ARK Update 1.79 for PS4 Released, Read What’s New and Fixed

ARK update 1.79 forPS4is now available for players. According to the official ARK 1.79 changelog, the new ARK Survival Evolved 1.79 update has added various fixes for issues related to crashing, framerate drop, UI bug, stuttering/lag, and more. Additionally, the ARK version 1.79 also includes stability and performance improvements.

The previous bigupdatewas released with was released with Extinction Chronicles IVwith three new Explorer Notes, the Corrupted Shirt and a new Tek creature(the Tek Parasaur). Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players were experiencing a number of performance issues. Today’s ARK 1.79 patch is expected to fix all these errors. Check out more details here.

ARK Update 1.79 for PS4 Changelog

– Enabled transfer of all Extinction Expansion Pack dinos to Aberration (except Snow Owl)

– Fix for Gacha’s sad effects not playing properly
– Fixed bug where taming didn’t decay over time
– Fixed bug where taming didn’t reset when a different player/tribe started taming
– Fixed bug where taming was always at 100% effectiveness
– Set Gacha to have a lower chance of dropping an item when wild
– ARK version 1.79 adjusted Gacha loot to skew towards lower quality rolls being more common
– Increased Gacha affinity gained per level to match other dinos of similar size
– ARK 1.79 reduced the max quality of generated items to a more appropriate amount
– Adjusted how much food Snow Owl pellets give
– Fixed issue with disappearing saddle

– Made Gasbags like their favorite taming food again

– Fix forXPexploit
– Disabled ability to cryo rafts and motorrafts
– Disabled ability to cryo Cryosick dinos
– Cryo sick dinos take 10x damage

Orbital Supply Drop
– Enabled Element Veins
– Fixed issue with certain OSD mode networks
– Fixed issue where crate could respawn in the same location after crate landed

– Titans should no longer consume food in singleplayer
– Fix for game save location (should auto migrate)

– Fixed issue with spines floating after a dino mesh is harvested too quickly.
– Fixed stamina issues with Velonasaur getting in a state where it was stuck charging stamina without doing an ability.
– Fix for Velonasaur being able to ground boss flyers

Tek Bridge
– ARK update 1.79 removed bug that caused vaults to float when a bridge was disabled
– Vaults no longer block bridges

Dino Leash
– Added smaller radius for breeding

– Fix for Mega Mek regaining health
– Set Mek pistol to be unable to damage metal or tek
– Increased damaged to Mek when in siege mode
– Disabled shield retracting when Mek is still flying upward
– ARK update 1.79 fixed issue with Mek shields preventing the buffs/debuffs from applying
– Prevented shield from deploying within range of enemy turrets
– Mek siege cannon and missile pod projectiles move slower and can now be properly targetable by turrets
– Adjusted Mek charge-up for siege to be quicker
– ARK 1.79 adjusted Mek drag weight to match their size
– Auto-colorize Mek backpacks with the Mek’s colors

Snow Owl
– Fix bug that caused players to go into a weird state after being affected by its ice bomb
– Snow Owl encapsulate healing amount is now based on the Owl’s base health instead of the healed dino’s base health
– Set Owls to not ‘poop’ so frequently so they are a more rare resource

– Now requires half second pass before allowing another forward dash after jumping.
– Adjusted ice breath to not be usable directly behind you on the ground.
– ARK patch 1.79 fixed Managarmr laying carno eggs
– Fixed issue with damage calculation
– Fixed issue with FOV calculating incorrectly when user has a non-default FOV setting.

– Hid blank buff that appeared when blinking with an Enforcer
– Enabled Scouts and Enforcers to be crafted in the city terminals

– Scouts no longer drop eggs
– ARK 1.79 enabled Scouts and Enforcers to be crafted in the city terminals

– Desert Titan node health fix
– Titan beta/gamma health fix
– Improved Desert Titan basing
– Transmitter UI no longer shows Titan is downloadable during two hour download limit

– Chinese strings added

– Set max Override Difficulty to 5

Extinction Map
– ARK update 1.79 disabled meteor event for now due to meteors causing damage in unintended areas
– Fixed ice cave water spawner overspawning, added cave water spawner with hostile dinos
– Updated spawn volumes to fix Beaverpocalypse
– Updated Wasteland cavern water spawner volumes
– ARK version 1.79 fixed sound radius for street lights, no longer can be heard by everyone in the area
– Fixed various map holes
– Converted all of the water ppvol DoF to use Gaussian settings matching those on the Island
– Map streaming fixes
– Water plane fixes
– Fixed some floating resources
– Fixed teleporting between domes breaking their effects
– Dome streaming fixes
– Updated drag weight values for dinos that did not have it set so they’re not all pick-up-able by a Ptera (Gacha, Gasbags, etc)

  • ARK version 1.79 fixed crashing issues.
  • Fixed stuttering and lag issues with ARK update 1.79.
  • Added performance and stability improvements.
  • ARK 1.79 fixes for the server that caused connection issues.
  • Fixed some glitches with ARK 1.79.
  • Fixed framerate drop issues.
  • Various minor bug fixes and changes.

ARK update 1.79 on PS4 is now available for download.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.