Astroneer Update 1.48 Patch Notes for PS4, Xbox & PC

Astroneer update 1.48 is available now on PS4, Steam, Xbox, and PC. According to the official Astroneer 1.48 patch notes, the Custom Games update allows players to create unique game configurations with customizable settings, including starting planet, respawns, power and oxygen settings, research modifiers, and planet generation. Apart from this, Astroneer version 1.48 also includes bug fixes and improvements.

Previously, a big Astroneer update 1.43 addressed some bugs with slots on rail items, Junction failures, Usagi’s NavPoints, and some other minor issues with the Rails Update. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues. Today’s Astroneer version 1.48 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Astroneer 1.48 Patch Notes – July 13, 2023

  1. Introduction:
  • The Custom Games update allows players to customize their Astroneer experience.
  • Players can create new saves with unique characteristics and share them with others.
  • The update focuses on player choice and customization.
  1. Custom Game Configuration:
  • Players can access the Custom Game submenu when creating saves.
  • Preconfigured options are available, and players can create their own configurations.
  • Saved configurations are tied to the player’s account and can be accessed from different machines.
  1. Sharing Configurations:
  • Players can publish their configurations and share them with friends.
  • Each configuration is assigned a numerical “Share Code” for easy sharing.
  1. Custom Game Configuration Variables:
  • General settings include skipping the launch sequence, starting without a shelter, and choosing the starting planet.
  • Starting backpack items can be selected, and respawn settings can be adjusted for permadeath experiences.
  • Power and oxygen settings can be modified, including global power generation and consumption multipliers.
  • Research settings allow for adjusting starting research bytes, research rewards, and research speed.
  • Solar system settings enable modification of planet generation, gravity, wind rates, and more.
  • Biome modifiers can be adjusted per biome, affecting various aspects of gameplay.
  1. Astropedia:
  • Astropedia displays active custom game settings and lists credits for the game’s development team.

Bug Fixes

The following issues have been resolved in version

  • Printers no longer mistakenly collect extra resources and drop them after completing print jobs.
  • Printers no longer eject resource nuggets from their input slots when the player unlocks an item from the research catalog.
  • The tooltip for the “Strange Object” now displays the correct supported languages.
  • The game no longer crashes when navigating to the Dedicated server tab in the main or pause menu on PS4.

However, the following issue is still present in version

  • Power Generation Settings do not affect all power-generating items like the RTG, Generators, and Batteries.

Specific issues on different platforms include: Switch:

  • Items clipping through terrain more frequently.
  • The Tractor sits lower to the ground and bounces more than expected.


  • The host’s performance degrades when a client joins during certain Rail Missions.
  • Snail Shell specific decorators cannot be destroyed with a client’s vehicle drill/paver.
  • Entering the shuttle while on the gateway station or Sun Room immediately puts the client in solar view.
  • The client’s compass is completely empty (AS-18242/AS-17750).
  • In Dedicated Server saves, Rail Lines between all Rail Posts, Rail Junctions, and Rail Stations disappear completely. Newly created Rail Anchors cannot make Rail Line connections.
  • Vehicle mission actors such as Data Recorder or MAT, on Desolo or Vesania, fail to appear in Adventure Mode.

Download free Astroneer update 1.48 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.