Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Key Locations to Uncover First

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora offers players a vast alien landscape to explore. However, with so many corners of Pandora left to uncover, it can be challenging to know where to start your expedition. This guide will outline the most essential Avatar Frontiers of Pandora locations you’ll want to discover early on to optimize your experience.

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Key Locations

In the first 10 hours of playtime, be sure to prioritize uncovering these key sites to unlock crucial skills, equipment and mobility options for tackling Pandora’s grand adventures ahead:


This ancient home of the Aranahe Clan serves as a safe haven and marketplace. Earn favor with the clan to gain access to exclusive weapons and recipes. It also serves as an early fast travel point and hosts many side quests to build your skills.

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The Circle Settlement

By befriending the Zeswa Clan of the Upper Plains, you’ll gain the ability to adopt direhorse mounts allowing swift overland travel across dense jungle not passable on foot or by ikran.

Resistance Headquarters

This primary Resistance base offers essential upgrades and gear for sale including weapons, armor sets and enhancements for your kit. It also provides key intel on enemy activities across Pandora via patrol reports.

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Key Locations
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Key Locations

Larox RDA Facility

Infiltrating this early game RDA site allows you to sabotage operations, rescue prisoners, gather intel to pass to the Resistance and hijack tech and prototypes for your use against the corporate colonizers.

Use Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Key Map Efficiently

Manually uncovering Pandora through exploration is rewarding but time consuming. Use these tips to reveal the map efficiently:

Fly Often

Bond with multiple ikrans utilizing different speed/stamina attributes best suited for short or long flights. Use fast aerial reconnaissance to rapidly uncover terrain.

Alternate Mounts

Mix direhorse and ikran travel to optimize overland navigation. Use direhorse mounts to cut through dense brush on the ground then fly to traverse rivers or scale mountain ranges.


Avatar Frontiers of Pandora Full Map Guide: Tips and Trick

Follow Main Quests

Pushing the critical path quests forward especially early on will unlock fast travel points, new regions and gameplay abilities allowing you to extend your reach into previously inaccessible areas quickly.

Sabotage RDA Bases

Infiltrating RDA compounds allows you to hack relay stations that can uncover sections of the map and identify points of interest like Na’vi camps or opportunities to liberate prisoners for intel.

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Final Words – December 7, 2023

At its core, exploration stems from embracing your childlike curiosity about the alien vistas surrounding you. Let adventure guide your path – chase rogue signals across the Clouded Forest leading to ornate ruins, hunt colossal hammerhead titans on the grassy plains, uncover long abandoned wreckage revealing secrets of wars past. Diego into the beauty and danger of the unknown and all of Pandora’s majesty shall reveal itself.

Now get out there, Na’vi! Seek glory, wisdom and thrills through the journey ahead. We’ll be here when you get back with more tips and tricks for overcoming the frontier’s threats. Eywa ngahu, friends!

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.