Aim Lab Update 0.95.2 Patch Notes (Official) – Sep 28, 2021

Aim Lab update 0.95.2 (Sep 28, 2021) is now available to download on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One. According to the official Aim Lab patch notes, the latest update added brings various improvements and fixes.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Aim Lab patch 0.95.2 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Aim Lab Patch Notes – Sep 28, 2021

Hello World!

Our Login screen has had a bit of a rework – You should now find a much sleeker background, updated fields, and of course – Everything is satisfyingly centered.

Perfectly balanced – As all things should be

Playlist Improvements

A good playlist is the backbone of any long-term training routine – And you, our amazing community, have been hard at work making them!

With over 11,000 playlists available on our workshop, we thought it high time that we give them the same love that you have!

Favorite Playlists
Everyone has their favorites – Maybe you prefer Tenz’s training routine, or if you’re looking for something a little more specific, maybe the Splitgate routine from Voltaic, or the Warzone routine from Strahfe and Revosect?

Well, now you’ll be able to get to the playlists you love that bit faster – Favourite playlists will allow you to set aside the ones you love so that you’ll always have access to them!

Improved auto-update for scenarios
Some of you that use Creator Studio Scenarios in your playlists may have noticed recently that sometimes, the tasks you update may not change properly in your playlists.

Well, we’ve not only fixed that, but we have improved the overall performance of downloading and updating scenarios from within playlists! Your playlists should not work much better across the board!

Confirmation when changing weapons
Imagine a scenario – You’ve spent your time putting together your perfect playlist, with all of tasks you want, and need, for your training routine, and you’re just about to save the task – But your finger slips, and you’ve accidentally clicked to change all of the perfectly tuned weapons you had to the Orb.

Now, in the past, you’d have had two options – Either become a Zenyatta main, or take the time to go back through your whole playlist and change everything back to how you wanted it.

QOL Changes
Last but not least – Some smaller changes that should nevertheless make the playlist screen feel a little more complete and less cluttered.

Now when you select a category, either saved playlists or create new playlist, that category will be highlighted to help you identify, at a glance, where you are – And when creating a new playlist, the “Practice only” checkbox has been removed as to avoid any confusion.


Those of you on laptops or older tech might have noticed some higher than average RAM utilization when in certain screens of Aim Lab – Well, good news!

Loading Screen Overhaul

Loading screens are an unfortunate reality of games – Until we’re all on quantum computers with atomized NVME drives, at least. But that doesn’t mean they have to be a waste of space.

Now when you boot up any task, instead of the same old video and trivia, you’ll instead see your Average and High scores in that task, backgrounded by some of the Creator Studio creations made by our amazing community – as well as a leaderboard showing the top 10 on that leaderboard for that week. No more will you need to go through your stats to find how you last played, or wait until the end of the task to see who’s the one to beat.

Quality of Life improvements

Nobody likes wasting time – Or having to go the long way round to get stuff done. So we wanted to make sure that we are doing all we can to make it as easy as possible for you to get set up and ready to train!

Display Selection
Those of you that switch your displays around often, or that use multiple screens, have probably noticed that Aim Lab hasn’t really had much in the way of support for this for a little while now – Well, we’ve heard you!

You will now be able to set your Display monitor both during set up, and at any time in your Graphics options! This new option will automatically adjust your resolution, aspect ratio and refresh rate to the maximum setting the monitor you have selected is capable of.

Ranking Calculation Fix
Our new ranking system implemented a little while back now, had components in place to ensure that you would only ever rank up, not down, after playing your first 5 tasks – As some of you rightly noticed, this was not working as intended.

We’ve managed to track down the issue and have put in a fix for it this update – Thank you to the extremely helpful user that took their time to help us diagnose and confirm this issue!

New Creator Studio Map – Consulate

If you’ve played the Siege Defender Combine, you’ve likely seen the new Consulate map environment used in these tasks – Well, with the other maps already in Creator Studio, it would only be fitting to make sure that our creators have access to it too!

The Consulate Template is now available to all creators as a map template in Creator Studio!

Featured Content Update

Check out this week’s feature content – Including a new Apex Legends playlist by Dazs!


Dazs’ Apex Fundamentals

This Apex Legends Fundamentals playlist contains 7 diverse, unique scenarios designed by Dazs to help you improve at Apex Legends
Each scenario in this playlist will help you to master your precision, speed, tracking and ability to read targets in Apex.

Aim Lab 50k Skills Challenge – Tournament Edition

Play like a Champion – See how you stack up against the challengers and champions that competed in the Skills Challenge!

Pengu’s Siege Warmup

The only way to get ice cold aim is to train like a penguin, after all

Valorant Reflex Microflick
Tikkalla’s Valorant Vertical Peeks
2T Horizontalish
Revolving Tracking

Bug Fixes

Core Aim Lab

Addressed downloaded Scenarios using a task render image, rather than the creators thumbnail

Addressed the “Windowed” window type not being applied on startup

Addressed an issue that would lock the cursor to the screen while in windowed, when in a menu

Addressed downloaded recoil patterns not being able to be applied on Locally created custom weapons

Download Aim Lab patch 0.95.2 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.