Age of Wonders 4 Wolf Update 1.000.025 Patch Notes (Update 1.1)

The latest Age of Wonders 4 Wolf update 1.000.025 is now available for PS5, Xbox Series X/S. According to the official Age of Wonders 4 patch notes, the latest update addresses several immediate issues reported by players, including tweaks to world generation, fixes for rulers not transforming, and potential soft locks. Furthermore, the Age of Wonders 4 patch 1.000.025 also includes stability fixes.

Following its positive reviews upon release, players encountered several glitches, including a black screen, sprint bug, high temperature, and audio issues, after installing the Age of Wonders 4 day 1 patch. Today’s AOW 4 update 1.1 aims to fix some of these problems.

Here are more details about the update:

Age of Wonders 4 Wolf Update 1.000.025 Patch Notes – February 29, 2024

Game Version:

  • Added information about heroes being returned to their original owner on creating an alliance/vassalage between two rulers to the trade options and alliance encyclopedia entry.
  • Disabled the Increase Hero Cap button from showing in the Hero Recruit screen if the Hero Cap has not been reached.

Text & Descriptions

  • Updated the Barbarian Culture description to mention their new Savage Strike mechanic
  • Clarified that Inspiring Killer works on the unit that has the passive
  • Angelize – Renamed to Angelic Transformation
  • Naga Form – Renamed to Naga Transformation

  • Increased the map sizes of 2 player maps.
  • Improved Player placement on the Surface for 2 player maps.
  • Reduced the amount of Free Cities on smaller maps.
  • Reduced the amount of Mountains on Land maps.


  • Fixed an issue where the AI City production manager did not include all structures that the AI can build.
  • This also addresses issues with AI not building Modded Structures
  • Fixed an issue where the AI could get stuck on trying to attack a quest army.


  • Fixed missing Skin Decoration types for Lizardkin Army Customisation
  • Removed a Clipping Wizard King Helmet option for Lupine & Goatkin
  • Artica now wields a lightning orb in her model and her tooltip

Units & Animations

  • Fixed Visual issues with Eagle Mounts
  • Fixed an issue where Eagle Mounts would not descend to meet their Target
  • Fixed an issue with the Warbreed Animation when their Charge attack is canceled
  • Fixed an issue with Bolt Repeater Rotation while attacking
  • Fixed an issue where the Golden Golem was using the incorrect Attack Animation
  • Fixed an issue where Rulers with wings would animate them in the Diplomacy Screen
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Wings would not animate properly
  • Fixed an issue where hand placement on Crocodile Mounts wasn’t always correct
  • Fixed an issue where Skeleton Shield and Polearm units would not embark correctly

Enchantments & Transformations

  • Fixed several PFX appearing between a Unit’s legs
  • Fixed an issue where Animals with Empowered Beasts would not fit the Unit Icon
  • Fixed an issue where Units with Guided Projectiles would not show Burning PFX
  • Fixed an issue where the Linked Minds effect would not show when using Wightborn
  • Fixed an issue where Wightborn would apply a second set of Hair
  • Fixed an issue where Gaia’s Chosen would give all Units & Heroes the same hair
  • Fixed an issue where Wizard Kings would hold weapons in odd positions with Naga Transformation
  • Fixed visual issues with Naga Transformation during Water Combat
  • Fixed visual issues with IP Characters and Supergrowth
  • Fixed Double Tails for Goatkin with the Draconian Transformation


  • Fixed combat achievements triggering during the replay of an auto-combat
  • Fixed an issue where Once per Turn Passives would trigger once each time an ability is used
  • Fixed Mirror Mimic visuals breaking when Mimicking a Embarked unit


  • Fixed an issue where the Glacial Mammoth Primal Frenzy would give Charge Strike instead of Frenzy when in snow and ice terrain
  • Fixed an issue with Primal Unit Enchantments giving Aquatic Units the associated Land Movement


  • Fixed an issue where the AI would not always send out a Call to War.
  • Fixed an issue where an AI would sometimes not accept a Call to War, even if they or the player had already accepted a call to war in the same turn.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur upon completion of a Bounty that was accepted by multiple rulers


  • Fixed an issue where the Quest Completed Story Events would not trigger and result in a soft-lock
  • Fixed an issue where the Primal Culture introduction quest would not appear if you started in the underground.
  • Fixed an issue where several Events could trigger for Reavers when they shouldn’t
  • Fixed an issue where low units such as the Slither Hatchling would not show properly in Events
  • Fixed an issue with odd/improper lighting in the Event Scenes

Story Realms

  • Nimue no longer has talking magelock cannons
  • Fixed issue where in story realms the racial units of the other rulers would not get the same transformations as their ruler

Free Cities

  • Fixed an issue where the Masters of Creation Upgrade Set would not provide the +6 Materium Affinity Hero Trait
  • Fixed an issue where targeting Rulers through War Coordination would show their Throne City Location on the World Map while not having discovered it


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the player ended their turn with the “Wizard Tower: Room of Recall” set to dismantle in one turn and the spell casting interface of the spell “Recall Ruler” open.
  • Fixed an issue where the Active Spells could be interacted with while showing the World Map
  • Fixed an issue where the Faction Meet event would not appear if the Encyclopedia was opened first
  • Fixed an issue where a Presence trait lord’s combat advantage could be modified
  • Fixed an issue where a incorrect Banner Icon would appear on Player Slots
  • Fixed various text clipping issues in various languages
  • Fixed some issues with the ascension trait list in the ascension screen
  • Fixed a niche bug in the research screen
  • Fixed an issue where the radial menu would not close when switching back to mouse and keyboard
  • Fixed a crash when hovering over units in a tooltip while being in tactical combat
  • Fixed an issue where editing a Pantheon Ruler would remove their Transformation in the Loading Screen
  • Fixed an issue where Feywater Pond would not show the lines for Adjacency Bonuses
  • Fixed an issue where Transformations & Enchantments from Subraces would appear in the Spell List
  • Fixed an issue where certain Transformations such as Spawnkin would not hide correctly when applied to Rulers
  • Fixed an issue where Ascended Transformations would not show in the Spellbook until a refresh triggered
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Tooltip appeared while closing
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Army was removed/killed while the Excavation Interface was open

Descriptions & Text

  • Fixed an issue where there would be an empty trade requirement in the “You become overlord” trade option.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect text would appear when founding a City from an Outpost
  • Fixed an issue where there was a empty preview on the Purging Arrows ability
  • Fixed an issue where a Debug string was visible in Forged Items during Manual Combat
  • Fixed an issue where the full Treaty name would not show in the Tooltip for Breaking a Treaty
  • Fixed several text issues in the Finalize Tab of Faction Creation
  • Fixed a typo in the Marked for Death Spell


  • Fixed an issue where blocked Factions could be selected on Presence Trait Maps
  • Fixed an issue where the Encyclopedia was not accessible with the controller
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for “Realm Trait” would remain behind when scrolling the “Realm Overview”

Item Forge

  • Fixed an issue with Infusion: Push Back where it would push targets to a random adjacent hex.
  • Fixed an issue with Infusion: Retaliation where it would not use the correct name and description.
  • Fixed an issue with Infusion: Area Damage – Line where it did not correctly uses a 3 hex line
  • Fixed an issue with Infusion: Giant Slayer blocking any other Infusions when put on a Polearm.


  • Fixed an issue where the combat screen would not reopening after leaving a multiplayer game during combat replay
  • Fixed a common Out of Sync that could occur after hotjoining
  • Fixed an issue where a player in classic turns multiplayer would get the Pantheon XP screen before the Defeat Screen if defeated out of turn.
  • Fixed a Out of Sync when watching a Combat Replay in Classic Turns
  • Fixed a soft lock that could occur when watching a Combat Replay multiple times


  • Fixed an issue with Presence Traits that give Rulers additional Cities not using Cities of their own Race
  • Fixed an issue that caused some default Rulers to not replay the recorded Tome paths after ascension.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pantheon Points would not reflect the accurate amount of Pantheon Points given.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mount Visualisations would not unlock from all connected nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where Race Transformations would not apply to Rulers


Astral Convergence

  • Fixed an issue where Explosive Manifestation could not be cast in Water Combat.

Chaos channeling

  • Fixed an issue where Golden Horde would not count as a Hostile Action
  • Fixed an issue where Golden Horde would not have a Summon PFX


  • Fixed an issue where the increased damage from Purging Arrows wasn’t working on single attacks


  • Overcharged now triggers at the end of repeating attacks
  • Overcharge cannot be cast on constructs that are already overcharged


  • Fixed an issue with the Bolstering Matrix granting its bonus twice when using Inspiring Chant to units with Zeal.


  • Fixed an issue where Greater Reanimation would not work on non-undead enemy units.

World Map

  • Fixed an issue where Underground spawning would not take the surface player’s position into account properly on a 2 player map.
  • Fixed an issue where Terraforming Spells would not work on provinces with Small Mountains/Habitable Mountain Provinces
  • Fixed an issue where Primal Animals would wrongly appearing in some Maps
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while the City Interface was open as a Outpost turned into a City
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the IncomeResource Manager when loading in save
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting a province being razed
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a besieged city was sniped

To enjoy a better gaming experience, download the free Age of Wonders 4 patch 1.1 for your PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.