrise Towers, but only if Gale is in your party. Elminster wears blue archmage robes and has a long, grey beard. He calls out to you asking if Gale accompanies you.

What does Elminster Aumar want from Gale?

Elminster believes Gale is crucial to recovering the Absolute, an artifact that can break magical curses. He hopes Gale will aid him in finding the Absolute, probably to stop an impending evil mentioned by Elminster.

What happens if I trust Elminster Aumar?

Trusting Elminster opens up the companion quest to find the Absolute artifact, sending you to new locations like the Shadow Cursed Lands. He also provides magical aid and information to help confront the coming danger.

Can I romance Elminster Aumar?

There is no option to romance the temporary NPC Elminster Aumar in Baldur’s Gate 3. As an ancient and driven archmage, he does not seek romantic entanglements.

What are the consequences of not trusting Elminster Aumar?

Refusing to help Elminster find the Absolute prevents you visiting the Shadow Cursed Lands, but has few negative effects beyond losing unique content. Elminster does not act vengefully if you decline his request.

Who is Elminster Aumar in BG3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Elminster is an archmage and Chosen of the goddess Mystra. He is a founding member of the Harpers, and has shaped events across Faerûn for over a thousand years. His motives are often unclear.

Why does Elminster Aumar want to help Gale?

Elminster believes Gale may be the Chosen One destined to thwart a great evil. He needs Gale’s help to recover the Absolute and break Gale’s curse so he can fulfill this fate.

What is the Absolute in BG3?

The Absolute is a mysterious, powerful artifact that can supposedly break any curse. Elminster asks you to help him find the Absolute, probably to enable Gale to achieve his destiny by removing his curse.

What is the Shadow Cursed Lands in BG3?

This cursed region of the Underdark holds the Absolute artifact, but can only be accessed by agreeing to aid Elminster. It offers new environments and quests not otherwise available.

What are the Harpers in BG3?

The Harpers are a secretive organization that seeks to thwart evil. As one of their most senior members, Elminster’s arrival could herald greater Harper involvement against the game’s emerging threats.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.