ARK Update v778 Patch Notes for Xbox One Released

ARK update v778 for Xbox One is now rolling out for players. According to the official ARK 778 patch notes, the new ARK Survival Evolved 778 update bringsExtinction Chronicles V.Additionally, the ARK version 778 also includes Extinction-related Explorer Notes on The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration. Once collected these notes will unlock new Extinction-related skins.

The previous big update was released with Extinction Chronicles IVwith three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Shirt and a new Tek creature(the Tek Parasaur). Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players were experiencing a number of performance issues. Today’s ARK 778 patch is expected to fix all these errors. Check out more details here.

ARK Update 778 Patch Notes for Xbox One

  • Extinction Chronicles V.
    – ARK 778 for Xbox One has Added Tek Quetz
    * New breeding line
    * 5% chance to spawns
    * 20% higher base level
    – Added new color set (black, red, green, purple, white)
    – Added 3 new Explorer Notes and matching unlock (Corrupted Gloves)
    – ARK Survival Evolved update 778 increased maximum player level by 1
  • Climbing pick meshing fixes
  • Better handling for low fps server dino attacking
  • Fix for failure to cleanup structure placers
  • Pre-emptive API for server structure cleanup improvement
  • Unlocked mod maps for use in singleplayer without needing Ascension
  • Disabled near clipplane console command

ARK update 778 on Xbox One is now available for download.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.