Atlas Update 536.3 Patch Notes (Official) – January 13, 2022

Atlas update 536.3 is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Atlas patch notes, the latest update added the great temple to the game. Apart from this, today’s Atlas patch 536.3 also includes various bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Atlas patch 536.3 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

What is new in Atlas Patch 536.3 Notes? – January 13, 2022

New Content:

The Great Temple

The Great Temple Monument has been fully released. Players have visited the structure on the wonder islands in H9, I9, J9, K9 in Africa, and it is now claimable/buildable. To build the Great Temple players will need to build the Monuments Studies Modular room at the Damned Smithy and place it into a Cursed Temple. At the Monuments Studies Modular room players can craft the Great Temple Exterior.

Once the exterior has been crafted, bring it to the foundation locations on one of the four wonder islands. These are lawless claim, so be careful, your temple can be stolen.

Once placed, the Great Temple have 6 stages of progression, which are viewable at the Progression Table located in the entryway of the Temple. To progress from stage to stage you will need a large amount of resources and at least one week of real life time.

The first company to reach stage 6 completes The Great Pyramid Wonder, which gives a permanent buff to all company members of +20 Fortitude. This buff is persistent and will carry over to next season!

Stage resource requirements:
Stage 2

  • Strongwood: 50,000
  • Limestone:100,000
  • Flint: 10,000
  • Mythos: 2000

Stage 3

  • Strongwood: 150,000
  • Marble: 175,000
  • Flint: 15,000
  • Mythos: 3000

Stage 4

  • Strongwood: 200,000
  • Sandstone: 300,000
  • Flint: 50,000
  • Mythos: 5000

Stage 5

  • Strongwood: 100,000
  • Slate: 500,000
  • Flint: 100,000
  • Mythos: 2

Stage 6

  • Build and place Sarcophagus in the main courtyard.

New bed that is restricted to the Great Temple. This bed completes the Great Temple and allows for instant respawn and bed transfers.

  • Wood: 25
  • Thatch: 125
  • Fibers: 30
  • Hide: 40

Tramp Freighter

The Tramp Freighter is a low cost vessel great for early game transport. It is a 2 length ship and comes attached with multiple cargo racks attached to both sides. It would suit any pathfinder for transport reasons.

  • Wood: 1000
  • Thatch: 800
  • Fiber: 800
  • Metal: 100
  • Max Level: 60
  • Sail Points: 5
  • Module Points: 12
  • Attached Sails: one large and one medium handling sail

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed instances where activated fire visual effects were floating above the lumberyard
  • Fixed instances where activated fire visual effects were floating above the quarry
  • Fixed instances where the schooner and raft could disappear from a small shipyard after server restart
  • Fixed instances where transient nodes would not change position after a week
  • Fixed instances where quest markers were in the wrong grid
  • Fixed instances where the interaction with the irrigation system and a grill would cause unintended effects
  • Fixed instances where players were able to damage other players on some freeport islands in PVE
  • Fixed instances when trying to replace a sail would not correctly subtract the amount of sail points to be reduced from the old sail
  • Fixed instances where waves could allow or disallow sail placement
  • Fixed instances of weight not being correctly calculated when placing items in dinghy hangar railings
  • Fixed instances where using a portal to the kraken’s lair caused the player to spawn facing the incorrect direction
  • Fixed instances where some grids have freeport island selection when respawning
  • Fixed instances of holes in the ocean
  • Fixed instances of game crashes where players would be stuck unable to reconnect
  • Fixed instances where some modular rooms could be placed on pillars
  • Fixed instances where the tutorial volume is not controlled by the options
  • Fixed instances where the storage box could only be crafted at the smithy
  • Fixed instances where using the transient tracker and activating the map the compass would cause the compass to be invisible
  • Fixed instances of placing structures on pillars and allowing them to float
  • Fixed instances of pathfinders losing proper movement after teleporting while crouching
  • Fixed instances where structures would be placed on freeport islands
  • Fixed instances of the Broadsider spawning too far back in shipyards.
  • Fixed instances where players could replace sails disregarding collision
  • Fixed instances of Quest markers being in incorrect locations
  • Fixed instances where Dyes would not be highlighted when able to craft
  • Fixed instances where the Damned Smithy could be built on ships
  • Fixed instances where the Songstone could be built on ships
  • Fixed instances where Monument studies room had the incorrect model
  • Fixed instances where Altars of the Damned were spawning iridium ingots
  • Fixed instances where Damned Smithy’s were not placeable near the C11 Altar of the Damned
  • Fixed instances where NPC’s that are attached to cannons, puckles, and sails would not take damage
  • Fixed instances where Unnatural Fog ritual would crash the server
  • Fixed instances where blueprint ships would not be created with 100% durability
  • Fixed instances where treasure maps found in Tortuga would lead players outside of Tortuga
  • Fixed instances where multiple taxation banks can be spawned at sea forts
  • Fixed instances where multiple small sails could be placed at the front of the Turtle Ship
  • Fixed instances where AotD ships would ignore some modular ships
  • Fixed instances where structure placer would incorrectly display available snap points
  • Fixed instances where island claim points are reset to 0 after a server restart
  • Fixed instances where blueprinted ship modules would not start at 100% durability


  • Maximum stack size for most food/drink recipes in the grill and cooking pot increased from 5 to 30
  • Grenades can now be stored in the munitions Storage
  • UI changes made for the chatbox when creating a pathfinder
  • Added Tiny Shipyard back into the Basics of Sailing skill, and allowed it to be crafted in the player inventory
  • Increased maximum durability found on shipyards
  • Vegetables and herbs can now be stored in the silo
  • Cows and lions have increased mating ranges
  • Reduced effectiveness of small and medium sails on some modular ships
  • Reduced max sail points available on Broadsider BPs
  • Dragon’s Tongue Delight is now categorized as a drink
  • Cursed grog can now be stored in the keg
  • Mace Stun duration has been reduced
  • Additional changes coming in a future patch
  • Mace Stun ability cooldowns has been increased
  • Additional changes coming in a future patch
  • Shield bash stun ability cooldown have been increased
  • Additional changes coming in a future patch
  • Shipyards will now give demolish rewards excluding gold

Known Issues:

  • Xbox memory leak causing crashes when loading large amounts of textures
  • Sarcophagus icon shows the icon for a simple bed
  • Sarcophagus crafting resources are incorrect
  • The Known Issues pertaining to the previous releases has been omitted from this list. We are creating a public facing issue tracker to follow them.

Download free Atlas update 536.3 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.