Respawn has released a new Apex update 2.79 for PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Apex 2.79 patch notes, the latest update fixes crashes in Takeover mode and Ranked challenges, restores Anniversary Event rewards, and resolves matchmaking and ranked reset issues. Today’s Apex version 2.79 also includes stability fixes.
Apex 2.79 Patch Notes – March 6, 2025

- Crashes: Fixed multiple crashes, including one in Takeover mode and another while viewing Road to Ranked challenges.
- Anniversary Event: Resolved progress-tracking issue; prize track rewards are being granted.
- Ranked Mode: Fixed issue causing some player ranks to reset to Rookie IV; all ranks have been restored.
- Matchmaking: Resolved issues preventing players from joining/leaving matches and earning RP.
- Legendary Rewards: Fixed issue where some players didn’t receive a Legendary item from the Legendary Weapon Class Pack.
- Xbox Performance: Fixed FPS drops when using Bloodhound’s Ultimate.
- Balance Changes:
- EVA-8: Reduced rate of fire at base and all bolt tiers.
- Hemlok: Reduced burst fire delay.
- P2020: Increased damage to 25 (was 24) and improved Akimbo hipfire spread.
- Mozambique: Adjustments made for better performance.
Known Issues
- Performance: High CPU usage reported while running the game.
- Ballistic: Sling weapon loses status when EVO levels up during Ultimate.
- OCE Servers: Packet loss and gameplay latency affecting players.
- Arsenals: Collision extending beyond visual models.
- Fuse: Mythic Ordnance skin inconsistent with passive ability.
- Badges: Founder’s badge appears locked but can still be equipped.
- Weapon Mastery: Weapon Mastery and Trackers displaying different values.
- Event Progression: Players unable to complete events due to reward points not progressing.
- Optics: Some optics disappearing or swapping after weapon swap.
Previously, Apex Legends update 2.76 added a new Limited-Time Mode (LTM), Knockout, along with 36 event-themed items, including a Mythic melee item. Unfortunately, since the last Apex patch 2.77, players are still experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Apex patch 2.79 will fix a few of these issues.
Download free Apex update 2.79 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.