Beyond The Wire Update 0.13 (Hotfix) Patch Notes – November 12, 2021

A new Beyond The Wire update 0.13 released on PC. According to the official Beyond The Wire patch notes, the latest update addresses stability, performance, gameplay and visual issues.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Beyond The Wire patch 0.13 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Beyond The Wire Patch Notes – November 4, 2021

  • Added alternate Rifleman role with Berthier 1907/15 to early war French team infantry sections
  • Added alternate Rifleman role with Ross Mk. III to Canadian late war infantry sections
  • Changed CEF recon role’s side arm from Colt 1917 to Webley Mk VI
  • Decreased suppression scores from 15 to 5
  • Increased Section Leader teamwork , Section Leader spawn, and Rally Point scores from 1 to 5
  • Reduced Madsen magazine from 30 rounds to 25 rounds, increased max mags from 6 to 7
  • Reduced max time per objective on assault from 20 minutes to 16.5 minutes (15 minutes + 1.5 minute prep phase)
  • Reduced recoil of the RSC 1917
  • Removed ammo boxes from Signaller roles
  • Increased ammunition from 30 to 40 for all pistols
  • Removed reload UI audio feedback
  • Removed smoke grenades from rifleman roles
  • Unified naming of Berthier 1907/15 rifle across French and Harlem Hellfighter roles

Updated various loadouts

  • Section Leader 01: Revolver, Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade
  • Section Leader 02: Semi-Automatic Pistol (or Revolver depending on faction), 2x Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade
  • Section Leader 02: Rifle, Sidearm, Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade
  • Light Machine Gunner: Primary weapon, Pistol, Melee Weapon (no longer has grenade)
  • Signaller: Removed ammo bag
  • Medic 01: Rifle, Smoke Grenade, Medic Bag
  • Medic 02: Pistol, Smoke Grenade, Medic bag
  • Commander 01: Revolver, Frag Grenade
  • Commander 02: Semi-Automatic Pistol (or Revolver depending on faction), 2x Frag Grenade
  • Fixed Harlem Hellfighter roles with Berthier rifles only rearming 3 magazines instead of 10 on Rally Point/Section Leader spawn


  • Added Newfoundland Regiment detachment to BEF on Poelcappelle layers
  • Added Stoßtruppen section to German Empire on Zonnebeke, Chateau-Thierry and Cantigny
  • Added missing medic and Signaller armbands for early war BEF
  • Added missing medic armbands for early war FR
  • Adjusted the HHF belt to better contour the tunic
  • Removed redundant medical decal from the medic roles
  • Fixed naming issue for weapons on CEF Officer late war and Recon leader late war


  • Adjusted playable area sizes on Ansoncourt, Chateau-Thierry, Combles, Frise, Poelcappelle and Vimy Ridge to be within blocking zones
  • Added out-of-bounds volume to fix exploits on Vimy Ridge
  • Fixed Frise river ending abruptly
  • Fixed collision size in asset causing collision issues in Ansoncourt
  • Fixed Sechault capture zone sizes
  • Fixed various issues on Vimy Ridge
  • Fixed Vimy Ridge firefight using full team template
  • Fixing bad spawn points on Vimy Ridge Frontlines
  • Fixed CEF Shooting Range loading HHF
  • Fixed floating cliff faces on Vieil Armand
  • Fixed missing ravine outside of the map on Vieil Armand


  • Optimized forest trenches


  • Fixed icon for password protected servers not updating
  • Fixed misaligned scoreboard columns
  • Fixed Chinese characters not being displayed correctly where new font is in use
  • Fixed passworded servers not displaying the lock icon correctly
  • Fixed not being able to favorite a server

Optimization / General Fixes

  • Fixed various server and client crashes
  • Optimized trench assets on Ansoncourt and Zonnebeke
  • Added missing LODs for Late War FR character equipment

Known issues

  • AMD FX users will have degraded performance due to issues with the audio system. We’re still investigating possible solutions, but here’s a workaround
  1. Open following file:


If the file doesn’t exist, create it.

2. Add following lines at the end:

[/script/engine.audiosettings] bDisableMasterEQ=True

[Audio] bDisableMasterEQ=True

  • Ansoncourt Day: Looking through Binoculars can be overly bright
  • Ansoncourt underground bunkers have lighting issues
  • Assault capture points can sometimes not be captured, even if the objective shows up on the HUD. If you hear the ticking noise, capturing is successfully progressing
  • Changing Sensitivity Settings will break when joining a server or switching map and having Sensitivity Multipliers toggled on
  • Soldier Sensitivity Scaling settings will not apply to every weapon where it may be expected
  • Combat Record / Personal statistics do currently not display the scores correctly
  • Damage radius of field cannons will sometimes cause players to not be killed immediately
  • Deploying LMG bipods on walls while prone can lead to players teleporting under the map
  • Infantry section members will see a SL ability icon in the bottom left screen
  • M1895 “Potato Digger” is called M1985 “Potato Digger”
  • No. 20 Rifle Grenade uses placeholder sounds
  • Personal awards are not granted correctly
  • Players can get stuck within joining the process of joining a server
  • Saving the microphone will be reset after two restarts
  • Shooting Range for CEF vs GER loads HHF vs GER instead
  • Some CPUs can have degraded performance when Hyperthreading/SMT is active
  • Some surfaces do not show impact effects. Damage should still apply
  • Switching Audio quality in the options menu will cause a crash when connected to a server or when playing on the Shooting Range. Please restart the game to prevent that from happening.
  • VOIP widget role icon is not being displayed correctly

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.