ANVIL February Update Patch Notes (Official) – Feb. 22, 2022

ANVIL February update (Feb. 22, 2022) is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Anvil patch notes, the latest update added a new breaker quake open testing period, new weapon dril gauntlet, and more. Apart from this, today’s Anvil game patch also includes various stability fixes.

Previously, a major balancing update was released with various tweaks and quality of life improvements.

Read more details below.

What is new in Anvil Patch Notes (February 22, 2022)?

New Breaker Quake open-testing period

Players will be able to play Quake with the Feb. update. Quake will be available for free until the March update, so we hope to receive diverse feedback. Quake will have balancing adjustments before his official release in March and his skill effects and outward appearance will be upgraded.

He will be an official Breaker with the Season 1 update in late March.

New weapon Drill Gauntlet added

Quake’s basic weapon Drill Gauntlet will be added to the weapon drop pool. Drill Gauntlets with new special effects will be added in future updates.

Season Pass VP experience boost up

VP experience gained until the Season 1 update will be doubled.

Once the new season starts, the preseason Season Pass will no longer be available.

UI for galaxy season challenge mode added

The new mode UI that will be available in March has been added in advance.

Please look forward to the season exclusive challenge mode!

Improvements to relic effects

Some relic effects have been altered so that similar build stats do not decrease.

Concussive Rounds

  • Previous effect : 50% weapon power increase, 30% attack speed decrease
  • Changed effect : 50% weapon power increase, 20% skill power decrease

Necklace of Amplification

  • Previous effect : 50% skill power increase, 20% skill cooldown increase
  • Changed effect : 50% skill power increase, 20% weapon power decrease
Changes to UI

We are adjusting the UI in the long-term, leading up to full release. We will improve visual effects step by step every update to provide better user experience.

We are currently changing the layout of UI in the lobby in preparation of new contents coming out in the future. This will proceed step-by-step every update.

Setting – Key change

We had an issue with the Esc key being unable to be registered in key change settings, so we decided to change the key selection process in settings.

To avoid confusion among players, we tried to make fewest changes possible, but making confirm/cancel key change to enter/esc is now possible.

Other changes in basic key settings include

Smart Ping: Shift -> 1

Emoticon 1: 1 -> 2

Emoticon 2: 2 -> 3

Emoticon 3: 3 -> 4

Press to Speak: V -> Shift

Go to left tab: G -> C

Go to right tab: H -> V

  • We are trying to make all the keyboard interaction possible with just one hand.
  • There were some issues with the Gold Hound distribution coupon, so we decided to give out Gold hound to everyone without the need of a coupon.
  • Fixed the issue where matchmaking would go on forever with no end.
  • Addressed blackscreen error.
  • Changed the laser effect range of certain boss monsters showing differently than how it is.
  • Added UI and effects so that success and failure of exploration is more apparent.
  • Monster pathing logic has been updated so the tracking of Breakers by enemies is smoother.
  • Xbox rankings will be refreshed.

Download free Anvil patch 10 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.