Aim Lab Update 0.95.3 Patch Notes (Official) – October 12, 2021

Aim Lab update 0.95.3 (Oct 12, 2021) is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Aim Lab patch notes, the latest update features a new benchmark dashboard featuring Voltaic, an easier way to share tasks and playlists with deep linking and portals inside of Creator Studio.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Aim Lab patch 0.95.3 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Aim Lab Patch Notes – Oct 12, 2021

Bug Fixes

Core Aim Lab

Fixed – Enemy weapon volume not working for rockets
Fixed – Hordeshot Standard task video fails to load in task ESC menu
Fixed – Econ Rating wasn’t being calculated correctly in the VALORANT Profile
Fixed – Slideout Menu recently played tasks failed to load descriptions and videos
Fixed – Slideout menu recently played is empty and not populating
Fixed – Saving settings before the task begins causes it to apply ADS sensitivity for a split second (only if hipfire and ads have same fov)
Fixed – All weapons are called “9mm” in the task end screen of all core tasks (Combine and Core)
Fixed – Burstflick – Second target occasionally spawns and immediately despawns
Fixed – Slider overlay was missing on widescreen
Fixed – Creator Studio tasks in a playlist kept the names they had when the playlist was created, rather than the current name of the task (If updated)
Fixed – Selected Display didn’t have a tooltip
Fixed – My Valorant Profile Recommended Task always showed spidershot icon
Fixed – Account recovery; clicking in and out of the field gives invalid email error
Fixed – Any Non Aimlab video opened aimlab steam folder
Fixed – ESC Menu visuals tab default is caused settings to go dark
Fixed – Editing a custom weapon will default the model and stat values to 9mm
Fixed – Connorball Gridshot applied 100T Blaster to Game Specific tasks
Fixed – Last arm skin used will apply to next tasks regardless of the setting
Fixed – Playlists using a task that has been duplicated via “SaveAs” use the steamPublishID of the initial task
Fixed – The first time you upload a custom crosshair, the custom crosshair selection dropdown selected the image above the image you selected
Fixed – Some task results screen circle graph text overlaps percentage bubbles
Fixed – Playing suggested task pulls the weapon used from the previous task
Fixed – Some outdated CS bots caused a spam of “Unhandled key _ES3Ref” errors in console which cause stuttering
Fixed – Forgot password allows non-existent e-mail
Fixed – Aim Lab version is missing from user reports unless they play a task
Fixed – Circleshot Custom targets don’t register shots
Fixed – Search function subscribes to unowned scenarios, but can not play them without a game restart.
Fixed – Favorite a task heart icon was not symmetrical or rounded
Fixed – Task settings selection menu dropdown arrows not identical and aligned.
Fixed – Home screen hairline graphics issue at top when in fullscreen exclusive mode
Fixed – Logging out doesn’t autofill email even with ‘Remember me’ checked
Fixed – Save Icon had a square box
Fixed – Freeze when clicking on the “playlist” button in the Training tab
Fixed – Delete button on playlists takes multiple clicks

Creator Studio

Fixed – Change height feature would sometimes raise terrain with lower checked
Fixed – Pulse-Rifle had a much higher fire rate in CS
Fixed – Debug Messages: Fast Restart hotkey causes “What is destroying this live bot?” errors
Fixed – Alpha value was set to “0” for all objects with custom color
Fixed – Objects in the Shapes category had a broken color, also max transparency when first placed is active until the object is interacted with in by any of the tools or the level is reloaded.
Fixed – If “Use Player Custom Graybox Settings” is checked on an object, then unchecked, the users graybox texture was applied to the object until the level is loaded
Fixed – If Hipfire and ADS have the same FOV, it would apply ADS sensitivity for a split second when the task begins
Fixed – Behaviours were completely nonfunctional in play scene
Fixed – The restart button in the CS Result Screen warns the user that “all progress will be lost”
Fixed – Favoriting workshop scenarios added Connor Ball Gridshot to favorites
Fixed – Bots appear to be vibrating while doing long strafes

Download Aim Lab patch 0.95.3 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.