Best Eldritch Invocations in BG3 – Baldur’s Gate 3 Wiki

BG3 eldritch invocations are a key class feature for warlocks. They allow players to customize and enhance their warlock’s abilities to match their preferred playstyle. With so many invocations to choose from, it can be tricky to select the best options. This guide will break down the most powerful and useful eldritch invocations in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Key Takeaways

Most Powerful Eldritch Invocations

  • Agonizing Blast
  • Repelling Blast
  • Eldritch Spear
  • Mask of Many Faces
  • Devil’s Sight

Choosing Eldritch Invocations

  • Consider playstyle
  • Consider challenges
  • Experiment with different options

Eldritch Invocations for Subclasses

  • Fiend: Dark One’s Luck, Hurl Through Hell, Sign of Ill Omen
  • Great Old One: Awakened Mind, Eldritch Sight, Misty Visions
  • Archfey: Beguiling Influence, Misty Escape, One with Shadows

What are Eldritch Invocations in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Eldritch invocations grant warlocks access to new spells and abilities. Unlike normal class features, invocations allow players to pick and choose how to build their warlock.

Warlocks gain access to eldritch invocations at 2nd level. Initially, they can pick two invocations, gaining an additional invocation at 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th levels. This means a 20th level warlock can have up to eight active invocations.

Most Powerful Eldritch Invocations in BG3
Most Powerful Eldritch Invocations in BG3

Invocations generally fall into three categories in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Expanded Spell Options – These invocations grant extra spells that don’t count against the warlock’s limited slots. Many allow at-will casting of certain spells.
  • Eldritch Blast Modifications – These invocations enhance the power of eldritch blast, adding bonus damage, utility effects, or range.
  • New Warlock Abilities – These invocations grant new active or passive abilities, like seeing through magical darkness or reading any language.

Choosing the right mix of invocations is crucial to building an effective warlock. So which options are worth considering in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Most Powerful Eldritch Invocations in BG3

Here are some of the outright best eldritch invocations available in early access:

Agonizing Blast

This invocation adds your charisma modifier as bonus damage to eldritch blast. It’s a must-have for any warlock wanting to boost their damage output. The extra damage applies to every beam too, so it scales incredibly well.

Repelling Blast

This invocation pushes targets hit by eldritch blast back 10 feet. It offers great battlefield control and synergy with environmental hazards. Repelling Blast can constantly reposition foes.

Eldritch Spear

Normally, eldritch blast has a range of 120 feet. Eldritch Spear doubles this to 300 feet. Outranging enemies and shooting from safety is a powerful tactic, especially on large battlefields.

Mask of Many Faces

This invocation allows using disguise self at-will without spell slots. Disguising freely aids infiltration, deception, and exploration. It’s great for intrigue-focused campaigns.

Devil’s Sight

This invocation grants 120 feet of magical darkvision that pierces even magical darkness. It’s invaluable in the Underdark and fighting creatures like drow that use darkness abilities.

Other excellent choices include Armor of Shadows for free mage armor, Beguiling Influence for enhanced social skills, and Misty Visions for at-will silent image. Ultimately, the “best” invocations depend on a warlock’s battle tactics and role within the adventuring party.

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How to Choose the Right Eldritch Invocations in BG3

With so many options, choosing eldritch invocations can be daunting. Here are some tips:

1. Consider Your Playstyle

What role do you want your warlock to fill – blaster, controller, scout, party face, or something else? Pick invocations that support your intended playstyle. For example, a ranged blaster would benefit greatly from Agonizing and Repelling Blast.

2. Examine Expected Challenges

Consider what obstacles, enemies, and environments you’re likely to face. Eldritch Sight is fantastic if exploring dark dungeons, while Devil’s Sight shines against magical darkness. Choose invocations tailored to your campaign.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

Warlocks can change one invocation when gaining a level. Don’t be afraid to test out different options. An underperforming invocation can always be replaced later.

4. Account for Race and Background

Certain racial traits like darkvision may make some invocations less appealing. Similarly, background benefits like social skill proficiencies can increase the value of certain invocations.

5. Factor in Spell Synergy

Some invocations combo well with specific warlock spells. For example, signing an enemy with Hex boosts the damage of Agonizing Blast against that foe.

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Best Eldritch Invocations for Each Subclass

Warlock subclasses grant additional spells and features that might make certain invocations more desirable. Here are some solid choices for each subclass available in early access:


Dark One’s Own Luck – Reroll failed saving throws 1/short rest. Great for survival.

Hurl Through Hell – Banish a target temporarily. Fantastic removal.

Sign of Ill Omen – Curse an enemy to take extra damage from your spells. Boosts damage potential.

Great Old One

Awakened Mind – Telepathic communication. Useful for talking across battlefields or to allies.

Eldritch Sight – Magical 120 ft darkvision. Helps greatly when exploring underground.

Misty Visions – Silent Image at-will. Useful illusion spells channel the weirdness of your patron.


Beguiling Influence – Proficiency in Deception and Persuasion. Excellent for talking your way out of trouble.

Misty Escape – Teleport when first hit in combat. Improved survival.

One with Shadows – Cast Pass Without Trace on yourself at-will. Nice for stealthy characters.

These suggestions just scratch the surface of the character options eldritch invocations offer warlocks. Ultimately, choose options that are fun, fit your character concept, and support your intended playstyle. Don’t be afraid to experiment until you find your perfect blend.

Eldritch invocations are an exciting way for players to define their warlock’s abilities. Selecting the right options can create a powerful hero ready to take on the threats lurking throughout the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Which eldritch invocations will you choose? The possibilities are endless.

FAQ – August 9, 2023

What are eldritch invocations in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Eldritch invocations are special abilities warlocks can select as they level up to enhance their powers. Invocations expand warlock spell options, augment eldritch blast, or grant new capabilities.

How do I get eldritch invocations in BG3?

Warlocks automatically gain access to eldritch invocations at level 2. You can choose two initially, gaining another at levels 5, 7, 9, and 12. Invocations are selected in the character sheet.

Can I change my eldritch invocations?

Yes, you can change one invocation whenever you gain a new warlock level. So feel free to experiment until you find options you like.

How many eldritch invocations can I pick in Baldur’s Gate 3?

A level 20 warlock can learn a maximum of 8 eldritch invocations. Lower level warlocks know fewer invocations based on their current level.

What are some powerful BG3 invocations for damage?

Agonizing Blast, Repelling Blast, and Eldritch Spear all boost eldritch blast damage, control, or range. For spell damage, Sign of Ill Omen causes your spells to deal extra damage to cursed enemies.


Eldritch invocations allow deep customization of warlocks in Baldur’s Gate 3. Carefully choosing invocations that match your intended playstyle and the campaign’s challenges is key to building an effective character. Popular picks include Agonizing Blast, Repelling Blast, and Mask of Many Faces, but don’t be afraid to experiment. With so many options, you’re sure to find a unique blend of invocations perfect for your warlock.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.