BG3 Burrow Hole Guide: Tips, Uses, Dangers and More

BG3 Burrow holes are a unique feature that allow players to access hidden areas and uncover secrets. These small tunnels can be found throughout the world, but navigating them requires caution. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about burrow holes in Baldur’s Gate 3.


Key Takeaways:

  • Baldur’s Gate 3 Burrow holes provide access to hidden loot, enemies, secrets and more.
  • Only small characters like Gnomes can fit through without spells or abilities.
  • Use Wild Shape, Gaseous Form, Reduce or Polymorph to enter burrow holes.
  • Beware of traps, enemies and getting lost inside burrow holes.
  • Bring a light source and mark your path to avoid danger.
  • Burrow hole rewards include loot, XP, secrets and unlocking new areas.

What Exactly Are Burrow Holes in BG3?

Burrow holes in Baldur’s Gate 3 are small tunnel entrances found throughout the world. They are too small for most creatures to fit through, but provide access to hidden areas for characters that can fit inside.

Burrow holes are dug through dirt and rock by creatures like badgers, rabbits and rodents. They create complex underground burrow systems that interconnect with other burrow holes.

In BG3, burrow holes range from a few inches to several feet wide. Small burrow holes are more common, while large ones are rare. But all burrow holes lead to secret areas with the potential for danger and reward.

Burrow Holes Location in BG3

Spotting burrow holes can be tricky since they are intentionally hidden. Here are some tips for finding them:

  • Search near mounds of dirt or piles of rocks– Burrow holes are often concealed near small mounds and rock piles.
  • Look in wilderness areas– Forests, swamps, meadows and mountains frequently have burrow holes.
  • Check dungeon floors and walls– Kobolds and other creatures dig burrow holes in underground lairs.
  • Use Perception checks– A high Perception score can reveal hidden burrow holes.
  • Ask companions for help– Some companions like Shadowheart have the Alert feat to sense burrow holes.

With clever searching and a bit of luck, you’ll be able to locate burrow holes throughout your BG3 adventure.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Luck of the Far Realms Guide

Uses of Burrow Holes in BG3

Entering burrow holes opens up many possibilities, including:

  • Finding secret passages– Burrow holes grant access to hidden rooms and shortcuts.
  • Discovering treasure– Chests, loot and relics are often stashed inside burrow holes.
  • Uncovering clues and lore– Notes, books and other clues await within some burrow holes.
  • Accessing new areas– Burrow holes can lead to entirely new sections of the map.
  • Encountering enemies– Creatures like spiders and snakes dwell inside burrow holes.
  • Experiencing traps and hazards– Burrow holes frequently contain traps like poison dart launchers.

With so much to uncover, it’s worth taking the time to squeeze into a few burrow holes and see where they lead.

Dangers of Burrow Holes in BG3

Of course, crawling into a dark mysterious hole isn’t without risk. Burrow holes pose a number of dangers including:

  • Monsters and enemies– Burrow holes are prime real estate for spiders, snakes, rats and other hostile creatures. Expect a fight.
  • Traps and hazards– Burrow holes often contain triggers for traps like spikes, pits and poison gas. Watch your step.
  • Cave-ins and collapses– Old burrow systems may be structurally unstable. One wrong move could bury you alive.
  • Getting lost– The winding tunnels of burrow holes make it easy to lose your way, especially without a light source.
  • Disease– Mold, fungus and filth within burrow holes can spread nasty diseases if you’re not careful.

Proceeding with caution and preparation can help mitigate these dangers. But burrow holes are inherently risky spaces.

Entering Burrow Holes in BG3

The first challenge is getting inside a burrow hole. These tips can help characters enter:

  • Druids use Wild Shape– Shapeshift into a tiny creature like a spider or snake to slither inside.
  • Cast Gaseous Form– Turn into mist and float through the burrow hole with ease.
  • Drink a Potion of Diminution– Shrinks your character small enough to fit through burrow holes.
  • Polymorph into a small beast– Morph into a rat or badger to scurry into burrow holes.
  • Use Reduce on Small Races– Shrink a Gnome or Halfling to squeeze them inside.

Without special spells, abilities or potions, most races are too big to enter burrow holes. But a resourceful party has options to slip inside.

What to Bring Inside Burrow Holes

Entering a burrow hole unprepared is asking for trouble. Be sure to bring:

  • Light Source– Torches, lanterns and light spells are essential to navigate the dark tunnels.
  • Chalk or Trail Markers– Mark your path so you don’t get lost in the maze-like burrows.
  • Thieves’ Tools– Help detect and disarm traps hidden inside burrow holes.
  • Rations and Clean Water– Prepare for potentially long expeditions under the surface.
  • Companions– Bring allies with Perception, Investigation and other skills to fully explore.

With the right gear and companions, you’re ready to delve into the depths of BG3’s burrow holes.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Harper Stash Guide

Rewards for Exploring Burrow Holes

Braving the dangers of burrow holes doesn’t go unrewarded. Here’s some of the loot you can expect to find:

  • Treasure and Valuables– Burrow holes frequently contain chests of gold, gems, art objects and other riches.
  • Potions and Scrolls– Useful consumables like Healing Potions are often stashed inside burrow holes.
  • Weapons and Armor– Magic swords, shields and other equipment sometimes end up in burrow holes.
  • Crafting Ingredients– Rare components for crafting like dragon scales might be buried in burrow holes.
  • XP for Discovering New Areas– Uncovering new parts of the map grants XP rewards.
  • Secrets and Story Revelations– Notes, books and clues hidden in burrow holes can reveal interesting lore.

Searching burrow holes takes time and care, but often yields fantastic treasure and secrets.

Avoiding Traps in Burrow Holes

Nearly every burrow hole contains traps and snares to ward off intruders. Use these methods to detect and avoid traps:

  • Search for Tripwires or Pressure Plates– Look for signs of triggering mechanisms.
  • Use the Perception Skill– A high Perception score helps spot hidden traps.
  • Detect Traps Spells– Spells like Find Traps illuminate hidden dangers.
  • Carefully Check Floors and Walls– Traps are often concealed under false floors or inside walls.
  • Move Slowly and Cautiously– Take your time and don’t rush forward blindly.
  • Send a Familiar or Companion Ahead– Let them trigger traps first so you’re prepared.

With vigilance and care, you can circumvent the traps that fill burrow holes and reach the treasures within safely.

Staying Oriented in Burrow Holes

The snaking, intersecting tunnels of burrow holes make it easy to lose your sense of direction. Stay oriented with these strategies:

  • Mark Your Path– Use chalk symbols, stacked rocks or other markers to track your route.
  • Sketch a Map– Draw a map to document the twisting passages.
  • Cast Find the Path– This spell highlights the correct route back to the burrow entrance.
  • Drop Breadcrumbs– Literally dropping bits of food can help you retrace your steps.
  • Never Explore Alone– Having companions makes it less likely everyone will get lost.
  • Limit Side Passages– Stick to main routes as much as possible to avoid losing your way.

With clever navigation techniques, you’ll be able to explore burrow holes without ever getting lost in an underground maze.

Choosing Burrow Holes Wisely

Not all burrow holes are created equal. Follow these tips to pick promising burrow holes to explore:

  • Inspect Entrance Size– Larger burrow holes tend to have more complex tunnel systems and rewards.
  • Check for Fresh Dirt– Recently dug or disturbed dirt indicates active burrows worth investigating.
  • Search Near Enemy Camps– Burrow holes close to places like goblin dens likely contain enemies and traps.
  • Look for Tree Roots– Roots growing into a burrow hole suggest it connects to deeper, larger systems.
  • Consider Burrow Hole Location– Ones found in ruins, forests and other intriguing places tend to be more interesting.
  • Feel for Drafts– Air currents flowing from a burrow hint at connections to the surface and large spaces.

Selecting burrow holes with care rather than diving into the first hole you see will lead to better results.

Creatures That Fit Through Burrow Holes

Only the smallest of creatures can squeeze through an average burrow hole without magical aid. Here are some races that can fit:

  • Gnomes– These naturally tiny folk have no issue fitting through small burrow holes.
  • Halflings– Almost as small as Gnomes, Halflings can easily slip into most burrow holes.
  • Goblinoids– Goblins, kobolds and their kin are small enough to crawl through smaller burrow holes.
  • Spiders– In spider form, Druids can climb into tiny 1-inch holes.
  • Rats– Another options for Druids, rats can scurry into incredibly narrow passages.

Unless you’re playing one of those races, you’ll need a spell or potion to get past the tight burrow entrances.

Spells To Enter Burrow Holes

Magic opens burrow holes to characters normally too large to enter. Handy spells include:

  • Wild Shape– Druids shapeshift into a creature small enough to crawl inside.
  • Gaseous Form– Turn into mist and float through the tiniest openings.
  • Polymorph– Morph into a rat or other tiny creature and scuttle inside.
  • Reduce– Shrink yourself down small enough to fit through burrow holes.
  • Enlarge/Reduce– Shrink a willing ally to enable them to enter the burrow.
  • Dimension Door– Teleport past a burrow hole’s entrance into the tunnels beyond.

With clever spellcasting, your entire party can join you to explore the deepest burrow holes.

Useful Magic Items

Besides spells, some magic items can help characters access burrow holes:

  • Potion of Diminution– Drinking shrinks you for a short duration, enough to enter burrow holes.
  • Boots of Striding and Springing– Allows the wearer to effortlessly jump across larger burrow entrances.
  • Slippers of Spider Climbing– Grants the ability to climb walls and ceilings inside burrow holes.
  • Wand of Secrets– Reveals hidden doors and passages concealed within burrow holes.
  • Wand of Enemy Detection– Alerts the user to monsters lying in wait within burrow holes.

Magic rings, staves, weapons and more could also come in handy while burrow hole delving. See what your party can equip before an expedition.

Multiplayer Dynamics

Burrow holes take on new dynamics during multiplayer adventures:

  • Have one player use Wild Shape or Polymorph to scout ahead– They can report back on what lies inside.
  • Take turns leading– Switch who is navigating the tunnels to avoid individuals getting lost.
  • Team up on perception and investigation checks– Combining observation skills helps spot hidden things.
  • Assign roleslike trap finder, healer, light bearer, etc. – Play to characters’ strengths.
  • Prevent separation– Stick close together, holding a rope or chain to avoid someone getting left behind.
  • Handle traps together– Share the damage from poison gas traps and combine efforts disarming them.

Tackling burrow holes as a cohesive unit makes exploration smoother and safer.

Burrow Hole Hazards

It’s not just traps you have to worry about – burrow holes contain natural hazards including:

  • Poor Air Quality– Mold, spores, and strange gases make breathing a challenge.
  • Fungus Patches– Hallucinogenic mushrooms and corrosion fungus grow in dark burrows.
  • Flooding– Rainwater or underground streams can flood tunnels.
  • Narrow Passages– Tight squeezes that limit movement and spellcasting.
  • Kobold Warrens– Aggressive kobolds defend their burrow networks.
  • Tremors– Earthquakes have been known to trap explorers when tunnels collapse.
  • Chasms and Drops– Sheer cliffs within burrows that risk fall damage.

Keeping an eye out for environmental and creature hazards will prevent losing a character to sheer bad luck.

Resting in Burrow Holes

While it’s possible to rest in burrow holes, it is extremely dangerous. Dangers include:

  • Wandering Enemies– New foes like spiders may crawl into your camp.
  • Lingering Traps– Traps reset after they are disarmed.
  • Cave-Ins– Vibrations from digging monsters may cause cave-ins.
  • Disorientation– It’s even easier to get lost after waking up in an unfamiliar tunnel.
  • Air Quality– Stale or poisonous air can suffocate sleepers.
  • Disease– Extended exposure to mold and fungi spreads disease.

Rest only when absolutely necessary and take steps to secure your campsite if you must sleep inside a burrow.

Alternative Uses for Burrow Holes

Beyond exploration, creative players can find other uses for burrow holes:

  • Make Camp Near Them– Use burrow holes as emergency shelter from storms or cold weather.
  • Create Traps– Rig a burrow hole entrance with a deadfall or snare to catch wildlife or humanoids.
  • Disposal Chute– Toss refuse down an empty burrow to keep your camp tidy.
  • Hide Supplies– Stash spare gear just inside a burrow hole to keep it safe but accessible.
  • Improvised Prison– Shove captive enemies inside a burrow hole and block the entrance.
  • Emergency Escape– Flee combat through a pre-scouted burrow network.

With some creative thinking, burrow holes unlock options beyond simple exploration.

Dealing with Underground Hazards

Burrow holes contain all manner of hazards to deal with, including:

Cave-Ins – Clear falling debris immediately. Stabilize walls with wooden supports.

Fungus – Burn patches with fire and wash any spores off immediately.

Flooding – Swim out if possible or locate air pockets to wait for water to recede.

Poison Gas – Hold breath and pass through quickly. Neutralize gas with Purify Food/Drink.

Hostile Wildlife – Use calming spells on beasts. Kill only as last resort.

Getting Lost – Retrace steps back to last junction. Use divination magic to locate exit.

With care, ingenuity and a bit of luck, even the deadliest burrow hazards can be managed. Just stay alert!


Burrow holes showcase everything that makes exploring Baldur’s Gate 3 exciting. Hidden treasures, deadly creatures, useful secrets – burrows represent the frontier spirit of adventure.

Yet with reward comes risk. Only by heading into burrow holes prepared and vigilant can their dangers be overcome. Choose companions wisely, pack the right equipment, and keep your wits about you.

The wonders beneath the surface beckon. With this burrow hole guide, you now have the knowledge needed to safely uncover those wonders for yourself. But tread cautiously – the dark tunnels below hide both great rewards and great dangers in equal measure. Adventure awaits!
