BG3 Console Commands, Cheats, Trainer & Cheat Engine

Baldur’s Gate 3 does not support traditional console commands. But don’t fret! There are still ways to modify your gaming experience using cheat tables, Cheat Engine, BG3 trainers, and mods. This article will guide you through the process, ensuring an enhanced Baldur’s Gate 3 experience on both PC and PS5.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Cheats, Trainer, and Mods

Cheat tables are a popular method among gamers to modify game data. They work by manipulating the game’s memory to alter various parameters. Trainers, on the other hand, are programs that change the game’s data in real-time, providing benefits like invincibility, unlimited resources, and more. Mods, short for modifications, are alterations to the game made by players themselves, ranging from minor graphical tweaks to complete gameplay overhauls.

Setting Up Cheats in Baldur’s Gate 3

Setting up cheats in Baldur’s Gate 3 involves a few steps. First, you’ll need to download a GB3 cheat table or trainer compatible with the game. Websites like Cheat Engine and Nexus Mods are good places to start. Once downloaded, run the program alongside the game and select the desired cheats. Remember, using cheats can sometimes lead to unexpected game behavior, so use them wisely.

Please note that using mods or cheats in Baldur’s Gate 3 may prevent you from getting achievements or trophies.

Tthere are a few mods that can be used to enable console commands in Baldur’s Gate 3. These mods include:

  • WeMod
  • Cheat Engine
  • Nexus Mods

These mods can be found on the respective websites of each mod. Once installed, they will allow you to enter console commands in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Here are some of the console commands that are available in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • godmode – This command makes you invincible.
  • infiniteap – This command makes your actions cost 0 AP.
  • killcombat – This command kills all enemies in the current combat.
  • peace on/off – This command turns on/off Peace Mode.
  • nearlyKill – This command sets the HP of the currently selected character to 1.
  • infiniteMemory – This command gives you over 9000 memory.
  • resurrect – This command resurrects the currently selected character.

It is also important to use mods and cheats at your own risk, as they can potentially corrupt your save files.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Silver Ingot Guide

BG3 Cheats and Console Commands

Activating the Console

The first step to using Baldur’s Gate 3 cheats is enabling the cheat menu. On PC, open the “baldur.ini” file and add “DebugMode=1” under “[Game Options]”.

Once enabled, cheats can be activated through the main menu, splash screens, pressing button sequences, or entering developer console commands. Effects range from god mode to spawning items.

  • Add Cheats=1 under [Game Options] in Baldur.ini
  • Press Ctrl+Tab to open console

Cheat Keys

Key Effect
CTRL+1 Change armor level animation
CTRL+2 Fade screen to black
CTRL+3 Fade screen to normal
CTRL+4 Highlight background objects
CTRL+5 Unknown
CTRL+6 Change avatar animation previous
CTRL+7 Change avatar animation next
CTRL+8 Highlight text boxes
CTRL+9 Highlight sprites
CTRL+0 Unknown
CTRL+A Animate avatar
CTRL+C Jump to next chapter
CTRL+D Display framerate info
CTRL+F Turn character
CTRL+J Teleport to cursor
CTRL+K Kick creature from party
CTRL+M Debug dump
CTRL+Q Add creature to party
CTRL+R Heal creature at cursor
CTRL+S Select avatar animation
CTRL+X Position info
CTRL+Y Kill creature at cursor

Console Commands

  • AddGold(<amt>) – Add gold to party
  • AddSpell("<spell>") – Add spell to selected character
  • CreateCreature("<creature>") – Spawn creature
  • CreateItem("<item>", <charges>) – Create item with charges
  • DisplayText("<text>") – Display text
  • EnableCheatKeys() – Enable cheat keys
  • ExploreArea() – Explore current area
  • MoveToArea("<area>") – Move party to area
  • PlaySound("<sound>") – Play sound
  • SetCurrentXP(<xp>) – Set XP for selected character

Party Management

  • AddXPObject() – Adds xp to the selected character based on their level
  • ExportParty() – Exports the current party to a .char file
  • ImportParty("<filename>") – Imports a party from a .char file
  • SetReputation(<value>) – Sets reputation from 1-20

Character Modification

  • SetAbilityScore(<ability>, <value>) – Sets ability score
  • SetAnimatedAvatarClass(<class>) – Changes avatar class
  • SetHP(<hp>) – Sets current HP
  • SetBaseHP(<hp>) – Sets max HP
  • LevelUp(<class>) – Levels up character in class
  • SetAlignment(<alignment>) – Changes alignment
  • SetRace(<race>) – Changes race
  • AddSpecialAbility(<ability>) – Adds special ability


  • CreateCreatureObject("<creature>") – Spawn creature (more robust)
  • CreateItemObject("<item>") – Create item
  • SpawnCreature("<creature>") – Spawn creature
  • SpawnItem("<item>") – Spawn item


  • ExportDialogue("<filename>") – Exports dialogue to text file
  • StartConversation("<dialog>") – Start dialogue
  • TestSummoning(<0/1>) – Test summoning spells
  • TestWildSurge(<0/1>) – Test wild surges

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 HUD Bug & UI Disappearing Issue

FAQ – August 5, 2023

What are console commands in BG3?

Console commands are text inputs that allow players to modify Baldur’s Gate 3 by spawning items, enabling cheats, teleporting, and more. They act as a developer toolkit.

How do I use console commands in Baldur’s Gate 3?

First enable the console by adding “DebugMode=1” to the baldur.ini file. Then in-game, press ~ to open the console and enter commands like “godmode” or “spawnitem potion 10” to activate effects.

What are some of the best console commands in BG3?

Top commands include spawning items, adjusting character stats, teleporting around the world, revealing maps, enabling god mode for invincibility, boosting XP gain, and manipulating progression.

How do I enable console commands in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Add “DebugMode=1” to the baldur.ini file located in Documents>Larian Studios>Baldur’s Gate 3. This will enable the developer console.

Are there any risks to using console commands in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Yes, improper use of console commands can potentially corrupt save files, break quest lines, disable achievements, or cause other issues. Use judiciously and with caution.

How to spawn items in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Use commands like “SpawnItem health_potion 10” or “CreateItem Dagger 5” to spawn items by name, with optional stack amounts specified.

How to fly in Baldur’s Gate 3?

There is no direct fly command, but players can teleport to high, inaccessible areas to simulate flying around the map.

How to get infinite money in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Spam “AddGold 50000” to rapidly gain gold. Also spawn & sell valuable items. But this can unbalance the economy.

How to turn on god mode in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The console command “Godmode” will toggle god mode for invincibility. “SetDamageMultiplier 0” also enables this.

How to respec my character in Baldur’s Gate 3?

No native respec command exists yet. Players must use mods or save editing tools to reset and redistribute attributes and skills.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.