BG3 Arfur Gregorio Guide – Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki

Arfur Gregorio is one of the most complex and intriguing recruitable NPC companions in BG3. This guide will provide an in-depth look at Arfur Gregorio including his backstory, location, personality, relationship with the player, combat skills, quests, and role in the Baldur’s Gate 3 storyline. Whether you’re looking to recruit Arfur Gregorio as a loyal warrior ally or just want to learn more about this flawed character, this guide has all the key details.

Who is Arfur Gregorio?

Arfur Gregorio is a human fighter that players can find and recruit in the sprawling Underdark region in BG3.

He has a tragic backstory having grown up in a poor mining family and forced into the army at a young age. He’s seen extensive violence and death, leaving him haunted and suffering from PTSD. This has shaped his complex personality – he is distrusting and tends to lash out, but also seeks to find purpose through loyalty and bravery.

In terms of combat capabilities, Arfur Gregorio is a powerful level 5 fighter making him a formidable ally. His key abilities include:

  • Two-Weapon Fighting– skilled in dual-wielding
  • Great Weapon Master– devasting two-handed weapon strikes
  • Protection Fighting Style– can protect allies from damage

Overall, Arfur Gregorio stands out as one of the most compelling NPC recruits in BG3. He brings a dark yet loyal energy to the player’s party.

Arfur Gregorio Location in Baldur’s Gate 3

Arfur Gregorio is located in the Owlbear Den within the vast Underdark region of Baldur’s Gate 3.

The Owlbear Den is essentially a large network of caves and tunnels below the surface. To get to the specific location of Arfur Gregorio, you’ll need to:

  • Enter the Underdark region via the temple ruins
  • Head south and then west to find the Owlbear Den entrance
  • Once inside, explore the chambers to the northern section
  • Arfur Gregorio can be found sitting near a fire in a side room
BG3 Arfur Gregorio location
BG3 Arfur Gregorio location

When first encountered, Arfur Gregorio will likely be wary of strangers and unwilling to immediately join the player’s party. To fully recruit him, you’ll need to complete his companion quest called “The Lost Heirloom” which is started in the Owlbear Den.

The Lost Heirloom Companion Quest

This multi-part quest for Arfur Gregorio takes players through various challenges and locations in the Underdark including:

  • Exploring the kobold ruins
  • Fighting through an ambush site
  • Solving puzzles in the guidepost cavern
  • Defeating a demonic entity

Only by finishing all objectives of The Lost Heirloom can Arfur Gregorio be convinced to join the player’s party. It provides insight into his backstory and an opportunity to gain his trust and respect.

Baldur's Gate 3 arfur gregorio in map
Baldur’s Gate 3 arfur gregorio in map

Arfur Gregorio’s Role and Story Impact

As a major figure met early in the Underdark portion of the story, Arfur Gregorio is likely to play an important role in the overall narrative moving forward. Some possibilities include:

  • Mentor– Guide the player in navigating the Underdark
  • Rival– Compete for power and influence
  • Friend– Fight alongside the player against threats

Ultimately, how the player interacts with Arfur Gregorio will shape his arc and impact on the story. Helping him find purpose could strengthen his loyalty. Ignoring his goals may push him down a darker path. The complexities of his personality allow for many possibilities.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Spirit Guardians Guide

In summary, Arfur Gregorio has the potential to be a strong ally or formidable foe depending on the player’s choices. His knowledge of the Underdark and combat skills make him extremely valuable. How he ultimately aids or complicates the player’s quest will continue to reveal itself through future acts and quests.

Arfur Gregorio’s Personality and Relationships

Arfur Gregorio has a complex personality stemming from his dark past and PTSD. Some key traits include:

  • Distrusting of strangers– hesitant to open up or join the player party
  • Tends to lash out– haunted by trauma, quick to anger
  • Seeks purpose through loyalty– will be a faithful ally when bonded
  • Brave warrior– will fight to the death to defend friends

Building a relationship with Arfur Gregorio can be challenging but ultimately rewarding. Here’s how the relationship dynamic evolves:

  • Initially distrustfulof the player character
  • Comes to respectthe player after seeing their actions
  • Forms a loyal bondbut can still be impulsive and lash out

Gaining the trust and friendship of Arfur Gregorio provides a stalwart ally in the Underdark and beyond. But his personality quirks can lead to unpredictable behavior.

Related: Baldur’s Gate 3 Secret Chamber Guide

Strengths and Weaknesses of Arfur Gregorio


  • Skilled fighter and dual wielder
  • Grants protection for allies
  • Provides Underdark guidance
  • Willing to sacrifice himself for player


  • Haunted by traumatic past
  • Prone to lashing out
  • Distrusting of strangers
  • Impulsive and reckless

Best Party Combinations with Arfur Gregorio

Here are some of the best party members to pair with Arfur Gregorio to maximize effectiveness:

  • Wyll– Wyll can provide ranged damage while Arfur tanks enemies up close. Their personalities can often clash in interesting ways.
  • Shadowheart– A sneaky rogue like Shadowheart can benefit from Arfur Gregorio’s tanking and protection abilities.
  • Gale– As a wizard, Gale will appreciate having a frontline fighter like Arfur Gregorio absorbing damage and disrupting enemies.

Arfur Gregorio Character Creation Guide

Even though Arfur Gregorio is an NPC, creating a player character with a similar build can be an effective approach. Here’s a character creation guide focused on mirroring Arfur Gregorio’s abilities:

Race: Human

Class: Fighter

Subclass: Battle Master

Ability Scores: Prioritize Strength, Constitution, then Dexterity

Skills: Choose Intimidation and Athletics

Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting

Feats/Abilities: Dual Wielder, Great Weapon Master, Protection

Gear up with heavy weapons and armor to complement the tank fighting style. This build allows you to mimic Arfur Gregorio quite closely.

Where to Go After Recruiting Arfur Gregorio – August 16, 2023

With Arfur Gregorio now joining the party, here are some recommendations on where to go next:

  • Explore more of the Underdark region
  • Progress the main story by finding a way to the surface
  • Complete any companion side quests from Underdark characters
  • Start Arfur Gregorio’s personal side quest for a unique weapon
  • Return to the Druid Grove area on the surface

Having a powerful fighter like Arfur Gregorio along for the journey opens up more combat possibilities. He also provides insights on navigating the dangerous Underdark effectively.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.