Bannerlord Update 1.6.3 Patch Notes (e1.6.3) – Sep 22, 2021

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord update 1.6.3 (Sep 22, 2021) released on PC (Steam). According to the official Bannerlord 1.6.3 patch notes, the latest update added brings various tweaks, changes and fixes. Apart from this, Bannerlord patch e1.6.3 also includes bug fixes and changes.

Previously, a big update was released with various bug fixes and changes. Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues. Mount and Blade Bannerlord patch 1.6.3 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Bannerlord 1.6.3 Patch Notes – September 22, 2021



  • Addressed a crash that occurred after creating a random clan with a console command.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred during tournaments.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred when a conspiracy caravan party entered a settlement.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred when a disbanding party entered a settlement.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred when determining deserted troops for oversized parties.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred when a player killed an agent in civilian missions.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred when the Revenue Farming quest was canceled when the quest-related menu was open.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred due to party influence cost calculations.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred while handling pending kingdom decisions.


  • Campaign memory optimizations.
  • Campaign behavior event optimization.
  • Optimizations to the field getter functions in CharacterObject class.
  • Memory usage improvements in custom battle.
  • Minor UI-related improvements in memory usage.

Save & Load

  • Addressed a bug that caused the game version to be different between clicking “Continue Campaign” and loading the save manually.


  • Russian and Polish language localization improvements.
  • Other general localization improvements.
  • Chinese language updates.
  • Turkish language updates.
  • Minor text updates and typo fixes.
  • Addressed localization issues of Village Needs Draught Animals quest journal logs.


  • Added an ornate battle crown for Aserai lords.
  • Addressed a bug that caused the campaign character’s head to have a white contour.
  • Addressed a bug that caused some NPC faces to be black when viewed from distance.
  • Minor fixes to some Khuzait, Empire & Sturgia castle scenes.
  • Minor fixes to some Vlandia, Khuzait & Sturgia town scenes.
  • Siege tower and siege ladder placement fixes to an Empire town scene.
  • Sound improvements to some Empire castle scenes.


  • Addressed a bug that caused the melee trainer walking animation to become weird in some cases.
  • Addressed a bug that caused some parties to not play fighting animations during an event on the campaign map.
  • Addressed a bug that caused all agents to play the same animation during a conversation.


  • Improved the receive/pay tribute visuals in the kingdom diplomacy tab.
  • Moved the initial banner selection and clan naming to the character creation in SandBox mode.
  • Added new tavern game menu images for all main cultures.
  • The least expensive horses are now used first while upgrading troops.
  • Mobile party tracker states are now saved between sessions.
  • Added kill notification interface to town mission for gang and quest-related tasks.
  • Added panel opening animations to the rest of the fullscreen screens.
  • General improvements to banner visuals.


  • Addressed a bug that caused only two upgrade targets to be shown in the upgrade popup even when it should have been more.
  • Addressed a bug that caused some texts to overlap on tooltips.
  • Addressed a bug that caused holding left or right arrow keys to not move the cursor automatically.
  • Addressed a bug that caused tracked settlement nameplates to flicker in some instances.
  • Addressed a bug that caused an incorrect army size value to be displayed in a custom battle.
  • Addressed inconsistencies in equipment used by hero portraits in the settlement overlay.
  • Addressed a bug that caused the swapping action in the inventory, unequipping the replaced weapon.
  • Addressed the village hearth and town prosperity tooltips formatting issue.
  • Addressed a bug that caused settlement quest icons to be displayed wrong.

Battles and Sieges

  • Introduced death of the NPCs in simulation battles.
  • Decreased the chance of death caused by battle wounds in missions for all heroes except the player (the chance is the same in both missions and simulations).
  • The player is from now on able to attack disbanding parties.
  • Addressed AI aiming for ranged siege weapons.
  • In cases where “show mercy” is the only siege aftermath option, relation penalties will no longer apply.

When the player aborted raising the siege ladder at the last possible moment and the siege ladder went beyond the exact vertical position and went closer to the walls, it fell to the ground again even though it should have landed against the walls. This has been Addressed.

Character Development System

  • Decreased the chance of dying of old age for all heroes except the player.
  • Improved the way attribute and focus points are distributed for the AI.
  • Addressed inconsistencies in character creation adolescence phase with the smith family.

Clan and Party

  • Addressed a bug that caused clan roles to be deleted after the assignment.

Kingdoms and Diplomacy

  • Addressed a bug that caused the dialogue to be stuck when proposing a marriage alliance for yourself.
  • Addressed a bug that caused clans to propose to annex wrong settlements.

Economy and Trade

  • Addressed a bug that caused item tiers to be wrongly calculated. This bug also prevented workshops from producing lowest tier and highest tier items.

Settlement Actions (Town, Village, Castle and Hideout)

  • Increased the relation gain from emissaries to 5 from 3.
  • Decreased the emissaries’ relation gain chance.
  • From now on, an emissary will be able to gain relation only once per day with either a noble or a notable.
  • Since forcing a village to give supplies and forcing notables to give recruits options are intentional events, nearby parties will no longer join their map events.
  • Addressed a visual bug that caused prisoners in a castle to be displayed on the lord’s hall overlay instead of the dungeon.
  • Addressed a bug that caused trade rumors in taverns to be incomplete.

Addressed a bug that caused some prisoners to be transferred to garrison and militia which caused them to disappear from the settlement prisoner donate/manage screens.

Quests & Issues

Added a new quest named “Betting Fraud”. Quest summary: A gang leader offers you a deal to fix 5 tournaments and share the profit from the bet winnings.

  • Our clan members will no longer be able to give the following quests. If a quest giver becomes our clan member during an active quest, the quest will be canceled.
    • Lady’s Knight Out
    • Company of Trouble
    • Lord Needs A Tutor
    • Prodigal Son

The player can no longer take the following quests if their clan owns the settlement. If the player becomes the owner of the settlement during the quest, the quest will be canceled with a suitable log.

    • Rival Gang Moving In
    • Gang Leader Needs Weapons
  • Addressed a bug that caused some text to be missing during the Prodigal Son quest.
  • Addressed a bug that caused the Lord Needs Tutor quest log to be shown as a notification instead of a log.
  • Addressed a bug that prevented the relation bonus from being given at the end of the “Village Needs Grain” quest.

Addressed a bug that caused the banner icons above the troops to disappear after switching teams during the Rival Gang Moving In quest.

  • Addressed a bug that caused the Destroy Conspiracy Raiders quest to fail when attacking a party that wasn’t related to the quest.

Conversations & Encounters

  • Replaced old pose codes with new ones in conversations and did some minor dialogue fixes.


  • Updated the weight value of Furred Noble Lancer Helmet with Neckguard to 3.6 kg.
  • Pila is now named Pilum (since Pilum is a single-piece item).
  • Addressed a bug that caused all heroes to disappear in the encyclopedia.


  • Increased the speed at which the corpses are being cleared on duel mode.

Design & Balance

Addressed a bug that caused a team to win the match in which they were ahead in score even though they had all left the server before that.

  • Changed the gold costs of some troops for team deathmatch and siege modes.

Game Modes

  • Reworked the scoring system on all game modes (except duel).
  • Addressed a bug that prevented player troops from charging after the player disconnected on captain mode.

Other – Miscellaneous

  • Added cheering and shouting features that will allow players to quickly communicate with other players.
  • Addressed a bug that caused the mangonel projectiles to remain mid-air in some cases after warm-up.


  • Addressed a crash that occurred on language change while in the lobby.
  • Addressed a text alignment issue in the MP killfeed.
  • Addressed a bug that caused AI kills to not have a banner on MP killfeed.
  • Addressed a bug that caused some flags to be added more than once to the marker overlay (ALT).
  • Addressed a bug that caused the “Draw” match results to not work in TDM matches.
  • Addressed a bug that caused control points and score UI to show up even when they weren’t relevant.


  • Addressed a bug that caused snow and rain to enter enclosed spaces.
  • Young adults will no longer have grey hair.


  • Addressed sound starvation on the highest Sound Channel setting.
  • Addressed many going-silent issues on ambient and movement sounds.
  • Addressed some ambient buss leaking into reverb zones.


  • Added a “Legacy” option for order layout type.
  • Minor improvements to the camera placement in facegen.
  • Added support for simplified and traditional Chinese separation in video subtitles.


  • Addressed a bug that caused option descriptions to disappear after changing the language in the options screen.
  • Localization fixes.


  • Added a camera positioning cue for when the player switches to couched lance mode on horseback.
  • Mounted movement now supports controllers better.
  • Double-tap acceleration and slowing down for mounted movement’s agility is now related to the weight of the mount.
  • Addressed cases in which shields were not working against melee attacks when the left-hand collision capsule was partially outside of the shield’s physics body.
  • Ballista will now fire in the exact same direction if the player doesn’t move the cursor during the reload process.
  • For further explanation and additional information on the modding changes check the following thread: e1.6.3 Modding Adjustments[]
  • Heightmap selection dialogue now remembers the last used folder.
  • Added a warning to catch duplicate removals of entities.
  • Animations now support switching the item on the right hand to the left, and back. The appropriate flag for this is “switch_item_between_hands” which can be set in the editor. The addition of “hand_switch_data” to the animation is then also required to be set in the editor.

Damage Particles are now moddable. A new GameModel named DamageParticleModel has been added. By creating and using a new model class inherited from DamageParticleModel and overriding needed functions modders can choose damage particles very precisely according to collision properties.

  • banner_icons.xml is now moddable. Modders can include their own banner_icons.xml in their modules under “{MODULE_NAME}/ModuleData/banner_icons.xml”. Sigils, backgrounds and colours defined in these XMLs will extend the native banner icons.
  • Added editor visuals that show ranged siege weapon trajectories.

Languages are now moddable. Modders can now change options for all languages by providing their own options file. (see Native/ModuleData/Languages/[ID]/[id]_options.xml).

  • Moved occupation field to the Hero class from CharacterObject class, making occupations moddable.
  • Made character creation modder friendly.
    • CharacterCreationStages are now moddable. Modders can decide explicitly which stage types should be included and in what order in CharacterCreationContentBase. They can use their own stage types.
    • Addressed a few bugs that could crash the game when new cultures are used in character creation.
    • Exposed CharacterCreation.CharacterCreationMenus to modders.
    • Most functions’, fields’ enums’ protection levels in StoryModeCharacterCreationContent and SandboxCharacterCreationContent have been changed to protected from private.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred while sieging settlements with custom cultures.
  • Addressed a crash that occurred if the submodule.xml had a comment in it.

Download free Bannerlord patch 1.6.3 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.