Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.12 is now available for players on PS4 and XBox One. According to the official Assassins Creed Odyssey 1.12 patch notes, the latest update has added new features like in-game support for Episode 2 Shadow Heritage and upcoming Lost Tales of Greece, new Level Scaling Option, new Mastery Levels, and much more. In addition, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey version 1.12 has also added stability and performance improvements.
Previously, a big update was released which added a Mastery Levels System, additional fast travel points to Mythical Creatures, dismantle option at the Blacksmith, added support for DLC Episode 1 Hunted and much more. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are experiencing a number of issues when trying to play. Today’s Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.12 for PS4 is expected to fix a few of these issues. Check out full changelog below.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Update 1.12 Patch Notes
- Added in-game support for Shadow Heritage
- Will be available to download on January 15
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.12 added support for A Poet’s Legacy
- Added support for A Brother’s Seduction
NEW! – Level Scaling Option
Players can now customize Enemy Scaling levels (Quests, NPCs):
- Default – Content will be set appropriate to selected difficulty level
- Heavy – Content remains at the player’s level
- Medium – Content can drop up to two levels below the player’s level
- Light – Content can drop up to four levels below the player’s level
Warning: Please note that adjusting the Enemy Scaling has an impact on the Loot level, but not the Loot quality.
NEW! – Hephaistos’s Workshop
Assassins Creed Odyssey update 1.12 added Hephaistos’s Workshop to the game
Learn– Displays all existing Engravings and allows players to buy any perk for a price
Upgrade– You can upgrade your gear to Engravings Tier 6 & 7
- Challenges for Engravings up to Tier 5 need to be completed in order to upgrade further
Engrave– You can engrave gear at Hephaistos’s Workshop
- Located in the Myson Cave in the Malis region
- You can fast travel to The Ruins of Artemis location to access the Workshop more easily
NEW! – Additional Mercenary Tiers and Benefits
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 1.12 added two Mercenary Tiers (S1 and S2) to the ladder
- Unlocks once players reach Tier 1
- Added tutorial for new ranks
- Added two Mercenary benefits
- S1: War Contracts and Bounties provide 35% more rewards
- S2: Hephaistos reduces the price of his teaching by 20%

NEW! – Additional Mastery Levels
- Poison Effect
- Damage after Parry
- Damage after Dodge
- Adrenaline on Parry
- Damage and Health while in Conquest Battles
- Assassins Creed Odyssey patch 1.12 added achievements/trophies for upcoming Lost Tales of Greece and Shadow Heritage
- Lost Tales of Greece Quest giver icons are now displayed on top of fog on the map
- Added zoom button indications to the world map
- Procedural Quest NPCs can now be recruited
- Gameplay icons will now take priority over photos on the map
- Improved Legendary set bonuses of the Hades and Nemean gear
- The required XP to gain a Master Level has been lowered and all progress through the Master Level has been reset to Master Level 1
- 30 Ability points will be granted for all players that reached level 70 before this Title Update.
- Headshots no longer guarantee critical hit and base headshot damage has been increased
- All damage increases from perks are now additive with each other (some were previously multiplicative) to reduce high-damage spikes in specific gear situations
- Stealth music will no longer play when all soldiers have been defeated in a red zone
- Neema/Natakas will keep to her/his word, walking off after saying “See you soon” in Into the Storm
- Addressed an issue in Mysterious Malady where the Magistrate would follow the player to anywhere on the map to fight him after performing a save/load action
- Assassins Creed Odyssey update 1.12 fixed an issue that could lead Darius to appear in the hideout even if he shouldn’t
- Addressed an issue in More Questions Than Answers that had Neema/Natakas running to the hunting grounds during the cutscene
- Addressed various issues in Protector of Persia that caused completion issues or prevented other quests from spawning
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 1.12 addressed an issue causing the Arena to become unresponsive when accepting a Mercenary challenge while using Ikaros
- Damage from Assassin ability perks will now work as intended: Ability damage from perks is now correctly added to the ability damage number seen in the Abilities menu
- NPCs with shields will be slower to rise when the Shield Break level 3 is used to initiate combat
- Fixed an issue where specific Enemies did not reduce damage taken from headshots
- Addressed various instances that caused players to become stuck or fall through the map
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 1.12 addressed an issue that prevented players from re-entering the forge
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from interacting with the temple door after fast travelling to Medusa’s Temple
- Addressed an issue that caused Mercenaries level to be above the level cap (71)
- Assassins Creed Odyssey 1.12 addressed an issue that prevented the Olouros Fortress location from being completed
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Lavrio Silver Mine location from being completed
- Addressed an issue that prevented Home Sweet Home from completing
- Myrrine will continue to travel to her destination in A Mother’s Prayer and The Paros Blockade
- Players missing their Odyssey arc in the Quest Log after talking to Herodotos during the Serpent’s Lair will now be able to continue their journey
- Players will now be able to complete We Will Rise
- Assassins Creed Odyssey update 1.12 addressed an issue that prevented Herodotos from showing up in Perikles’s Symposium
- Players can now interact with Roxana to accept Sparring with Roxana
- Addressed an issue in Caged and Enraged that caused the quest to fail under certain conditions
- Upon looting Pan’s Flute inside the Cave of Pan, the Throw the Dice objective will now update
- Addressed an issue in The Test of Faith where a save/load action could lead to issues with the quest progression
- Players’ health will no longer be capped at 25% when the Falx of Olympos is equipped before the Pankration fights in The Contender
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.12 addressed an issue in Monger Down that caused the Monger to move towards players while in a defeated state
- The Spear will no longer go missing after interacting with doors and meditating in Memories Awoken
- Addressed an issue in Test of Faith that caused NPCs not to scale at the recommended quest level
- If players acquire the spear by knocking out the Mercenary in Heavy Is the Spear, the objective will now update
- [SPOILER] Addressed an issue where players were stuck in the room after defeating Lagos in Judge, Jury, Executioner
- Treasure will now be sellable if We’re Treasure Hunters is completed by knocking out the NPC
- Obelia’s pirate ship will no longer be destroyed on the high seas by other ships in We’re Treasure Hunters
- Although roosters rule the roost, they will now return to their initial positions if players flee like chickens from combat at the farm in Chicken or Egg
- The Doctor Will See You Now will now complete after players acquire the forceps
- Assassins Creed Odyssey update 1.12 addressed an issue that caused Ashes to Ashes to fail under certain circumstances
- Addressed an issue where the quest Idiot Hunt would not be received
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from talking to the girl in Romancing the Stone Garden
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 1.12 addressed an issue that prevented players from looting the chest to complete Blood and Water
- Addressed an issue that prevented quests from appearing after finishing Doing Time
- Addressed an issue that caused the Legendary Boar to refuse to give his pelt to players in Daughters of Artemis
- If players read the letter while in conflict during Civil Unrest, the objective will now update
- Mercenaries will no longer appear smarter than they really are, pinpointing the location and running after players who were previously in combat during To Kill or Not To Kill
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey version 1.12 addressed an issue with the Burned Men and Broken Skulls contract that prevented its appearance in the Quest Log
- [SPOILER] If Deianeira is killed before The Fall of Damara is accepted, it will now complete
- [SPOILER] Addressed an issue creating an untrackable objective when killing Hycranos without his quest
- [SPOILER] Addressed an issue that allowed players to kill Lagos before the dialogue and spare option is present in Judge, Jury, Executioner
- [SPOILER] Phoibe will no longer scream when hit with arrows after she’s dead in And the Streets Run Red – Must show some respect for the dead!
Character and AI
- Addressed multiple instances of incorrect NPC and player spawning
- Alektryon will no longer be a chicken hiding in the Arena – henceforth, he will take his true name and position to challenge you – Alektryon the Rooster awaits!
- While you may still be wary of hugs, tamed bears have had a change of heart and will now welcome your loving pets
- Addressed an issue where Enemy Guards would not be alerted by the player’s arrow if shot while the NPC is currently attempting to wake an unconscious guard – That’s why people get shot in the knee!
- Mercenaries throughout the map who were sent to the Underworld will remain with Hades – No coming back anymore!
- Brontes will now feel the full force of light and heavy weapon attacks
- Hecate decided three torches was a tad excessive – two is just right – and she’ll no longer take torches thrown into puddles
- Addressed an issue upon reloading that caused tamed animals to become untamed after dying with players in combat
- Steropes’s eye will now detect players standing in all areas of the fight zone
- Ikaros will no longer be able to harass knocked-out targets while players are carrying them into caves or otherwise restricted areas
- Phobos will no longer try to run away after being called if you run towards her
Photo Mode
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.12 fixed an issue where the camera couldn’t be moved
- Addressed several texture issues when activating Photo Mode
- Addressed an issue in Photo Mode where NPCs could appear distorted
- Camera-shy dolphins will no longer close their mouths when players zoom using Photo Mode
- [PC] Addressed an issue with W&S buttons input in Photo Mode that could make it difficult to scroll through the presets
Adrestia and Naval
- Crew Skin changes will now remain saved if the player creates and loads a save in the menu
- Legendary Lieutenants will no longer be given the option to be dismissed
- Resources will remain intact when killing Athenians during Naval boarding
- Assassins Creed Odyssey update 1.12 fixed an issue with the Black Wind Ship skin that could sometimes appear with a wrong texture
- The EXP Boost icon will now be seen in the Ship Storage menu
Performance and Stability
- Corrected a tablet’s worth of short-term freezing and stuttering instances
- Addressed several instances of long loading times
- Improved Performance and Stability during battles, in populated areas or on the chicken farm
Graphics, Animations, and Audio
- Assassins Creed Odyssey update 1.12 addressed several Mercenary attack animation issues
- Addressed various weapon audio balancing issues
- Addressed several visual effect issues with weapons and outfits
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 1.12 fixed several camera issues while using special abilities
- Addressed several weather, water texture, and display issues
- Addressed a variety of visual customization and weapon display inconsistencies
- Addressed numerous instances of cinematic anomalies
- Assassins Creed Odyssey 1.12 fixed various instances of corrupted textures on NPCs
- Addressed several incorrect animations
- Addressed various issues that prevented audio from playing in fights, red zones, etc.
- Players will now hear the audio cues in the Visual Customization menu
- AC Odyssey update 1.12 addressed a variety of world object graphics anomalies
- The Felucca will no longer try to dive under big waves, causing graphical corruptions – Gotta know your limits!
- The Poison effect will now be displayed on arrowheads
- When upgraded, Rapid Fire now has improved special effects
- [PC] Addressed an issue with texture quality on Armor, Weapons, and Spear when changing the environment texture detail
- [SPOILER] Addressed a texture display issue with the servers in Layla’s loft
User Interface, Menu, and Subtitles
- AC Odyssey update 1.12 addressed various UI/HUD irregularities and display anomalies
- Addressed various issues with Engravings not increasing stats as intended
- Addressed several instances of incorrect Engraving formula applications
- Addressed various display issues in the Detailed Stats page
- AC Odyssey 1.12 addressed several issues that caused Mastery effects to be unapplied
- Addressed scrolls of subtitle sync and display issues
- Corrected multiple instances of incorrect armor, weapon, and item text
- Addressed an issue where players couldn’t apply visuals from items acquired prior to Patch 1.0.5
- Addressed an issue where the last Mastery Level seemingly had no effect
- Players will no longer be shown a misleading warning message when trying to summon Phobos in restricted areas
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.12 addressed an issue where players could regain adrenaline by using a hunter ability
- The Visual Customization system menu can no longer be opened for categories other than gear and weapons
- Addressed an issue that led the Tame and Crouch actions not to be customizable with all control schemes
- Addressed an issue showing mapped skills as available when players have no adrenaline
- Addressed an issue where fast travel was grayed out and players were unable to fast travel outside of a conflict zone
- [PC] Addressed an issue where the screen did not adjust after switching from Fullscreen to Windowed and back, using Alt+Enter+Esc
- [PC] Addressed several display issues with 21:9 or 16:10 aspect ratios
- [PC] M&K players will now find scrolling through menus a smoother experience, much like taming a wolf over a bear
- [PC] Addressed an issue where ability assign/unassign using the mouse middle-click wouldn’t work
- [PC] The VRAM meter will now display the correct values with different resolutions when using Borderless Mode
Ubisoft Club, Achievements, and Trophies
- The Ubisoft Club challenge Window Shopping will now unlock after a player meets the requirements
- The achievement Without A Trace will now unlock when a player completes the requirements
- AC Odyssey update 1.12 addressed an issue with the Wrath of the Amazons achievement/trophy that could sometimes not unlock when the conditions are met
- Abilities Acquired in the Stats page will no longer appear at 1% in the endgame
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey version 1.12 fixed crashing issues.
- Fixed stuttering and lag issues with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 1.12.
- Added performance and stability improvements.
- Assassin’s Creed Odyssey version 1.12 fixes for the server that caused connection issues.
- Fixed some glitches with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 1.12.
- Fixed framerate drop issues.
- Various minor bug fixes and changes.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.12 on PS4 is now available for download.