Astroneer Update 1.45 Patch Notes for PS4, PC & Xbox

Astroneer update 1.45 ( is available now for Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation. According to the official Astroneer 1.45 patch notes, the update added the Project C.H.E.E.R Delivery event to the game. Apart from this, Astroneer version 1.45 also includes a variety of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements.

Previously, a big Astroneer update 1.43 addressed some bugs with slots on rail items, Junction failures, Usagi’s NavPoints, and some other minor issues with the Rails Update. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing several issues. Today’s Astroneer version 1.45 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Astroneer 1.45 Update Patch Notes – December 6, 2022

Project CHEER Delivery Event

Astroneers can create fresh toys via the Small Printer using Scrap and other resources.

It is curious that shipping containers keep crash-landing on planets in the Sylva System around this time each year… what’s going on with EXO’s logistics department? Must be a weird glitch in their subroutines. Maybe that explains the weird containers ERROR//LU-C1D filtration at 63% HelpHelpHelp that have been reported on Sylva, Desolo, and Calidor.

Packaged toys are worth different point amounts when shipped:

  • 20 Points– Automaton 001s & 002s
  • 35 Points– Cubic Objects
  • 50 Points– Stellar Objects
  • 75 Points– Cosmic Baubles (Printable from Small Printer)
  • 125 Points– Astral Figurines (Found on Glacio)

EXO Dynamics rewards packages received with:

  • 1500 Points– Holiday Throwback Bundle
    Contains cosmetics rewarded from previous years:

    • Hat: “Boreal Beanie”
    • Mask: “Pudding Warmer”
  • 3500Points – Palette: ”Carbonated”
  • 6500Points – Emote: ”Shiver”
  • 10000Points – Hat: ”Seasonal Allure”

Special Event Missions

Special missions will appear in the Mission Logs of players when a new event is active. Players only need to activate an EXO Request Platform rocket to start the current event and complete the mission.

Tether Toppers

Multi-colored lights return to adorn the tether lines of intrepid Astroneers! Use them as decorations, in support of your construction projects, or simply enjoy their merry glow

Bug Fixes

  • Game will no longer crash when placing a Sturdysquash Sample into a Research Chamber that is on the same platform as a Cauldrangea.
  • The game will no longer run out of memory very quickly while idling in certain saves in shipping builds.
  • The requested item icons and point values are no longer duplicated while in the care package phase of the LTE.
  • Packagers spawned in with the rest of the LTE items will now get removed when the LTE ends.
  • Japanese is now for the G. novus Shells mission title.
  • Japanese is no longer missing for Astroneer log.

Download free Astroneer update 1.44 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.