Beyond The Wire Update 0.13 Patch Notes – Nov.4, 2021

A new Beyond The Wire update 0.13 released on PC. According to the official Beyond The Wire patch notes, the latest update addresses some bugs and crashes.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Beyond The Wire patch 0.13 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Beyond The Wire Patch Notes – November 4, 2021


Added new suppression system

Added music to the deployment screen

Added commander telephones to all spawn points

Added new scoring system (work in progress)

Individual Player Score

Objective Score

Objective Captures

Objective Defense

Objective Offense

Teamplay Score

Ability Score

Ammo supplied


Section Cohesion

Combat Score


Longest Shot


Longest Kill Streak

Melee Kills

Melee Blocks

Support Weapon Kills

Grenade Kills

Objective Captures



Added auto scaling capture point sizes to assault capture points

Reduced the amount of main spawn groups on most assault layers from 2 to 1

Increased the distance between spawn groups and the active capture point on assault layers to roughly 200m

Adjusted assault game mode times for new capture points

Reduced capture points on most Assault layers to one

Reduced staging phase time on assault from 180 seconds to 120 seconds

Added automatic spawn point selection (should default to section leader or rally if available, main spawn group if not)

Adjusted commander’s off-map support ability costs:

Artillery 150 to 250

Chlorine Gas 125 to 120

Smoke 100 to 80

Added Karabiner 98 AZ to Rifleman 02 role for German Empire

Added RSC 1917 to Rifleman 02 role for French Republic (Late War)

Added spawn auto-selection system in Firefight

Adjusted assault game mode times for new capture points

Adjusted SL kit unlock order, first SL kit variant is a revolver, second SL kit variant (unlocked at 3 players in section) is a semi-auto pistol (or revolver with extra grenade depending on faction), third SL kit variant (unlocked at 6 players in section) is bolt-action rifle

Adjusted unlock requirements for assault & grenadier – melee assault available with 3 player in section, alternate assault kit available with 6 players in section – grenadier role available with 6 players in section (down from 8)

Disabled weapon overheating for heavy machine guns. It never triggered but was running in the background.

Enabled the option to bolt during a sprint

Increased exhausted penalty modifier from 0.75 to 0.85 (reduces the severity of being exhausted)

Increased global horizontal sway from .25 to .65

Increased global vertical sway from .25 to .45

Increased ground friction from 3 to 8

Increased hurt stamina regen rate from 8 to 10

Increased max walk speed crouch from 180 to 200

Increased max walk speed prone from 88 to 100

Increased stamina drain from focus aim from 16 to 27.5

Increased visibility of muzzle flashes

Reduced the amount of Command Points that are given for objective capture on Frontlines and Firefight

Reduced damage multiplier on upper arm and upper thigh body parts from 1.0 to 0.9 to mitigate the number of one-hit kills

Removed camera rotation while leaning

Reduced max walk speed from 323 to 300 for all roles except:

Light Machinegunner role max walk speed reduced to 280

Assault role max walk speed unchanged at 323

Reduced stamina penalty for sprinting in all stances from 16 to 14

Removed firearms from Assault 01 role

Removed Signaller role phone deployable, updated role text for Signaller and commander role

Replaced frag grenades with smoke grenades on Rifleman kits

Unified the naming convention of engineer detachment to be Engineer, Sapper, and Engineer Officer


Fixed HMG triggering suppression on friendly soldiers

Fixed being able to bolt a manual weapon while using a bayonet

Fixed melee from hitting unintended collision objects

Fixed iron sights not being lined up correctly for emplaced machine guns

Fixed section leader spawn not being created if the leader is alive when the section is created

Fix Commander Telephones from disappearing when a player creates/leaves a section



Added Early and Late War variants of Canadian Expeditionary Forces

Added Early War variant for German Empire, British Expeditionary Force, French Republic

Added the first iteration of Jäger Regiment (available on Vieil Armand)

Updated various character models to include new equipment pieces for added variation and authenticity


Added voice lines for section leader orders and call outs to all factions

Added situational voice lines, like throwing grenades or putting on a gas mask to all factions

Unified faction acronyms across gameplay layers AEF, BEF, CEF, HHF, GER, FR



2nd Model Hand Ejector

BAR M1918

Berthier 1907/15

Hotchkiss 1914

Karabiner 98 AZ

M1895 “Potato Digger”

Modele 1897 75mm cannon


Ross Rifle Mk. III

Ross Rifle Mk. III Sniper Variant


Added interpolated / smooth motion for emplaced weapons when not aiming down sights

Added slight deviation to ADS with LMGs

Adjusted bipod rotation to no longer allow players to hover over the ground

Adjusted bipod values so they are easier to deploy on uneven terrain

Improved Enfield 1917 animations

Improved Feldkanone 96 animations

Improved Lange Pistole 08 ADS fire animation

Improved line of sight offset for all rifles

Improved Madsen M1905 animations

Improved MG 08 animations

Improved QF-13 animations

Improved Vickers 1915 animations

Improved Vickers Mk I animations

Increased bolting animation speed for Lebel 1886 APX by 15% to bring it to the same standard as other weapons

Increased damage of M1916 Karabinergranate

Reduced hip fire deviation on Lange P08

Reduced recoil for Colt 1911

Reduced recoil for Lange Pistole 08

Reduced recoil for Pistole 08

Removed ADS zoom from light machine guns

Removed line of sight offset for equipable items, pistols and grenades


Fixed 1911 hammer position during reload dry animation

Fixed Barbed Wire being destroyed by anything other than wire cutter

Fixed exit point of Vickers 1915 HMG being on top of the roof

Fixed grenade launcher projectiles doing direct impact damage

Fixed issue with overly bright Lewis muzzle particle effects

Fixed Lebel VB not playing any reload sounds

Fixed MG08 collision blocking leaning

Fixed Pistole 08 normal not having equip / unequip sounds

Fixed QF13 collision not rotating with gun

Fixed SMLE Mk. III dry firing sound missing

Fixed SMLE Mk. III reload dry duration

Fixed swing animation not being visible when an equipping melee and attacking



Added Vimy Ridge, Arras

Added Vieil Armand, Vosges


Updated Gameplay layers

Ansoncourt Assault 1915 GER vs FR

Ansoncourt Assault 1918 AEF vs GER

Ansoncourt Firefight 1918 AEF vs GER

Ansoncourt Frontlines 1915 FR vs GER

Ansoncourt Frontlines 1918 AEF vs GER

Cantigny Assault 1918 AEF vs GER

Cantigny Assault 1918 GER vs FR

Cantigny Frontlines 1918 AEF vs GER

Cantigny Frontlines 1918 FR vs GER

Chateau-Thierry Assault 1918 AEF vs GER

Chateau-Thierry Assault 1918 GER vs FR

Chateau-Thierry Frontlines 1918 AEF vs GER

Chateau-Thierry Frontlines 1918 FR vs GER

Combles Assault 1914 FR vs GER

Combles Assault 1916 BEF vs GER

Combles Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER

Combles Frontlines 1916 BEF vs GER

Frise Assault 1916 FR vs GER

Frise Assault 1918 BEF vs GER

Frise Firefight 1916 FR vs GER

Frise Frontlines 1916 FR vs GER

Frise Frontlines 1918 BEF vs GER

Poelcappelle Assault 1914 FR vs GER

Poelcappelle Assault 1915 CEF vs GER

Poelcappelle Assault 1917 BEF vs GER

Poelcappelle Firefight 1917 BEF vs GER

Poelcappelle Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER

Poelcappelle Frontlines 1917 BEF vs GER

Sechault Assault 1915 GER vs FR

Sechault Assault 1918 HHF vs GER

Sechault Firefight 1918 HHF vs GER

Sechault Frontlines 1915 FR vs GER

Sechault Frontlines 1918 HHF vs GER

Vieil Armand Assault 1915 FR vs GER

Vieil Armand Assault 1915 GER vs FR

Vieil Armand Firefight 1915 FR vs GER

Vieil Armand Frontlines 1915 FR vs GER

Vimy Ridge Assault 1914 GER vs FR

Vimy Ridge Assault 1915 FR vs GER

Vimy Ridge Assault 1917 CEF vs GER

Vimy Ridge Firefight 1917 CEF vs GER

Vimy Ridge Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER

Vimy Ridge Frontlines 1917 CEF vs GER

Zonnebeke Assault 1914 FR vs GER

Zonnebeke Assault 1914 GER vs FR

Zonnebeke Assault 1915 BEF vs GER

Zonnebeke Assault 1915 CEF vs GER

Zonnebeke Assault 1915 GER vs CEF

Zonnebeke Frontlines 1914 FR vs GER

Zonnebeke Frontlines 1915 BEF vs GER

Zonnebeke Frontlines 1915 CEF vs GER


Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map

Added new minimap for Ansoncourt

Added more lights to Ansoncourt night layer

Fixed flare not being synchronized across players

Fixed mesh sticking out of the ground at C3-8-3

Fixed a bunker poking through the terrain

Fixed fire not dealing damage in Ansoncourt

Update surrounding terrain for Ansoncourt

Updated lighting and reflection values

Updated Ansoncourt foliage draw distance


Various fixes


Decreased size of decals on Chateau-Thierry


Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map

Recalibrated night lighting so exposure values are more consistent with other lighting scenarios

Removed a section of the cover that was under the terrain

Fixed floating trees at C2-2-8


Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map


Fixing black and white flickering on distant smoke columns

Various fixes


Fixed floaters and gaps

Fixed floating trenches

Shooting Range

Renamed Shooting Ranges to properly display the name of the map on the HUD

Fixed decal sizes on shooting range


Added a crate to the bell portion of the church to prevent players from entering

Fixed exposed edge of a water plane at C3-7-5

Fixed terrain clipping into a bunker

Fixed wooden blockade under the terrain at C3-1-1

Reworked various gameplay spaces and points of interest across the map


Fixed sounds not playing when hitting certain types of trenches

Color corrected face dirt texture

Improved character equipment shader

Updated farm cart models in some levels

Reduced left hand glitching when interrupting sprint during a reload


Added a reload progress bar

Added new in-game scoreboard

Added new main menu

Added new multiplayer screen

Added new server browser

Added new training selection UI

Added sound effect when reload is complete

Add notification for when the max deployable limit is reached

Fixed not being able to right click on capture points on deployment map

Fixed section headings on spawn screen being incorrect after changing teams

Increased visibility of WIP message on HUD

Updated faction emblems

Updated nearby medic UI indicator

Optimization / General Fixes

Added double-sided collisions to trench pieces with corrugated metal

Fix Deployment Screen not showing the correct flag and not randomizing recruit soldier

Fixed a crash in spawn system related to players disconnecting while waiting to spawn

Fixed bridge material having no impact sound or particle effects

Fixed Commander Telephone receiving landscape decals

Fixed crash related to player ID not being registered correctly

Fixed crash related to ragdoll system

Fixed crash related to reloading misconfigured weapons

Fixed crash related to the VOIP system

Fix Deployment Screen from showing incorrect flag and kit when leaving section while spawned

Fixed desync for some weapon’s equip animations

Fixed desync of melee damage traces between different clients

Fixed heavy fortification and sandbags showing as being built after joining a match in progress

Fixed issue with Respawn from the console causing a crash

Fixed missing physmat assignment in landscape layers and trench material

Fixed mud puddles having no impact sound or particle effects

Fixed M_WeaponMaster material not having metal physmat

Fixed narrow collision of bunker stairs asset

Fixed oversized collision on some tree assets causing collision issues

Fixed PhysMat_DryMudWall not producing hit effects

Fixed Physmat_Fabric using wood VFX when shot with rifle grenades

Fixed PhysMat_Head_Flesh absorbing rifle grenades

Fixed PhysMat_MetalHelmet absorbing rifle grenades

Fixed PhysMat_WoodNoPenetration hiding rifle grenade explosions

Fixed players being teleported up when emplaced weapons take damage

Fixed players not seeing other players’ bipods being deployed

Fixed some deployables to use only one deployable state mesh instead of multiple single pieces

Fixed some emplacements not being damageable when in the unbuilt state

Fixed terrain texture issues on low-quality settings

Fixed weather system causing log error

Fixes to missing physmats on barrels and tree assets

Fix server default map is set to an invalid path causing a server crash

Improved collision on tunnel pieces

Improved collisions on bed props

Improved deployment screen performance

Improved LODs for rifle bayonets

Improved LODs for rifle SMLE MK III

Improved LODs for weapon animations

Improved shadow configurations for equipped items and weapons

Increased the height above the landscape at which the deployment menu spawns

Optimized birch tree LOD and impostors to counter overdraw in Ansoncourt

Optimized simplified collisions for windmill & damaged version

Potential fix for commander radio disappearing after using call-in

Reduced triangle count of some debris assets

Reduce puddle footstep volume to be more in line with the rest of the footstep sounds

Removed unnecessary character textures

Renu specializes in Japanese games, from cult-classic JRPGs to niche indie titles. A lifelong fan of Japan’s gaming culture, she combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for storytelling. Follow her for updates on Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, and hidden gems.