Battlefield V Update 1.21 Patch Notes for PS4 & Xbox One

Battlefield V update 1.21 is now available on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One. According to the official Battlefield V 1.21 patch notes, the new update removed an issue related to the ‘Invisible Soldier’ and fixed a bug which players were facing when tanks are firing at infantry which would previously result in performance spikes. Apart from this, the new Battlefield 5 version 1.21 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a big update was released added new content for Tides of War and the Armory. Unfortunately, since the last update, many players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s BFV update 1.21 update is expected to fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Battlefield V 1.21 Patch Notes

What’s New?

  • We have reduced the recoil, and increased the muzzle velocity for the P08 Carbine in a bid to improve its effectiveness
  • Kills in Firestorm are now awarded if the enemy player disconnects during the downed state

Bug Fixes in Battlefield 5 update 1.21

  • Fixes targeted at removing extreme instances of Invisible Soldiers
  • Specializations are now able to be reset on the P08 Carbine
  • The game will no longer stutter when killing enemies with tanks
  • Battlefield V version 1.21 removed an unintended suppression effect that was applying to infantry soldiers when a tank fires it’s main cannon
  • The screen will no longer turn black when firing stationary cannons
  • The Arras sights on the Lewis gun now displays correctly when using extended mags
  • Rate Of Fire for the MKVI Revolver has also been reduced to 180RPM, from 200RPM
  • The correct crosshair now shows for the Mosquito FB MKVI on all load-outs
  • The Company will now display the correct amount of bombs for the JU-88
  • Players trying to spawn into airplanes should no longer get stuck on the deploy screen

Battlefield V update 1.21 is now available for download.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.