Finding the hiding spot of Philomeen in Baldur’s Gate 3 Philomeen Hiding Spot is an intriguing side quest in the vast dungeons of Grymforge. One of the many optional adventures in Baldur’s Gate 3 involves locating this deep gnome named Philomeen who is in hiding within the dangerous confines of Grymforge. Successfully tracking down the specific location of Philomeen’s hiding place will reward players with valuable explosives and lead to an opportunity to free an important NPC. Use this guide to uncover the secrets of Philomeen’s covert sanctuary in Baldur’s Gate 3.
BG3 Philomeen and Her Significance
Philomeen is a female deep gnome who has taken shelter in Grymforge to escape slavery by the duergar and rescue her trapped kin. Like others of her kind, Philomeen possesses an innate talent for stealth and illusion magic which helps her remain hidden from threats.
She managed to sneak a stockpile of explosive smokepowder into her hiding spot, planning to use it to free a deep gnome leader named True Soul Nere who became trapped in a cave-in.
However, Philomeen realizes she requires aid to reach Nere safely past dangers like intellect devourers and mind flayers. If protagonists can successfully locate Philomeen and persuade her to cooperate, she will provide explosive resources and guidance to free Nere from the rubble.
Players can also opt to steal Philomeen’s smokepowder by force or intimidation if their character is morally flexible. But assisting Philomeen honestly is the best path for experience rewards and roleplaying opportunities.
Step-by-Step to find BG3 Philomeen Hiding Spot
Reaching the concealed sanctuary where Philomeen hides in Grymforge requires patience and a keen eye. Here are step-by-step instructions:
1. Enter Grymforge and Reach the Docks
First, players must access Grymforge’s interior and make their way to the dungeon’s underground docks. The dungeon can only be entered through underwater passageways in nearby seaside cliffs. Successfully navigating the treacherous underwater routes relies on abilities like water breathing spells or magic items. Sturdy swimming capabilities and an enduring lung capacity prevent the need to come up for air too often.

Once inside, winding tunnels of damp stone lead to the subterranean dock location. This space serves as an unloading area for duergar supply ships that transport slaves and resources using the underground water system. Avoid detection by duergar guards posted around the docks by utilizing stealth or invisibility magics.
2. Follow the Left Wall of the Docks to a Cave Entrance
Upon reaching the docks, face outward towards the dark water and follow the left cavern wall away from the shoreline. This dim tunnel twists and turns a few times before opening up into a larger cavern after covering some distance. Travel carefully while hugging the left side to avoid patrols of duergar dock workers who stick mainly to the right passageways. A successful stealth or perception check spots a hidden route diverging to the left.
3. Look for a Cave Entrance in the Cavern Filled With Gnome Corpses
The larger cavern along the left passage contains the sad sight of around a dozen deep gnome corpses left lying on the ground, likely victims of the duergar slavers. Search carefully along the edges of this room and players will spot the entrance to a small cave tucked away in an outer corner. The opening is obscured by rubble and rock formations that require a challenging perception check to notice.
4. Investigate the Cave to Find Philomeen’s Hideout
Approach the hidden cave entrance and head inside to find a single small room where Philomeen has set up her makeshift hideout. She will initially be surprised at the party’s arrival but quickly asks for assistance after realizing they may be willing allies against the dangers lurking in Grymforge’s depths.
Tips for Discovering Philomeen’s Hideout
- A high Perception score helps spot the obscured cave entrance along the cavern’s wall.
- If unable to find the cave, follow wisps of smoke drifting inside the larger cavern.
- Stealthily sneaking up on Philomeen allows picking her pocket to steal the smokepowder.
- A persuasive diplomat in the party can convince Philomeen to cooperate willingly.
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The Importance of Philomeen’s Smokepowder
The most valuable asset currently in Philomeen’s possession is her stockpile of explosive smokepowder. This volatile black powder was smuggled into her hiding spot for a vital purpose – to free the trapped deep gnome leader True Soul Nere. Players have several options for obtaining the smokepowder:
- Receive it through diplomacy: Complimenting Philomeen’s resourcefulness and sincerely offering to help rescue Nere will convince her to willingly lend some of the smokepowder to the party. This friendly approach provides the most rewards.
- Steal the smokepowder: Sneakily pickpocketing the satchel of smokepowder from Philomeen or intimidating her to hand it over allows players to take the powder by force but damages any chance of cooperation.
- Allow Philomeen to use it: If the party does not intervene, Philomeen will ultimately use all the explosive material herself in a suicidal attempt to free Nere by collapsing the cave-in on top of herself.
No matter the method, acquiring Philomeen’s smokepowder enables players to complete an important side quest – rescuing the deep gnome leader True Soul Nere. It can also be a valuable tool for clearing obstacles in future adventures. Thinking creatively, smokepowder has many potential uses as an explosive. Clever party members may even devise unconventional methods to weaponize the smokepowder against enemies.
Deep Gnome Leader True Soul Nere
The whole reason Philomeen smuggled smokepowder into Grymforge was to rescue True Soul Nere, an important deep gnome leader currently trapped underneath a cave-in. Until rescued, Nere’s mystical powers are being exploited by mind flayers using an enslaved host body to channel her energy against her will. Freeing Nere from the rubble cuts off this mind flayer exploitation and earns her gratitude.
To free Nere, travel to the rubble site and carefully use the smokepowder to blast open a way through the rocks. Quick reflexes are recommended when detonating explosives to avoid accidental self-harm. Consider rigging a remote fuse to ignite the powder from a safer distance. If freed, Nere becomes available as a potential party member with useful skills in illusion magic and lore about the region’s creatures.
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Avoiding Danger in Grymforge
While trying to discover Philomeen’s hiding place, beware of the many threats inhabiting Grymforge’s dark tunnels. Some of the deadly enemies to watch out for include:
- Duergar slavers – These merciless gray dwarves will imprison any wandering adventurers. They have an entire fortress on the surface levels and should be avoided.
- Intellect devourers – These disembodied floating brains leap onto victims to consume their intellect and take over their bodies as hosts. Their dominated thralls wander the dungeon acting strangely.
- Mind flayers – The illithid mind flayers rule Grymforge’s deepest levels and consider all other beings as cattle to feed upon. Getting too close risks psychic extraction of the brain.
Sneaking, diplomacy, and tactical positioning for advantage are key to avoiding confrontations with Grymforge’s dangerous denizens. Pick your battles wisely and be ready to make a hasty retreat if injured to recover and replan.
Rewards for Finding Philomeen
Helping Philomeen by locating her hideout provides several potential rewards:
- Smokepowder – This explosive material has many uses for clearing obstacles and dealing damage. Retrieving extra caches of it in Grymforge can provide a helpful stockpile.
- Rescuing Nere – Freeing this deep gnome leader earns XP, useful intel on the region, and a potential new illusionist party member.
- Gratitude – Philomeen and the deep gnomes will be grateful for the chance at freedom from slavery. This opens up future rewards and story opportunities.
- Reputation – Helping an oppressed group like the deep gnomes improves your reputation with that faction and noble reputation overall.
The successful search to find Philomeen ultimately results in players earning loot, experience, new narrative avenues, and allies. Locating her remote hideout spot is a worthwhile endeavor for any player hoping to fully experience everything Baldur’s Gate 3 has to offer.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Philomeen FAQ – August 7, 2023
Where can I find Philomeen in BG3?
Philomeen is hiding in a small cave located off the left passageway of the underground docks in Grymforge. Finding the concealed entrance requires passing a difficult perception check. Following smoke plumes inside the corpse-filled cavern can also lead the way.
How do I get to BG3 Philomeen’s hiding spot?
Reach Philomeen’s hideout by entering Grymforge through underwater tunnels, navigating to the docks, hugging the left cavern wall, and locating the cave entrance in an adjacent large cavern filled with deep gnome corpses.
What do I need to do to complete Philomeen’s quest?
Completing Philomeen’s quest requires obtaining her smokepowder and using it to clear the rubble trapping True Soul Nere. This earns rewards like XP, loot, and potential new party members.
How do I get the smokepowder from Philomeen?
Diplomatically convince Philomeen to cooperate, stealthily steal the smokepowder, or threaten her to gain access to the explosives. Stealth or persuasion work best for mutual trust.
How do I free True Soul Nere?
Use Philomeen’s smokepowder to carefully blast an opening in the cave-in rubble to free Nere. Quick reflexes and remote detonation prevent self-harm from the explosion.
Why is BG3 Philomeen hiding?
Philomeen is hiding from duergar slavers and other enemies like mind flayers inhabiting Grymforge while she plots to free the deep gnome leader Nere from entrapment.