ARK Survival Evolved Update 2.60 Patch Notes (690.3) – June 15, 2021

ARK Survival Evolved update 2.60 patch notes are now available for PS4 (690.3) and Xbox One (929.7) players. According to the official ARK 2.60 patch notes, the latest update added some minor changes and bug fixes. Apart from this, ARK Survival Evolved version 2.60 also includes other minor fixes and changes.

Previously, an update added Genesis Part 2 and a long list of bug fixes.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues while playing the game online. Today’s ARK version 2.60 will address a few of these errors.

ARK Survival Evolved 2.60 Patch Notes

  • Fixed not being able to place C4
  • Fixed not being able to start the boss fights
  • Temporary workaround for Stryder Mission Requirements to enable taming of higher level ones
  • Fixed some client side crashes
  • Fixed not being able to start the GEN1 boss fight
  • Fixed tooltips not displaying when KBM is plugged in

Download free ARK update 2.60 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.